
How to sell a broken car: features, practical recommendations and features

As a rule, motorists seek to sell a car in an accident as soon as possible, even if the accident was not too serious, and repairs will not cost a pretty penny. Most often, desire is associated with psychological discomfort. A wrecked car unpleasantly recalls the bottom of a traffic accident, even if it was not too serious. How to sell a wrecked car and everything that is connected with the problems of selling a car that has got into an accident will be discussed in this article.

What to do with a beaten car? Three scenarios

Some cars involved in a traffic accident are practically unrepairable; others require only cosmetic repairs. What to do with the car after an accident?

how to sell a broken car

After an accident, you can’t take any action with the car for a while so that the insurance company specialists can verify the accuracy of the accident information. Sometimes after completing all the procedures, the car continues to stand in the garage, gradually becoming rusty. After a long period of inactivity, the car can only be sent to a landfill.

It makes no sense to restore the car after strong side or frontal impacts, serious accidents, damage to the geometry of the body. If the car “drove”, then not every workshop will take up the vehicle, because even a slight deviation is fraught with many problems, among which there is also the danger of getting into a new accident. Not always such damage can be repaired without consequences.

In case of scratches or dents, the car is much easier to bring to its former appearance. Of course, putty or restoration of the paintwork will cost a round sum, but it’s stupid to definitely decide to sell an expensive car.

You can put up for sale a car after a traffic accident "as is." It does not make sense to repair the vehicle if it is necessary to restore more than 80% of the paintwork or if there is serious damage to most of the car. The amount of repair in this case may be equal to half the cost of the machine.

To decide whether to repair a car or sell it better, you can invite an expert. It is better if there are two appraisers, then the owner will be able to hear different opinions and come to the right conclusion.

how to sell a broken car expensive

How to sell a broken car fast?

A beaten car can be sold “as is” or after repair. Here, too, it is better to consult with specialists or independently assess the damage. If it is relatively easy to remove scratches or dents, then sometimes it makes no sense to repair significant damage.

Redemption of broken cars

How to sell a broken car? The option of selling a car after an accident without repair is the simplest, but unprofitable. Here, the car owner will be happy to help specialized companies that can buy a car at a low price, and then resell it on more favorable terms.

for how much to sell a broken car

The process itself is very simple: you just need to call a specialist, explain the degree of damage to the car and get information about how much it can buy. If the price is satisfactory, then at the meeting an interested person from the company conducts a visual inspection and assigns a more specific amount.

Documents that will be needed if a decision is made to sell the car after a traffic accident to companies involved in the purchase of broken cars, include:

  • passport of the car owner;
  • inspection ticket;
  • service book;
  • general power of attorney;
  • vehicle registration certificate;
  • vehicle data sheet.

How to sell a broken car on the go? Of course, you can use the ransom, but if the car has whole mechanisms and is in working order, do not rush to accept this option with the sale.

Selling a car after an accident "as is"

Sale without repair is a rather controversial option, which has its pitfalls. Where to sell a broken car? You can place an ad on various automotive sites. Be sure to include all descriptions and problems of the car.

how to sell a broken car fast

How to sell a broken car fast? If you post ads on sites, you should prepare for the fact that the sale can be significantly delayed.

On the one hand, when a person sees all the “charms” of a broken car, this can affect a sober assessment of the cost of the car and, of course, the price will drop several times. However, it all depends on the client. The psychological factor plays a big role here, since few people want to buy a car in such a terrible state. But do not despair, because almost any car can be sold profitably.

On the other hand, if a person is not embarrassed by the appearance of the car, and he initially calculated and knew that he wanted to purchase, then you will converge in the price, of course, low. What is the benefit of the buyer of such machines? People involved in straightening and repairing cars will bring it to a favorable condition for them and resell them at a more impressive cost. With all the nuances of failure and after the initial inspection, you can agree on how much to sell the broken car with the buyer.

Car sale after cosmetic repairs

Some consider the sale of a car repaired after an accident not a very decent act. The thing is that there are car owners who just want to hide for a while, and not fix defects, in order to sell the vehicle on favorable terms, but at minimal cost.

If you patched up a little appearance, then you can really sell a car for a good price, but if the breakdowns are much more serious and you try to hide them by repair, the consequences will be disastrous. This is most often done by scammers who profit from honest buyers.

where to sell a broken car

With this method it is really possible to sell a broken car expensively, but what will it cost? For example, it is good if the new owner of the car detects hidden breakdowns at the service stations of the service station and takes care of the repair in time, and if one of the serious problems emerges during the movement, it can lead to a serious accident and death of people.

With this outcome, the buyer has every right to demand money back and threaten with lawsuits.

Problems selling broken cars

How to sell a broken car and why it is not always possible to do this as soon as possible. The main problem that the buyer faces is mistrust and fear that not all car problems are known. Most often, people are simply afraid to buy such a car from strangers, but a substantial discount and in-depth analysis of the car with minor damage can very well make a difference.

There are various devices that help diagnose transport: whether the car was in an accident or just got off the assembly line. Most often, such examinations are carried out by experienced specialists with whom the buyer travels to the meeting place to buy broken cars. Of course, you have to pay a lot for such a pleasure.

Differences of a broken car from a car that did not get into an accident

Features of a new car from a victim in an accident can be determined by various criteria. The main ones are a visual inspection of the vehicle under the hood, interior and chassis. The first thing to do is look under the hood and find out if the oil is leaking and if there are problems with antifreeze.With the naked eye it will be noticeable if there are small flaws that do not fit into the norm. An important step is checking the oil, when inspecting, make sure that there are no yellow emulsion spots under the hood, if there are any, you can immediately tell the owner about the problem and refuse the transaction. Body repair is another clear sign that the car was previously deformed and underwent redecoration.

how to sell a broken car on the go

Main conclusions

If, nevertheless, an accident occurs and you need to sell the vehicle, then:

  1. No need to try to hide the damage and under the guise of a "whole" car to sell to a buyer for a substantial amount. Of course, this option can be used, but if you look at the human factor, it looks so dishonest.
  2. Tell the potential customer everything he needs to know about the new acquisition and advise where it is better to start the repair if the buyer asks for advice.

How to sell a beaten car, for which there are no buyers? If you have to face the problem that they don’t want to take the car under any pretext, try to implement the vehicle in parts and place ads on websites as much as possible. Do not forget that you can always use the services of the redemption of beaten cars, to exclude a long downtime and not to take the car to a landfill ahead of time.

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