
How to survive the dismissal from work: the advice of a psychologist. Reasons for dismissal from work

In this article we will talk about how to survive the dismissal from work. Almost every person faced this problem at least once in a lifetime. And dealing with this is not always easy, especially if you liked the work and you put a lot of effort into it. Complicating matters may be approaching retirement age. So what to do and how not to allow yourself to give up?

how to survive a dismissal from work

Reasons for dismissal from work

We list those specialists who may be at risk:

  • Workers who are satisfied with what has been achieved, who do not improve their skills, do not improve their skills.
  • The results of the employee’s activity were not seen by anyone.
  • People who believe that they do not depend on anyone.
  • Workers surrounding themselves with henchmen and ignoring constructive criticism.
  • People who do not get along well with colleagues.
  • Those who refuse to mention their career achievements.

The consequences of dismissal

What can you expect if you were fired from work? The first thing you will experience is shock and stress. The familiar world around a person collapses, acquaintances remain in the past, self-esteem drops sharply. Often, a large number of layoffs occurs in crisis situations, during a period when the authorities seek to leave only the most valuable and promising employees. And this leads to the fact that a person who has fallen into such a situation begins to get into his head thoughts that he is the worst, is unable to achieve anything in life, etc.

You can not get hung up on this, you need to distract from gloomy thoughts. Think that everything is relative, because someone is better in one, someone in the other. Do not forget that this failure can be the beginning of something new.

And now in more detail we will analyze two excellent ways to cope with depression and start looking for a new job.

First way

Got fired

How to survive the stress of dismissal? Psychologists have long proved that the emotional state of a dismissed person is comparable to those feelings that people experience after infidelity or divorce. Therefore, the consequences, especially for those with a weak psyche, can be most severe, starting with depression and insomnia, ending with nervous breakdowns. In order to survive the dismissal and maintain health, you need to follow the tips that we will present below.

Where to begin? Step one

How to survive the dismissal from work? First you need to go through the main stages of stress, which are four:

  • The phase of denial. A shock state when it is very difficult to realize what is happening around.
  • Phase of anger. The first emotion appears - aggression. A person is constantly in a state of irritation, angry at relatives and relatives, himself, fate, life.
  • Bargaining phase. Trying to get back to work by doing something meaningful. For example, bring a new customer or prepare a report.
  • Depression phase. A person realizes that all attempts to return are in vain.

Second step

We continue to describe the algorithm of how to survive the dismissal from work. So, we stopped at the stage of depression. You can not drive your negative emotions into yourself, you need to learn how to splash them out. To do this, choose the appropriate method. A gym is not bad for such a purpose. Exercise with a punching bag, imagining in its place a boss or ill-wisher, arrange a marathon race, splashing out aggression in motion.

In no case do not guard against loved ones. Tell your friends about your experiences. After speaking, it will become much easier.Gradually, the circumstances of the dismissal will begin to be remembered less and less clearly, and emotions will dull.

Third step

fired from work what to do

Remember, if you were fired from work, this is not the end of the world, because life goes on. However, the negative stages of stress can drag on for several weeks. Do not let them stay with you for long. You can use a special psychological technique, which is called "Alarm Clock". Mentally, you need to "start" the internal clock for some day. When the “alarm rings”, take action.

If you managed to survive the phase of negative emotions, then get ready for the stage of acceptance. During this period, you can analyze your behavior and understand what caused the dismissal. This will make it possible to comprehend what is happening and help begin to act further.

You need to make a list of those positive aspects that the dismissal brought to your life. For example, you got rid of the nit-picking of the boss or the suckers of colleagues.

Fourth step

You were fired from work. What to do? Avoid emotions and analyze the recorded reasons for dismissal point by point. Do not take seriously such aspects as crisis, downsizing, harmful boss, etc. Be honest with yourself, and you may realize that you have long been unconsciously wanting to quit this job.

Then think about which profession is closer to you and what you really would like to do. On a piece of paper write down the knowledge and skills that are required for the selected work. Mark those skills that you don’t have and start filling in the gaps in education.

Fifth step

reasons for dismissal from work

There are many ways to survive the dismissal. The advice of the psychologist convinces me of one thing - as soon as the stress has passed and it became clear what you want next, you need to start searching for a new job. And here you can not be limited to one way. You need to use everything possible - ads, websites, acquaintances, employment services, etc.

During your searches, try to keep that daily routine that was before the dismissal - watch, have breakfast and dinner, do business at the same time. This will help keep yourself in good shape and not relax. Treat your search for a new duty station as an exam.

The second way: do not forget about the formalities

Let's consider one more variant of how to survive dismissal from work. Depression is possible in any case. However, you can turn your attention a little to the formal side of things.

After the first emotional shock, thoughts will begin to appear that the dismissal will ruin your work book and put an end to your career. You need to immediately drive away these ideas. Do not try on the role of the petitioner and do not tremble in front of the director. You still have nothing more to lose, so try to figure it out. Be sure to find out the reason for the dismissal. Do not forget about your rights and labor laws. You cannot be put on the threshold without a livelihood. Do not let the employer cash in on this either.

Be sure to control your emotions. Do not let self-pity take over, try to stay calm. During conversations with management do not threaten and do not get personal. The discussion should be conducted strictly in business language. Study in advance TC (dismissal and everything related to it, in particular) and select the paragraphs of the law to which you will refer. Behave with dignity. Poor relations with a former employer can complicate the search for a new place, as superiors may refuse to give recommendations.

maybe dismissal

Do not treat dismissal as a failure of your whole life. Try to take this as an opportunity to start all over again. In addition, in the old place you acquired certain skills and experience that will be useful in later life.


How to survive the retirement of a pensioner? After all, people of this age are more vulnerable in a similar situation. Often, retirees give the company a lot of energy and stick to it with all their heart.For them, work has long become an integral and very important part of life. Therefore, it is much more difficult for them to cope with depression.

You retired from work after retirement? What to do? Usually, retirees have many friends in the service. Do not forget about them and fenced off. Supporting loved ones can help. Remember that retirement is a great opportunity to live for your own pleasure. You have a lot of time that you can spend on yourself and your hobbies - walk more often, find yourself a hobby.

Psychologist's advice for pensioners and people near retirement age

how to survive the stress of dismissal

The worst thing is to lose a place to those who have very little left before retirement. The reasons for dismissal from work may be different, but you need to ensure that they are legal.

By this time, people have accumulated vast experience, brought their skills to perfection and are well versed in their field, but employers prefer to hire young people. It is especially difficult for women in this situation.

At an older age, they no longer think about what area they want to work in, since everything has already been decided and it’s too late to change anything. It is necessary to analyze your skills and knowledge, and then determine the industry where they can be most in demand. You can find a suitable vacancy with the help of neighbors, acquaintances, and even former colleagues. The latter are especially valuable in this regard, as they continue to spin in the right professional circles.

You need to pay attention to your appearance. At the interview, you should stay friendly and confident. In this case, you need to be prepared for failure. You can hear “no” many times, so there is no need to despair and fall into spleen. Try not to lose your fighting spirit and do not forget about the power of persuasion.

Today, the main requirement for a potential employee is the ability to work on a computer. Therefore, you will have to master this skill if you are applying for a good position.

TK: dismissal. The legislative framework

how to survive the dismissal advice of a psychologist

Any dismissal should be based on article 80 of the labor code of the Russian Federation. Be sure to read this law and read all the amendments that have been made to it.

If the case is complex, then it is worthwhile to turn to a lawyer. You must make sure that everything happens according to the law and the boss does not try to deceive you without paying the required compensation. In a stressful situation, people rarely think about the legal side of things, as they are in a phase of denial or anger. And when emotions become dull, then demanding something is too late. If you yourself cannot deal with the legislative intricacies, contact your loved ones for help.

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Reason for complaint
I once quit myself, because relations with the team did not work out .. but still very worried about this. To calm down, I drank glycine forte (Evalar) and brewed herbal preparations. Now I do not regret my decision, since I found a job much better)


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