
How to get a subsidy for building a house?

Finding solutions to the housing problem occupy a significant part of the citizens of our country. Someone is trying to get a mortgage, someone is waiting for an inheritance, and someone has taken advantage of state subsidies for building a house. Who is entitled to them and how are they provided?

Normative regulation

The system of legislative acts is built on a single principle:

  • Federal law “On the social support of citizens”. It is voluminous and affects almost all payments that citizens are entitled to claim.
  • The laws of entities specifying the provisions of federal law. Somewhere the provisions are completely copied, somewhere developed. One normative act may also be adopted (for example, in Sevastopol) or separate for each category of citizens.
  • Federal authorities adopt guidelines and guidelines for the formation of the regulatory framework of the regions.
  • Provisions of already regional laws are developed in acts of local governments.
Subsidies for building a house

The provisions of the targeted program at the federal level are governed by decrees of the government of the Russian Federation.

Thus, the issuance of state subsidies for the construction of a residential building is regulated by a significant list of regulations.

Payout Feature

Subsidies are allocated to those who do not yet have their own housing or to those who have already spent on it. They are not taxed, the recipient is not obligated to return them, subject to proper use. At the same time, the state strictly controls the validity of their issuance and the process of use. Another feature is the direct transfer of money to the account of the contractor organization. Money is not directly issued to citizens, so that they are not spent on other needs.

The subsidy for building a house is provided to citizens who meet certain criteria. In addition, the amounts are calculated for the construction of mid-level housing. With their help, the mansion cannot be built.

Living Area Standards

The provision of housing, regardless of the program in which people participate, is based on the calculation of standards. So, in the regions the minimum amount of living space per person, two and more people is established.

Large home subsidy

In the first case, the standard is 36 square meters. m., in the second - 50 square meters. m., in the third - 18 square meters. m. for each member of the family. Regional authorities have the right to change them upwards. Subsidies for building a house are no exception.

Who is eligible to purchase?

The program works exclusively for persons with Russian citizenship. Previously, the applicants did not participate in state-financed housing improvement programs.

Participation in the program is offered only to those who permanently reside in the relevant area. For example, earlier assistance was received in one region, when moving to another region it is already impossible to apply for help.

Subsidies for building a house for large families

At the same time, the family has the right to use simultaneously the means of maternal capital. If you plan to immediately use the money from two sources, two sets of documents are submitted to the appropriate authorities.

We will indicate large families as an example of participants. Subsidies for the construction of houses for young families are also issued.

Both categories of applicants provide an appropriate package of documents. Despite the fact that in the region the list of documents for them is spelled out in separate regulatory acts, all of them are subject to one state program.

Subsidy Forms

As mentioned above, subsidies for the construction of a house are received before the start of construction or after its completion.

The first form of subsidies is called targeted, the second is compensatory. Target payment goes directly to developers. An individual entrepreneur or a large company acts in this capacity, it does not matter. But the developer must have a full-fledged set of permits for conducting activities (in particular, participate in the SRO and have permission from it).

How to get a subsidy for building a house?

The subsidy for the construction of a residential building in this case is issued on the basis of documents provided by the applicant and the developer. Money is transferred before the start of work. After it is required to provide a package of documents confirming the fact of completion of construction.

Payment after completion of construction is also issued on the basis of a package of documents. The nuance is that they can be filed no later than 24 months after the completion of the construction of the facility.

The deadline is no longer counted down on the day of submission of documents to the office of the organization or by mail.

Package of documents

We list the general requirements specific to the subsidy for the construction of a residential building in the Novosibirsk region or other region.

  • a copy of the passport of the applicant, his spouse or spouse;
  • copies of birth certificates, passports of their children;
  • copies of passports of other family members;
  • a certificate from the police about the registration of the place of residence of the applicant and his family members (residence period of at least 12 months);
  • permission received for construction must be valid at the time of application;
  • extracts from the register of ownership of the land;
  • copy of the lease of land allocated for development or for the maintenance of personal subsidiary plots;
  • the planned house must meet modern sanitary standards, and the area should be no less than the standard established by the SNIP;
  • extract from the register of rights on the right to real estate, if there is one or the available housing is not enough;
  • certificate from social security authorities on the amount of the total income of family members.

Papers in connection with the construction

You will also need:

  • scheme of the site on which construction is planned;
  • House project;
  • Estimated construction costs;
  • copy of the concluded agreement for the construction of a residential building.

The site plan is prepared by the cadastral engineer as part of land management, and the house design is prepared by the design organization, which has permission for such work from the SRO.

Young family - subsidy for building a house

If the house is already built, then it is provided:

  • cadastral passport;
  • certificate of ownership of the house;
  • checks and other documents confirming expenses.

If the construction was carried out with the involvement of the builder, then the following shall be submitted:

  • copy of the contract with the developer;
  • copy of the act of KS-2 and a copy of the act of KS-3 (act of work performed and estimates, respectively).

Now let's talk about subsidies for building a house for large families.

Features for large families

The applicant provides the above package of documents with some features. The family, within the framework of regional law, must meet the criterion of large families. How many children should be in the family for this is determined by regional law.

Subsidy for building a house in Novosibirsk

Children live with their parents. If the child is already 18 years old, participation in the program is allowed, if the child is still studying and he is not yet 21 years old.

Subsidies for the construction of a house for large families are issued to those who previously submitted documents and issued the appropriate decision. It is also easier for people with the status of poor citizens.

Young families

The program also has a number of features:

  • the age of the spouses does not exceed 35 years;
  • the family has at least one child who is not yet 18 years old;
  • single parents are allowed to participate in the program;
  • family housing conditions are unsatisfactory;
  • the family income level should not be lower than a certain level, the poor have actually been ordered to participate in the program;
  • marriage duration of at least 5 years;
  • allowed to use the money to participate in the construction cooperative.

Accordingly, on the basis of this, a package of documents is submitted. With participation in the cooperative, papers are submitted for admission to its members.

Filing procedure

How, for example, to receive a subsidy for the construction of a house in the Novosibirsk region?

An application with collected papers is submitted to the municipal administration. Usually, all interaction between authorities and citizens is organized through them. The second option is to contact the multifunctional center.

Subsidies for building a house, Novosibirsk region

Wherever a citizen goes, he should take the original documents with him, prepare copies of them. The administration official or MFC employee will certify the copies and return the originals to the applicant.

In addition to filing documents, another application is filled out in the form. Assistance in filling it is provided at the reception. Those who wish can fill it out on their own.

It is also proposed to use the website "State Services". Filling out the form and submitting documents is done electronically. Direct contact with officials does not occur.

Note that when submitting documents, a person is issued a receipt with their list. When appealing the refusal, he will have evidence of the direction of all documents.

How do officials act?

A representative of the administration or an MFC employee will indicate shortcomings or incomplete documents. If something is missing or the document is incorrectly executed, the official should give an explanation.

The trick of officials is to refuse to accept papers and register them. As long as there is no stamp on the copy of the application or receipt in the hands of the applicant, he cannot prove the fact of unjustified refusal.

Most often, there are no difficulties, and employees explain quite clearly where and what papers to get.

How is payment made?

If the house has not yet been built, a certificate is issued for the amount determined by the authorities. The amount can repay the debt to the developer, both in full and in part. Families with many children are more likely that their house will fully pay the budget.

Settlements are made through state-owned banks or with state participation. The list of banks is issued by an employee of the administration.

If the construction has already been completed, the applicant, whose documents have been approved, will make a direct transfer of funds to his bank account. No special requirements are provided for in this case.

It is advisable to submit papers at the beginning of the year, while the funds allocated for subsidies have not yet been distributed.


Subsidies for building a house are issued to citizens who meet a number of criteria. The program applies to both large and young families. Accordingly, there is a difference in the package of documents that we need to provide.

The legislation gives the right to receive assistance from the budget both for the planned construction and for compensation for the already built house.

The receipt of a subsidy automatically leads to the removal of the applicant from the register of citizens in need of housing. Compensation is paid to those who were previously registered.

Large families have the right to rely on help, having an official status. That is, without a decision to be recognized as one of the social protection authorities, the housing policy department will not agree to give out assistance or compensation.

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