
How to confirm your identity on the "State Services": all methods

"Government services" - a portal of the electronic government of the Russian Federation. Here, users can draw up a variety of documents and manuals, check taxes and pay duties. Just to start, you will have to activate the questionnaire. Next, we’ll try to find out how to verify your identity with the State Services. What difficulties can citizens face? And how long to wait for the completion of the process?

What is "public services"

How to confirm your identity on the "State Services"? First you need to figure out which site you have to deal with.

Registration and confirmation of the questionnaire on state services

"Government services" - the site of electronic government. Here the user can register, and then receive a variety of services of the state and municipal type without interruption from everyday affairs.

For example, at ESIA you can:

  • apply for a passport;
  • check taxes;
  • pay for utilities;
  • enroll a child in a kindergarten or school;
  • make money for a particular service in the form of a fee;
  • request benefits;
  • draw up a series of civil documents.

It is very convenient! This service is finalized annually, expanding its functionality. Only citizens from time to time think about how to verify their identity at the State Services.

Why activate a profile

But why do this at all? Is it really impossible to work with ESIA without an identity confirmation?

Why do you need activation of public services

It is possible, but then a limited range of public services will be available to the citizen. For example, it will be possible to check tax arrears and make an appointment with a doctor. But if you need to request a passport, you have to think about activating your account. How to verify your identity at the State Services? This is an extremely important point!

Accordingly, until a citizen has an identity, he can forget about most electronic services. This phenomenon can cause a lot of problems in the future.

Ways to solve the problem

Where to confirm the identity for "State services"? It is problematic to give a definite answer to a similar question. The thing is that coping with the task is proposed in different ways. Everyone decides which arrangement seems more convenient and simple to him.

Today, you can activate your account at ESIA:

  • by digital signature;
  • by ordering a code by mail;
  • by personal appeal to the Center for public services.

The last trick is in greatest demand. It is the least troublesome. Nevertheless, further we will consider all the proposed methods for activating questionnaires on ESIA.

Ways to confirm your profile on ESIA

We go to the Service Center

Where do they confirm their identity for the Gosuslug portal? The thing is that in Russia special Population Service Centers were created on issues related to e-government. It is in them that you can contact to activate accounts.

Instructions for activating the profile are as follows:

  1. Collect a specific package of documents. We will dwell on it in more detail later.
  2. Find the nearest Service Center, and then contact the appropriate organization.
  3. Submit an application for confirmation of the application for ESIA.
  4. Get activation code.
  5. Go to the "State Services" and in the "My Account" in the designated window to indicate the received secret combination.
  6. Click on the "Activate" button.
  7. Wait until the authorities verify the data.

It is done. This method, as already mentioned, is very popular. It takes the least time and effort. No way to confirm your identity on ESIA does not require any costs. This is a free service.

Where to confirm the profile from State services

About Service Centers

Where to confirm the identity for "State services"? As already mentioned, such services are provided at the Public Service Centers. But what kind of organizations are they?

As a rule, this is the name of the departments of various companies and government agencies where you can apply for ESIA activation. Typically, these services are:

  • large telecom operators;
  • Internet service providers
  • multifunctional centers;
  • single window services;
  • tax authorities.

A more accurate list of Citizen Service Centers, as well as their location can be found directly on the "State Services". To do this, you must first indicate your place of residence.

Via mail

How to confirm your identity on the "State Services"? The next scenario is the appeal to the help of postal services. Such a reception takes much more time than a personal appeal to the Service Centers. Nevertheless, sometimes such a solution helps to activate the profile on ESIA.

How to activate a profile on the ESIA State Services

To verify your identity through postal services, you will need:

  1. Go to your pre-registered profile on "State services".
  2. Open the "My Account" section.
  3. Click on the line that says "Get the code by mail."
  4. Indicate the delivery address.
  5. Confirm the operation.
  6. Get your hands on an envelope with a code.
  7. Indicate the appropriate combination in the "My Account" in the designated field.

You can end this active action. Now it remains to wait a bit. If a citizen incorrectly indicated his address, a second request for activation can be made only after a month.

Digital signature

How to confirm your identity on the "State Services"? You can quickly cope with this task by personal appeal to the Public Service Centers. But there is another rather interesting trick. It is about working with an electronic digital signature. Such an approach to solving the problem is not in great demand, but some may consider it to be the fastest and easiest.

Instructions for the implementation of the task are as follows:

  1. Get an electronic digital signature on a special medium.
  2. Connect the digital signature to the PC.
  3. Open "Public services" and in the activation methods indicate "Using a digital signature."
  4. Follow the instructions on the screen. They will tell you in detail how to connect the digital signature correctly.
  5. Confirm the operation.

If the data on electronic media and in the profile registered at ESIA "Government Services" match, the profile will automatically be assigned the status of "Confirmed". Very convenient, but only for those who have prepared an electronic digital signature in advance.

Documents for the operation

How to confirm your identity on the "State Services"? The answer to such a question will no longer put a person in an awkward position. And what documents are useful for a personal visit to the Citizen Service Centers?

This process will not require anything special. Citizen needs to prepare:

  • identification;
  • TIN certificate;
  • pension insurance certificate.

An application for profile activation will be issued directly when a person contacts the relevant organization. There is nothing incomprehensible or difficult to understand in the procedures described.

Verified Profile on Government Services

How much to wait

Some are interested in how quickly the activation of an account on government services is carried out. In the case of an electronic digital signature, the operation takes only a few minutes.

If you personally contact the Service Centers, as a rule, you have to wait about 15 days. This time is spent on data verification by authorized bodies.

An activation code when ordering by mail arrives within two weeks. And about the same amount is spent on checking the user profile. These are just guidelines, not accurate data. That is why it is recommended to activate the profiles on ESIA immediately after registration or a month before the intended use.


Now it’s clear how you can confirm your identity at the State Services.The addresses of the nearest Service Centers are proposed to be viewed in the "My Account" section of the "Other Activation Methods" - "Personal Contact".

There should no longer be any problems with confirming your identity at the ESIA "State Services". The main thing is to have patience and carry out the studied operation in advance.

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