
How to send for compulsory treatment for alcoholism?

Alcoholism is a disease that progresses and can appear even in childhood. According to some reports, about 30% of deaths in Russia occur precisely because of drunkenness, and this figure applies only to the male part of the population. Among women, this percentage is slightly lower and amounts to approximately 17%. According to these data, a very unsightly picture emerges. It turns out that during the year the country loses about 500 thousand of the population.

Not only the alcoholic himself suffers from alcoholism, but everyone around him. At the legislative level, regulatory acts are periodically adopted to limit sales of alcoholic beverages, but there is no result. Therefore, at some point, the relatives decide to send the “patient” for compulsory treatment. By the way, this can be done not only by relatives, but also by neighbors and colleagues.

A bit of history

Compulsory treatment of alcoholism is a medical and labor preventive measure that existed in our country from 1974 to 1994, many people underwent such a course of treatment. However, when Boris Yeltsin came to power, the measure was abolished.

This is not to say that many people got rid of alcohol addiction, but still there were precedents. The main disadvantage of this treatment was that after its completion the alcoholics did not receive psychological assistance. As a result, upon returning to a normal environment, a person began to drink again.

Addiction to alcoholism

Modern realities

At present, compulsory treatment of alcoholism in Russia is quite possible. Although relatives and relatives will have to adhere to all the provisions of the current legislation, as forcibly holding a person in a medical institution, and even more so, carrying out any medical actions is prohibited. On the other hand, alcoholism is not a disease in which forced treatment is indicated. However, mental disorders that can be observed in alcoholics - this is a good reason for placing a person in a medical institution.

How to determine that the moment has come?

How to send for compulsory treatment for alcoholism and understand that the moment has come when a person is not able to cope with the problem on his own? It is very simple to determine this by observing the alcoholic and his behavior. Signs on the basis of which it can be said that a person is a threat to himself and he has a severe mental disorder:

  • he has suicidal thoughts, or he has already made attempts to commit suicide;
  • the alcoholic is aggressive, and there is a real threat that he will harm relatives and others;
  • the patient has hallucinations and a delusional state;
  • there is a rejection of basic care for oneself and appearance, a person does not even want to serve himself in everyday life.
Alcoholism treatment

Criminal Code

At the level of regulatory acts, there are restrictions on the compulsory treatment of alcoholism, however, even from this rule there are exceptions that are stipulated in Articles 97-104 of the Criminal Code. In particular, coercion to treatment is possible if a person is in a state of insanity and at the same time has committed a socially dangerous act or a criminal offense.

No center for the treatment of alcoholics and drug addicts will not take a person for treatment without a court decision. Therefore, no police in this case will not help and will not be sent to be treated for an alcohol dependent person; you will have to go to court without fail.

But the provisions of this article concern only those situations when an alcoholic committed a crime while intoxicated. And it is on this basis that the judge decides on the need for compulsory treatment.

Other legislative acts

The law of the Russian Federation 3185-1 stipulates that involuntary hospitalization can be carried out if a person has severe mental disorders. According to the provisions of the same law, a person is forcibly placed in a psychiatric clinic, if it is impossible to conduct his examination in other conditions.

It is possible that in the foreseeable future there will be a law allowing us to understand whether there is a compulsory treatment for alcoholism in our country. Such a bill is under consideration in the Duma and involves the referral of the patient to the clinic if he committed 2 administrative offenses in a year, and also defines the terms and procedure for such treatment.

To date, there are several options for compulsory treatment:

  • outpatient or inpatient facilities;
  • treatment in a specialized hospital;
  • hospital with intensive surveillance.
How to cure an alcoholic?

How does this happen?

Another ordinary person is interested in another question: how to implement the norms of the law and send a relative for treatment?

There are two ways to place an alcoholic on treatment:

  • go to court and get a positive decision;
  • call a psychiatric team in case of exacerbation of symptoms of a severe mental disorder in an alcoholic.

In the second case, in parallel with calling the doctors, it is necessary to call the police so that they record the fact that the patient carries a real threat to himself or others. This is especially important if the psychiatric team refuses forced hospitalization, but the police report will be another evidence in court.

By the way, in the future, after the compulsory treatment of a patient with alcoholism, this patient will have to undergo a medical examination every 6 months, especially if he was placed in a medical institution on the basis of criminal proceedings. In other cases, the initiators of the survey may be relatives.

Forced treatment for alcoholism

Statement to court

Relatives, relatives, neighbors, colleagues, and any interested persons may apply to the court with a statement. However, the statement cannot be based on the arguments of the plaintiff - only bare facts confirmed by medical certificates, conclusions, reports from the police, from other organizations. Evidence should confirm that a particular person is a threat to himself and others, is asocial and dangerous, aggressive and insane. Simply put, a statement about compulsory treatment for alcoholism should give a complete picture of a person’s condition and the need for his treatment.

In light of this, relatives and friends of a sick person should call the police and ambulance for every “inadequacy”. You should make video and photo fixation of all unpleasant incidents with an alcoholic. Invite not only relatives, but also neighbors, colleagues. As a rule, the testimony of relatives is treated as a subjective opinion, therefore it is better that the fact of alcoholism is confirmed by completely strangers, that is, not interested.

The more confirmed facts of a person’s inadequacy, the more likely it is to convince the court of the need for compulsory treatment of citizen alcoholism. Be sure to bring a local police officer to the conflict. The representative of law enforcement agencies must record the fact of aggression in the act, which will be excess evidence in court.

A sufficiently effective way to influence the court decision is to apply with a collective statement, let the neighbors sign it.The most serious evidence is the conclusion of a forensic medical examination, from which it will flow that the person is mentally unhealthy. If there is no such conclusion, then in court you can petition for an examination.

Alcohol addiction

Other options for going to court

There is another option: you can contact a psychiatric institution with a written request for compulsory treatment for alcoholism. And the medical institution itself has the right to go to court. The main thing is that the statement indicates good reasons for the treatment. But this is possible if the addicted person ended up in a psychiatric hospital.

You should be aware that before going to court a sick person does not need to be previously recognized legally incompetent.

There are situations that a psychiatric team still takes the alcoholic to the hospital, in which case the administration of the medical institution is also entitled to go to court and initiate compulsory treatment for alcoholism by court order.

How to treat

Treatment disadvantages

If a positive court decision was reached, then relatives and friends can breathe a sigh of relief. At the same time, this method has some disadvantages:

  • First of all, it is impossible to recover from alcohol dependence only under duress. Until the person himself realizes that he is sick, nothing will help him. Upon returning home, he still will not be able to socialize.
  • It must be understood that a person undergoing a compulsory course of treatment has a very high risk of relapse.
  • It is very important that during treatment, doctors manage to find out the reason why a person began to drink, and bring it to him. If an alcoholic understands and realizes it, then there is a huge chance for a true cure. But alas, this is rare.

What is intervention?

It is clear that you can send a loved one for compulsory treatment of alcoholism, but still medicine does not stand still and offers alternative methods. Not so long ago, private clinics began to offer a new service - intervention for alcoholics. To start a wellness course, relatives should only go to the clinic and give consent to the treatment of their negligent relative. After that, doctors come to the alcoholic's home, the main thing is that he should not be warned about this.

The specialists of the center, as a rule, this is a psychologist, will conduct an unobtrusive conversation, which involves the use of elements of hypnosis. According to statistics, 99% of the patients with whom the conversation was conducted almost immediately agreed to undergo treatment and rehabilitation. By the way, this technique is also suitable for getting rid of drug addiction.

It is clear that the intervention is not an analogue of the free compulsory treatment of alcoholism, but involves payment and another approach to treatment tactics. In a private clinic, the body of an alcoholic will not only be taken out of intoxication, but also work with it psychologically, and this is the most important thing. Therefore, it is not recommended that relatives believe the next promises of an alcoholic, but urgently seek help - in a private clinic, psychiatric hospital, or court. The main thing is not to endure.

Quitting alcohol


Relatives of alcoholics must remember a few things:

  • A person who can be called an alcoholic is a person who systematically drinks alcohol and flatly refuses to be treated.
  • Under the law, compulsory treatment for alcoholism is possible only by the judge’s decision.
  • To obtain a positive court decision, it is better to have a medical examination report in hand. Although there is a risk that the judge may not take into account the arguments of the expert, this is rarely the case.

But most importantly, do not leave a loved one in trouble and remember that alcoholism is a disease, therefore, it can be cured.

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