
How to get the cadastral certificate of the premises?

Real estate transactions in Russia raise many questions. All of them are accompanied by paperwork. Property owners often think about how to issue a cadastral passport of a room. We have to disclose the answer to this question further.

Order of USRN statement on the Internet


What is the cadastral certificate of the premises?

This is a document that should be with all property owners. It contains the most complete information about the object.

In the passport from the inventory you can see:

  • location address of the premises;
  • information on property rights;
  • date of registration of property in Rosreestr;
  • number of storeys and type of building in which the room is located;
  • number of rooms;
  • visual drawing of property;
  • cadastral number of the room;
  • property value by cadastre.

All this information is not a secret. They are available in Rosreestr to all citizens. Nevertheless, to conduct transactions with property, you will need to obtain a passport from the real estate cadastre.

How long is the document

Almost every legally significant paper has a validity period. After it comes to an end, the document is considered invalid.

Obtaining a cadastral passport of property

The cadastral passport of the premises is valid indefinitely. The legislation of the Russian Federation does not establish any terms for the "life" of the studied paper. Nevertheless, before concluding a real estate transaction, a citizen is better off updating the documentation.

Ideally, the validity of a cadastral passport in Russia ceases when new information about the property is entered into the Rosreestr. For example, official redevelopment is carried out.

In addition, once every 5 years there is a revaluation of real estate. During it, a new cadastral value of the object appears in Rosreestr. Accordingly, the passport of the said type loses its validity.

Registration authorities

And where to go in order to arrange the document under study? Any citizen can receive a cadastral passport of the premises. True, if it has nothing to do with one or another object, the service may be denied.

Where to get the cadastral passport of the room? The relevant documentation today is issued in:

  • multifunctional centers;
  • Rosreestre.

Through the Internet, you can also request the mentioned certificate. For example, in this case, come to the rescue:

  • third-party resources;
  • portal "State services";
  • official page of Rosreestr.

On how to apply for a room passport from the real estate cadastre, we will describe further. This is pretty easy to do.

MFC and quarterly passport registration

Documents for request

To begin with, a citizen has to collect a certain package of documents. Without them, coping with the task will not work.

To request a cadastral passport of a dwelling or other real estate, you will need:

  • applicant's identity card;
  • application for a passport;
  • duty receipt.

In some cases, a citizen may be required to:

  • document on the basis of property rights to property;
  • power of attorney of the established form.

Legal entities may also request study documentation. In such circumstances, it is necessary to supplement the package of papers with constituent certificates of the organization.

All papers must be presented in the originals. Copies are not accepted by the registration authorities.

Get your passport yourself

Issuing a cadastral passport of non-residential premises or any housing is not difficult. It is enough to follow some instructions. They will help to minimize the likelihood of problems in the course of receiving the service.

Step-by-step to submit the process of registration of the cadastral passport of the premises can be as follows:

  1. Prepare a package of documents for receiving the service.
  2. Pay the fee for the document in the amounts established by law.
  3. Submit an application to the registration authority.
  4. Receive a receipt on acceptance of the application. It will indicate the date of receipt of the cadastral passport.
  5. At the appointed time, take your passport with you and get ready documentation.

And how to apply for a room passport via the Internet? For example, through the official website of Rosreestr?

Application to Rosreestr

Rosreestr, Internet and documents

This operation takes only a few minutes. The main thing is to choose which form of the document to order - electronic or paper.

Citizen for registration of the cadastral passport of the premises will need:

  1. Open the site rosreestr.ru in a browser.
  2. Go to the "Services".
  3. Select a service called "Getting information from the real estate cadastre."
  4. Indicate what type of certificate should be issued.
  5. Fill out the application in electronic form.
  6. Click on the "Submit Application" button.
  7. Follow the on-screen instructions to pay the transaction fee.
  8. Wait for an invitation to Rosreestr.
  9. Pick up the finished room passport from the registration authority.

If a citizen has issued an electronic extract from the real estate registry, he will simply need to receive a letter from Rosreestr by e-mail. It will be an electronic file. This is the cadastral passport of the property.


How much does the design of the studied paper cost? As we have already said, you will have to pay for the production of a cadastral passport of the premises. How many?

The state duty for the preparation of relevant certificates depends on many factors. Most often, the population pays:

  • 200 rubles - a paper certificate for individuals;
  • 150 rubles - an electronic analogue;
  • 600 rubles - a passport for legal entities;
  • 300 rubles - statement in electronic form.

It is allowed to deposit funds before receiving the service in any way possible. For example:

  • in person at the bank;
  • via internet banking;
  • through electronic wallets;
  • bank cards on the Internet;
  • Through payment terminals and ATMs.

How to deposit funds, each one decides independently. It is recommended to do this before submitting the application in the established form for receiving the studied documentation.

Rosreestra website

Clearance speed

How much time does it take to get a passport from Rosreestr for real estate?

The answer directly depends on the method of obtaining documentation. It is better to focus on the following data:

  • several hours - when submitting a request through third-party Internet services;
  • 2-3 days - registration in Rosreestr;
  • 5-10 days - request processing at the MFC or via the Internet.

In any case, you won’t have to wait long. The cadastral passport of a part of the premises or all property is issued very quickly. And the operation does not provide for any serious paperwork.

What is the statement used for?

Now it’s understood how to issue a room passport. We also figured out the size of the state duty.

Branch of Rosreestr

And for what specific purposes can a passport from Rosreestr to a real estate object come in handy? It is requested in the following situations:

  • sale of property;
  • real estate exchange;
  • settlement of property disputes;
  • redevelopment;
  • gift processing;
  • allocation of shares in the property;
  • inheritance of property.

It is necessary to issue a cadastral passport even for owners of new buildings. Otherwise, problems will arise with the disposal of property in the future.


Below is a sample cadastral certificate of the premises. Now it’s clear what this document looks like.

Sample cadastral passport

You may notice that there is no secret information in the certificate. Both the electronic statement and the paper will bear the seal of Rosreestr, as well as the head of the relevant body. Without these components, the documentation can be considered invalid.

About ordering on third-party services

An extract from the real estate cadastre can be issued in just a few minutes. It is enough to apply for specialized third-party services.For an additional fee, they offer to issue a cadastral passport urgently. The document is guaranteed by the signature of the head of the cadastral chamber and the stamp of the relevant organization.

To order an extract, it is enough to indicate the address of the property, as well as information about the customer. After that, the service is paid, and the electronic cadastral passport of the property is sent to the indicated email.

Using this method of extracting statements is not recommended. This is due to the fact that there are a lot of scammers on the Web.


Now, everyone can easily issue a cadastral passport of property. This task will not cause any trouble.

In 2017, new rules began to apply in Russia. Now, the Rosreestr does not issue certificates of registration of property rights to real estate. Cadastral passports are also abolished.

Nevertheless, all information about the property can be obtained by ordering a USRN statement. This document replaces both the certificate of registration and the passport of the cadastral type. It is made out according to the principles described earlier. The duty for a regular statement is from 400 to 2,500 rubles, and for electronic - from 250 to 1,500 rubles. It is better to clarify more accurate information in Rosreestr immediately before ordering a certificate.

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