
How to sell a domain safely, quickly, profitably

The network daily deals with domains. Moreover, this number exceeds several tens of thousands. This is definitely not worth wondering at. After all, even an ordinary domain is someone else's property. And it, according to the laws of the market, can be sold or leased. Therefore, there are several steps that must be followed. Otherwise, the transaction may not go as the client and seller want. Read on how to sell a domain profitably and quickly.

how to sell a domain profitably


There are no and will not be clear rules on how to sell a domain name and where to do it. The Internet is a special place to do business. If a person has created a site, and he has his own domain, then he can do whatever he wants with it. There are several different ways to do this.

The most common is placement on the exchange. There are many buyers who evaluate the product in their own way. The interface of such sites is sharpened for transactions, and they benefit from this. For example: the WebNames resource daily sells a lot of addresses for a variety of purposes and directions. The downside of using such a platform is a lot of speculators. They easily reset prices through their own offices. It is very important to paint everything correctly and find an interested client. Of the benefits - the same resellers can quickly become interested in your domain.

how to sell a domain

A large percentage of people post ads on forums. And sometimes even through internet marketing. In any case, if the game is worth the candle, then why not try it? The strategy and tactics in such sales will be key factors in finding a customer.

Well, units create their own online sites. They host several of their domains for sale. A notable fact is the possibility of a full description. But the method is more suitable for advanced customers.

A very important plus will be the interest of a specific audience of people. They don’t have to explain simple things or little things. And the minus will be precisely their education. Consider the product will be with close attention. After all, no one wants to cheapen or buy a dummy.

How can I sell a domain yet? The last way is to contact specialists in terms of their sale. On the network they are called domainers. Sales assistance will be provided in the form of a transaction with a percentage of revenue. By the way, this method is suitable for those who want to make money on this.

how to sell a domain name

Assessment of domains by their capabilities and characteristics

After you have chosen a way to sell a domain, you should indicate the price. It will depend on several parameters. The most important of them is his story. That is, customers are interested in all the time of existence. Moreover, the greater his age, the more profitable the deal. Also, a very important factor is the presence of indicators such as TIC and PR. They are the ones that influence getting into the top lists of search engines. Such domains are very valuable; more audiences will see the content. Especially if these are Yandex and Google search engines.

These two indicators are at a high level for such owners who did not allow them to be empty. Posting information as well as attendance play an important role. Hence the price increase. After all, the domain already has its customers, which are regular. By the way, if you sell along with the finished site, then the price tag increases two or three times.

where to sell a domain name


The price is greatly influenced by the popularity and age of the audience. After all, if these are ordinary students, then they can not make purchases. In most cases, they are only interested in games or videos. But customers from 20-35 years old are actively shopping. This means that the domain will generate passive income.This puts him an order of magnitude higher than everyone else.

domain name

The domain name and its belonging to a particular segment are very important. If it is long, then its owner will not always be able to effectively run an advertising company. A plus is membership in the world community. A Russian-speaking audience equally appreciates both .ru and .com.

But, for example, the American community does not always visit our sites. Therefore, it is very important to choose a name for the domain. Especially if there is an interest in selling.

Based on these indicators, you need to have an idea of ​​a specific price. No one will give exact advice. But you can consult with an understanding person. This will increase the chances by several times. Especially when it comes to selling a very serious domain, with a great past and good data.

Do I need a video conference?

When selling, you can arrange a video conference. This will increase the quality of trust and allow you to identify several things. For starters, are you talking to a scammer? If the sale is through an exchange, then this is not required. But in other cases nothing better than personal communication and eye contact will not give an idea about a person. Especially when it comes to several distinctive features and other things.

For example: a domain name has several online stores. If their owner is not a seller, then it is better to say about the deal. Otherwise, a new person may fall into a very unpleasant situation. And this is already bad for the seller and his reputation. By the way, on the exchanges everyone will know about such people. Indeed, in their profile you can always leave a review!

how to sell a domain quickly and profitably

Domain Market

The 21st century is a time of technology. But even now, such transactions can be formalized through the conclusion of contracts. Downloading and filling out the form does not take much time. And the person himself gets the opportunity of legal confirmation, without leaving home. Various organizations conduct transactions through the Internet in this way. Selling domains is no exception.

Domains are always sold at special sites where they are registered. As you can see, it’s quite realistic to sell a domain safely.

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