
How to prepare for the flood: supplies, defense, precautions

One of the worst disasters, according to many people, is the flood. It is almost impossible to resist it - nature itself is as if taking up arms against man. However, by taking certain measures in advance, it is possible to significantly reduce the risk to life, to survive such a disaster with comparative comfort. To do this, you need to know how to prepare for the flood.

Supplies needed

First of all, you need to have at home a certain minimum of supplies. After all, a flood can erode or block roads, demolish bridges, and destroy infrastructure. As a result, the stores will stop working, or it will be impossible to reach them.

Stock for a rainy day

Therefore, the most important point in solving the problem of how to prepare for the flood is the availability of supplies.

First you need to stock up on regular foods. It is advisable to be stored for a long time - stew, cereals, pasta. They cost relatively little, and a small box is able to accommodate everything necessary for a family of 4-5 people to eat hearty and varied for several days.

It is also worth taking care of the water. Perhaps this is even more important than storing food. After all, certain food stocks are in every home. But most people are used to getting water from a tap or well. But in the event of a flood, water from the wells cannot be drunk (dirt can get there), and water intakes or water supply can be destroyed. Therefore, make sure that there is a supply of water at home - at least 10 liters per family member. This is enough to last five days - usually this is enough for rescuers and repairmen to solve the problem.

Finally, do not forget about cash. More and more people in our country prefer to use cards when going to the store. But when the power is cut off, the terminals will stop working. And no matter how much money is in the bank account - even buying a loaf of bread without cash will not work. So, having at least a few thousand rubles in cash will be very useful.

Do not forget about insurance

Talking about how to prepare for the flood, it is worth mentioning briefly about insurance. After all, streams of water may well damage the car or even wash, destroy the house. Hoping for good luck, a person can stay on the street, like his whole family. It is not known whether it will be possible to get help from the state, how much time will be spent on it.

Insurance will not hurt

So, flood insurance will never be superfluous. The annual contribution for it is relatively small - it certainly won’t hit the family budget too much. But, having such insurance, you can sleep peacefully, just knowing that in case of emergency there will be money to repair housing or even build a new one.

Take care of the four-legged pets

Everyone should know how to deal with a flood. But pets, alas, do not possess such information and are completely dependent on the owners.

If a dog or cat lives on the street or spends a lot of time there (especially in private homes), try to get them home - this can save their health and even life. Streams may well wash off a small cat or drown a dog tied near a kennel.

Save the pets!

Flooding is a terrible blow to familiar well-being, and if grief from the death of your favorite pets is added to it, the situation will become even more difficult and sad (especially if there are children in the family). If you want to know more about flood survival, be sure to include pets on the list.

Normal security

As you know, water entering electrical appliances or a cable causes a short circuit and a power outage. But it will be much worse if some wire falls into the water that flooded the house when a person is standing on the floor - a shock by current is ensured. To avoid this, at the first sign of flooding at home, be sure to turn off the power to the network - unscrew the plugs or turn off the "bag" in the electrical panel.

Shotgun guarding your family

Alas, while some people are thinking about how to prepare for the flood, others are counting on it to "catch fish in troubled waters." Yes, there are frequent cases of looting and outright attacks on the homes of wealthy people during such situations. You should also be prepared for this. It is advisable that in such a case there is a weapon at home, as well as people who can handle it. Prepare a weapon, tell your loved ones how to use it in an emergency. There are quite common cases when a regular shot into the air frightens off the robbers, providing safety to the inhabitants of the sunken house.

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