
How to get a residence permit in Belarus?

Foreigners who need to stay in the Republic of Belarus for a long time must obtain a residence permit. It can be called a second passport: the document gives the right to a foreign citizen to receive the necessary medical care, officially get a job and enjoy benefits on a par with Belarusians. Let's consider how to get a residence permit in Belarus and what is needed for this.

The concept

apply for a residence permit in Belarus

A residence permit is a permit for a legal location in a country. In appearance, it looks like a Belarusian passport, only the last one is blue, and the document of a foreign citizen will have a green cover. The main points of a residence permit are:

• Name of owner.

• Date, place of birth.

• Gender (male or female).

• Citizenship of a foreigner.

• Legal status.

• An identification number.

• Type of document, its series, number.

• Name of the issuing authority.

• Indication of the state code.

• The deadline for the document.

• Registration address.

• Signature of the alien holder.

The residence permit also contains additional details: a note on marriage / divorce, information about minor children, information about the change of name or surname.

A residence permit in Belarus is issued by the Department of Internal Affairs - the department of citizenship and migration at the place of residence.

To whom they issue

To get a “second passport” in Belarus, a foreigner must have a reason for this. The following persons can apply for a residence permit in Belarus:

1. Having relatives in the Republic of Belarus who temporarily or permanently live there.

2. Married with a citizen / citizen of Belarus.

3. Having a birth certificate in the BSSR.

4. Starting a business in Belarus.

5. Students in Belarusian universities.

6. Ready to invest in the Belarusian economy over 150 000 eur.

7. Entered into an employment contract in Belarus.

8. Distinguished by special talents (sports, scientific, cultural activities).

residence permit in the republic of Belarus

Many are interested in the question “Is it possible to get a foreigner a document for permanent residence in the Republic of Belarus if you buy real estate there?” The answer is no. The availability of real estate does not provide the right to obtain a residence permit in the Republic of Belarus. But its presence is taken into account when deciding whether to issue a document.

What gives a residence permit

The presence of a document allowing a foreigner to legally reside in Belarus does not mean Belarusian citizenship. On it allows you to fully reside in the country and enjoy all the rights that are available to Belarusian citizens. So, what gives a residence permit in Belarus:

• The right to free medical care.

• Obtaining free secondary education.

• The ability to formally apply for a job by entering into an employment contract or contract.

• The right to use the benefits provided by the state, allowances, pensions.

• Ability to open a deposit in a bank and apply for a loan.

Without an official document, it is impossible for a long time to be in the territory of the Republic of Belarus, as in any other state.

Clearance procedure

You need to have a reason to get a residence permit. Belarus does not issue documents for legal stay in the country to everyone. It is necessary to collect the necessary package of documents and provide it to the district department of citizenship and migration:

residence permit Belarus documents

1. The application of the established form.

2. Detailed autobiography.

3. Passport of a foreign citizen.

4. 4 photos.

5. Valid insurance.

6. Registration information.

7. Grounds for clearance.

8. Certificate of no criminal record in the country of a foreigner.

9. Receipt of payment of state duty.

To this kit, you may additionally need: a certificate of family composition, a medical certificate confirming the absence of diseases dangerous to the environment, a birth certificate for children (under 18 years old), a certificate from the military registration and enlistment office (for men under the age of 27 years).

If a residence permit needs to be issued to a child under 14 years old, then his legal representatives apply to the Department of Internal Affairs. The set of documents required for registration is similar. It is only supplemented by a birth certificate.

The procedure for obtaining a residence permit takes about a month from the moment of filing the documents (with the accelerated mode - up to 15 days) and costs 2 basic values ​​(with the accelerated processing - 2 BV + 0.5 BV).

Registration of residence permit by Russians

A residence permit in Belarus for Russians can be obtained on a common basis. For this, it is necessary to collect the full set of documents indicated above and provide it to the department of citizenship and migration at the place of registration. The process of reviewing documents lasts 30 days. A residence permit is issued initially for 1-2 years, after which it can be extended. Russians need to understand that the laws of Belarus do not allow dual citizenship. If in the future a Russian plans to become a Belarusian citizen, he will have to refuse a Russian passport.

residence permit in Belarus for Russians

Residence permit for Ukrainians

Immigrants from Ukraine receive a residence permit in the Republic of Belarus not only on general conditions. The grounds and list of documents required for obtaining a residence permit are the same for all foreigners. But for citizens of Ukraine a number of benefits are provided. In 2014, the President of the Republic of Belarus adopted the Decree “On the stay of Ukrainian citizens in the Republic of Belarus”. According to it, Ukrainians are exempted from:

  • payment of the state fee for issuing a residence permit and a temporary residence permit in the country;
  • providing the necessary package of documents in the absence of objective capabilities;
  • fees for a medical certificate on the absence of dangerous diseases and related medical expenses.

Simplified order of receipt

Obtaining a residence permit in Belarus according to a simplified scheme is possible for citizens of some states. Belarus has an agreement with Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, according to which citizens of these states have the right to a simplified procedure for obtaining a residence permit. But for this, certain conditions must be met:

1. A foreigner was born in the BSSR or lived on its territory until 12/21/1991.

2. He has a close relative who is a permanent resident of Belarus.

obtaining a residence permit in Belarus

In these cases, the foreigner does not apply for a residence permit, but in fact changes his citizenship. To do this, an application for changing citizenship, a passport, 4 photographs, documents containing the grounds for registration, a certificate from a consulate of a foreign state containing a note on acceptance of an application for leaving the citizenship of the Russian Federation (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan) are submitted to the department on citizenship and migration.

Driver's license

The answer to the question “how to get a residence permit in Belarus” is known. What should a foreigner do with a driver’s license? Is it really in Belarus? In Belarus, there is a law on road traffic. Article 5 of this law stipulates that foreigners who have arrived in Belarus for permanent residence and have a driving license of their country do not have the right to drive a motor vehicle in Belarus. After 3 months from the date of obtaining a residence permit, a foreigner must apply for Belarusian rights, and his driver's license, issued in his native state, expires. The procedure for obtaining rights is the same for both Belarusian and foreign citizens. First, a foreigner will need to learn the Russian or Belarusian language, which will be needed to pass the theoretical exam at the traffic police. Without a theory, driving practices are not allowed.

For Russians and Ukrainians, such requirements will not seem complicated. Moreover, Belarusian, Russian and Ukrainian rules of the road are similar.For foreigners who arrived from remote regions and do not speak Russian, it will be difficult to obtain Belarusian rights. For such a short period - 90 days - it is impossible to learn a language. The situation can be resolved if the law provides for the possibility of a foreigner passing the theoretical exam in English or accompanied by an interpreter.

Labor activity

Foreign citizens who have received a permit for permanent residence in Belarus have the right to work on an equal basis with Belarusians. A residence permit in Belarus means that a foreigner is hired on general terms in accordance with the laws of the country. They conclude an employment contract or contract with him, make tax deductions, deductions to the Social Security Fund and the pension fund. But for foreigners with a residence permit, there are 2 restrictions:

1. Their participation in referenda and elections is limited.

2. They do not have the right to hold positions for which, according to the legislation of the country, Belarusian citizenship is required.

If a foreign citizen does not have a residence permit in the Republic of Belarus, he can be hired by the company if there is a special permit for labor activity, which is issued by the Department of Internal Affairs. The document is provided with the consent of the company to conclude an employment contract (contract) with a foreigner.

How to get a residence permit in Belarus


A residence permit in the Republic of Belarus is subject to exchange if:

1. There are no pages left in the document to make the necessary marks.

2. There are inaccuracies or errors.

3. The document is badly damaged.

4. It has expired.

5. If the alien changes his first or last name.

In case of loss of residence permit, foreign citizens must contact the department of citizenship and migration to write a statement of loss. A certificate is issued to him testifying that he is legally located on the territory of the Republic of Belarus, which is valid for 1 month. During this period, a new residence permit is issued to a foreigner after providing them with the necessary documents (which ones are advised in the internal affairs department).

In the event of the death of a foreigner, a residence permit must be submitted to the Citizenship and Migration Office.

Why deprive the residence permit

what gives a residence permit in Belarus

Deportation from Belarus is a common case. If there are reasons and the necessary documents are provided, it is not difficult to apply for a residence permit in Belarus. But losing the document is not hard. The fact is that in Belarus there is a law that regulates the rights and obligations of foreigners. It states that a foreign citizen with a residence permit or a permit for permanent residence in the country may lose it for 5 administrative offenses committed within 1 year. This is the most common reason for deporting foreigners from Belarus. It also includes seemingly harmless violations of the rules of the road. If a foreigner has exceeded his speed 5 times a year and these facts were fixed in the protocol, then he has every chance of being deported from the country.

A residence permit in Belarus is canceled for the following reasons.

1. An administrative violation (5 or more times a year).

2. The circumstances serving as the basis for issuing a residence permit have lost force.

3. When a foreigner is convicted of a crime in the Republic of Belarus (abroad) and the criminal record has not been withdrawn.

4. If the holder of a residence permit has received a document giving the right to permanent residence in another state.

5. A foreigner was outside the Republic of Belarus for more than 180 days during a calendar year.

6. The holder of a residence permit does not have a permanent source of income.

Lawyers explain that there are cases in which ATS is required to cancel a residence permit, and there are situations in which it has the right to do so. In the second case, a foreigner may try to appeal the decision on deportation. The first cases include the commission by a foreigner of a criminal offense in the territory of the Republic of Belarus, the presence of facts proving his participation in terrorist activities.

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