
How to get an extract from a cadastral passport of a land plot?

An extract from the cadastral passport of a land plot is a special document that is needed to carry out various transactions related to real estate.

documents receiving


It includes information about the land. It consists of the following forms:

  1. The first is when information is provided in the form of a site layout.
  2. Second, if the image of the land is served as a diagram.
  3. The third and fourth - there is information about the prohibitions on land.

You can get an extract from the cadastral passport of the land plot in the territorial authority of Rosreestr.


To receive a document, you must submit a request. You can do this in the following ways:

  1. Personally apply with a statement that must be issued on paper. Transfer it to Rosreestr, and it is also possible to send a letter through the "My Documents" center.
  2. You can send documents by postal order.
  3. Contact your representative to resolve any issues.
  4. Send a request through the website of the responsible authority.
  5. Through the portal of public services.

You can order a cadastral passport statement for a land plot if you come to the real estate accounting unit. This can be done if the site was registered. It is also possible to send a request through the site for various information. But you need to attach the following documents:

  • a statement written in accordance with the rules;
  • a receipt that contains information about the payment of the fee;
  • documents providing the right to act from an individual;
  • papers that give the right to dispose of the site.
    request deadlines

As soon as all the documents are delivered, an extract from the cadastral passport of the land plot is issued. It must be presented in order to carry out real estate transactions.

When submitting an application via the Internet, the state fee for an individual will be 150 rubles, and for a legal entity - 300 rubles. All necessary papers must be transferred to the territorial office, which is located next to the citizen's place of residence.

Lack of land surveying

If the site has not yet been registered, and no land surveying has been made, then you can come to the Federal Registration Service and find out how to get a cadastral statement about the land. Or you can submit documents:

  • power of attorney, if a representative works;
  • scheme for a specific area;
  • a document indicating land bans;
  • paper, allowing to clarify the belonging of the site to a specific variety;
  • documents confirming the right to share.

The department is obliged to everyone to provide all the necessary information. And also at the MFC, you can take a number and go for a consultation with a specialist. In order of priority, you need to ask all questions of interest to the employee. If you need to clarify information urgently, you can do this by contacting the administrator. But through the site it is more convenient to send a request. It is possible to see the design of the extract from the cadastral passport of the land and a sample.

extract from the cadastral passport of the land plot sample

The timing

Receiving an extract takes no more than five days. From the moment the application was submitted and papers submitted. But this period may vary. For example, if documents were submitted to the territorial office, then the period is counted from the moment when all the papers were accepted. And if they were submitted through the MFC, then five days are taken into account from the moment when the documents were transferred to the appropriate authority.It is very important to comply with the deadlines in order to receive an extract on a specific land plot in time.

statement for the transaction

Service portal

If necessary, an extract from the cadastral passport of the land plot is transmitted electronically. This can be done on the portal of public services. But you must first go through the registration procedure. Next, you need to select a cadastral service in the search. The service can be specified as the provision of information that is entered in the registry. Thus, the application is sent. As soon as the system checks it, it will be sent to the appropriate authority. Through a personal online account, you can monitor the status and processing of the application.

Rosreestr: cadastral statement of the land

All information is available on the website of Rosreestr. Therefore, you can request information in this way too. The service tab is selected. The request goes into processing after approximately thirteen minutes. But there is a nuance in this method. The service is provided for a fee. This method is not entirely convenient. But if information is needed urgently, then you can use it. For this, a state duty is paid. And then a tab will be available in order to choose the method of obtaining the document.

receipt through state. services

Production methods

There are several options for obtaining an extract from a cadastral passport of a land plot:

  • through a trustee;
  • electronic appeal;
  • Postal transfer;
  • by visiting the department in person.

Refusal to issue a document

The applicant may not be issued a document. If the necessary information is not available in the cadastral database. But for other reasons, you can not refuse to provide an extract. This is prohibited by law. If the refusal was lawful, then the relevant authorities inform the applicant within a week from the moment the documents were submitted.


If a citizen has noticed that his rights were violated when providing the service, he can go to court. To defend their interests. This is important because such a situation arises frequently. Since some employees dishonestly perform their functions. It is possible to file a complaint if:

  • the deadlines for the provision of services were violated;
  • there is an illegal refusal to issue a document;
  • the extract was not issued, although all documents were submitted.
    lack of land surveying

Service Availability

If the site has not been registered or its borders have changed, then only the owners can carry out the procedure. An extract is a document without which a transaction cannot be concluded if it concerns a land plot. Therefore, it is better to take care in advance so that the information in it is reliable.

Document Purpose

The extract was legislatively introduced two years ago. The document appeared, replacing the previously existing cadastral plan. It now needs to be presented only as an additional document. Each plot has its own number. By which it is entered into the database. You may need it to view the necessary information. In the presence of such a document, a citizen may:

  • buy land;
  • register ownership;
  • sell land;
  • conclude a lease agreement;
  • make an assessment to conclude a mortgage;
  • get permits for construction work;
  • submit documents for different authorities.

A year ago, the cadastral passports were canceled. That is, the information that used to be in the document is now in the USRN statement. At the moment, you can order it in the form of a paper document, as well as in electronic form. It is important that you need to perform the procedure and fill out the relevant requests in a timely manner. Do not miss the deadlines. Since the regulatory authorities have their own rules. And the periods of filing documents must fit into the regulation. If you miss the deadlines, you will have to wait, and then turn in the paper at a certain time.

documents for discharge

Thus, the presence of an extract relieves the owner of various kinds of issues on the part of state bodies.

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