
How to get a discount on utility bills: the procedure for providing who should

In the article, we will consider how to get a privilege for paying utility bills. What does this mean? This is providing benefits or a discount to certain groups of citizens, a partial release from certain duties.

benefits for people with disabilities for paying utility bills

State assistance

The state seeks to solve this problem and help people. Not everyone knows where to apply for a utility bill. In accordance with Russian law, assistance of this kind is not supposed to be granted to all categories of citizens, but only to those who need them most urgently.

Submission Procedure

How to get a discount on utility bills is interesting to many.

There are certain categories of citizens who are entitled to bonuses when paying for housing and communal services. All of them belong to the most vulnerable segments of the population, which is associated with workload, age or the presence of dependents. The procedure for obtaining subsidies and benefits is regulated by regional legislation, so you need to take into account the information provided below, subject to amendments to local laws. It is necessary to distinguish between the concepts of "subsidy" and "benefit". Both are a way of social support, but you can apply for benefits for utility bills at the Housing Office upon presentation of the documentation, and subsidies at the social security authorities.

Apply for benefits can people who have:

  • citizenship of the Russian Federation;
  • certificate of ownership of the housing where they currently reside;
  • permanent registration.

Benefits for pensioners on utility bills

Typically, such subsidies are most often given to retirees if these expenses amount to more than twenty percent of total income. Another subsidy is provided to older people who are registered in the house / apartment that they own. It should be noted that the main condition is the complete absence of debts on utility bills.

obtaining benefits for utility bills

Pensioners and their families are most often given one subsidy for the living space where they live. Such a subsidy is given for six months, and upon completion of this period of time, it will again be necessary to apply to the social welfare authorities in order to provide them with the right to re-receive communal benefits.

It should be noted that to obtain the necessary discounts on utility bills, you should contact the social protection authorities in the area where the person lives with a certain set of documents. The following documentation must be with you:

  • statement;
  • proof of eligibility;
  • documents on the absence / presence of debt;
  • documents for housing; certificate of family composition;
  • documentary evidence of the income of a pensioner, as well as members of his family.

Benefits are also provided for people with disabilities to pay utility bills.

What do people with disabilities get?

A disabled citizen can also count on the support of the state. In fact, this is a good 50% discount on housing and communal services if a person lives alone with his family in a certain housing stock: municipal, public, state. Privileges for people with disabilities to pay utility bills are provided regardless of the type of housing stock. The only difference is from what budget funds (federal or municipal) assistance will be provided.It should be noted that the provision of assistance to people with disabilities to pay for an apartment only according to social standards or within the framework of consumer standards is illegal, since it must be provided according to the actual amount of expenses.

By groups

  1. The first group - for the visually impaired, a privilege is provided for paying for broadcast points with headphones, radio points and other necessary devices.
  2. The second group - its citizens can claim the cancellation of fees for the use of radio points in general, and can also use the telephone for free housing.
  3. The third group includes families with children with disabilities. One rule works in such a group: the amount of benefits for people with disabilities for paying utility bills cannot be less than 50% if utility bills are paid.

To pay for household services, taking into account the benefits, these families or the disabled person themselves need to contact the institution responsible for collecting payment for housing and communal services.

documents for utility bills

What documents for utility bills will be required?

The main paper is a certificate that confirms the fact of disability issued according to the results of the examination carried out at home or in the hospital.

Benefits for veterans in utility bills

WWII veterans, as well as participants in other hostilities, have every right to preferential assistance in paying for utility bills and household needs. At the legislative level, all citizens are conditionally divided into three groups: participants, disabled people and veterans of various military operations. The first group has a discount on payment of any type of used services and living space of 50% (not less).

The second group receives a 50% discount on utility bills. Veterans of other military operations that take place on the territory of Russia and other countries receive a 50% discount when paying for housing. It is important to know that assistance in the form of benefits will extend to the veteran's relatives, even if he died (circumstances do not matter). People who have such ranks as the Full Knight of the Order of Glory, Heroes of the Russian Federation / USSR, members of their family are completely exempted from paying utility bills. To obtain the right to benefits, you need to contact the Housing Office or another organization that maintains housing and provides housing and communal services.

You need to have:

  • passport;
  • evidence of early nonuse of benefits;
  • document confirming the right to have benefits for payment of utility bills.

The poor are also trying to help large families with many children.

Benefits for large families

In such a difficult matter as raising children, social protection along with the state provides support to parents with many children. We need to find out what kind of help families with several children can expect with utility bills. The first thing to consider: not all couples are large families. In Russian regions, families in need of utility bills must have at least three children. When paying for services, these families receive a 30% discount. It should be noted that 30% discount is accrued on types of services not limited by law in accordance with social norms and consumption norms.

Those families where the number of minor children is more than ten people have special benefits. In this case, a discount of up to 50% for utility bills is provided. When paying for the housing occupied by the whole family, a 50% discount appears. It is possible to pay half the amount for garbage collection. To apply for benefits, a large family needs to apply to the Housing Office or social protection authorities. Documents required for registration:

  • certificate of large families;
  • single parent statement;
  • certificates for the right to receive social security benefits.
where to apply for a utility bill

Who else can expect to receive benefits for utility bills?

Single mothers

Also, when paying utility bills, benefits are provided to single mothers.This category of citizens is provided with a discount in general for all types of payments. In order to calculate the amount of discounts for single mothers, you need to contact the nearest social protection authority at the place of residence. Of course, we must remember that obtaining such benefits is not possible when a woman has some arrears in paying for services to social services.

Single mothers must have the following documents with them for registration of subsidies:

  • certificate of family income (for the last six months);
  • certificate of benefits;
  • certificate of family composition;
  • documents proving her identity and the identity of the children;
  • personal income certificate (for the last 6 months);
  • receipts on payments of all utility bills (for half a year);
  • document of ownership of housing.

With these documents and a statement indicating the application for benefits, you need to come to the social protection authorities. How to get a discount on utility bills, you can check with the management company.

apply for utility bills

Terms of submission

The time period for which privileges for housing and communal services from the state can be granted are determined by the grounds for their appearance and the laws in force in a particular region. Some categories, for example, veterans of the Great Patriotic War, pensioners, Chernobyl and others, are entitled to discounts for an unlimited time. Benefits for people with disabilities are granted for the duration of their disability. When renewing the status, it is necessary to submit documents anew to provide them.

If the family has many children, it can count on benefits until the eldest child turns 18 years old. When he continues to study at the university upon reaching adulthood, they are allowed to renew. As proof of social protection, you need to submit a certificate from the educational institution. If families are poor, they usually have to confirm their income every year. Thus, citizens falling under preferential categories have the right to apply to the appropriate body in order to receive benefits when paying for housing and communal services.

The list of citizens who are entitled to privileges for paying utility bills and the amount of subsidies are determined at the regional and federal levels.

privilege for paying utility bills to the poor

When can housing benefits be removed?

The main categories of citizens who have certain benefits when paying utility bills are disabled people, the poor, pensioners, fathers and single mothers, orphans, large families, veterans, employees of budgetary institutions and others. The reason for the termination of benefits, respectively, may be the loss of a specific status, for example, the marriage of a father or single mother and the further adoption (adoption) of a child by a spouse, dismissal from the budget sphere.

In addition, you need to remember the conditions that affect the stopping of subsidies:

  • a person has a debt for several months;
  • changing of the living place;
  • providing false information.

Calculation of the volume of benefits for several apartment owners and one beneficiary

If the apartment has several owners, and one of them is the beneficiary, in practice, 50% compensation is provided only for the share of the latter. Among other things, each region has its own regulations and laws that indicate to whom privileges are granted, their conditions of provision and scope.

Such calculations are carried out by the appropriate specialists of the social protection authorities, but in the regions they are often not interested in a thorough study of a certain situation and clarification of the calculations, since this increases the burden on the budget (it can be subsidized), as a result, the applicant has the burden of proving his own rights.

benefits for pensioners on utility bills

Distribution of benefits to the area of ​​the apartment

If we talk about the Moscow region, here the standard standard area of ​​housing size 33 m2 of the total occupied area of ​​the dwelling for citizens who live alone.A citizen is considered lonely who does not have other people registered with him at his place of residence. If the family consists of two people, a standard normative area of ​​21 m is established for each of its members.2. If there are three or more people - 18 squares for any member of the family.

At the same time, the law states that for citizens who live alone, for example, from among pensioners who are eligible for assistance in paying utility bills, the standard standard area of ​​housing for providing benefits is determined by the size of 42 m2. Support will be even greater if such individuals reach the age of eighty.

We talked about how to get a discount on utility bills.

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