
How to check patent readiness: step by step instructions

Patent - a document allowing foreign citizens to work in the territory of the Russian Federation. In addition, some local entrepreneurs use the patent taxation system in Russia: it’s easier to pay taxes to the state. An important role is played by patent readiness. Ideally, when ordering a document, you can find out at any time whether it is ready. But how to do that? In fact, everything is not as difficult as it seems.patent readiness

Verification Methods

A patent can be checked in several ways. Usually, after a citizen submits a request for a document, they will need to activate SMS informing. When a patent for a mobile device is ready, a notification will come. But that is not all.

How can I check the patent readiness? There are three options:

  • SMS informing;
  • personal appeal to the FMS with a request for readiness;
  • check online.

Next will be described in more detail about each method. Finding out whether a labor patent is ready for a citizen is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance.

SMS informing

As already mentioned, the readiness of the document to a person will be notified via SMS. This innovation made life easier for citizens.check patent readiness

When applying for the grant / renewal of a patent, it is necessary to indicate in it a valid mobile phone number. And then - wait. As soon as the patent is ready, the person will receive an SMS message asking them to come to the FMS with a passport in order to pick up the document.

But what if a person does not have a phone? Or did he suddenly change the number? And sometimes, for one reason or another, SMS does not come at all. Therefore, you need to keep in mind alternative ways to learn about patent readiness.

Personal visit to the FMS

You can personally go to the FMS at the place of registration of the citizen and find out all the information of interest. What needs to be done in this case:

  1. Take a passport and go to the FMS at the place of registration / registration.
  2. Contact the staff of the registration authority with a request for information on the readiness of the document.
  3. Name, series and passport number. You can just show your ID.

Employees will check the readiness of the document on the basis of information available. However, sometimes employees refuse to deal with this issue, citing the availability of SMS information. Therefore, this method is not always effective. However, you can find out about patent readiness online.patent readiness verification

Internet to help

Regional FMS have specialized services. Consider obtaining information on patent readiness by the example of Moscow. In other regions, it will be necessary to act in a similar way.

Instructions for checking the readiness of the document under study looks something like this:

  1. Submit an application for the manufacture or renewal of a patent.
  2. Go to the site mc.mos.ru.
  3. Click on the button "Read patent readiness".
  4. Enter the patent application number in the space provided. It is issued to the FMS after a written request from a citizen.
  5. In the field below, enter the verification code.
  6. Click on the "Check" button.

A few minutes of waiting - and the corresponding message about the readiness of the document appears on the screen. In fact, everything is much simpler than it seems.

By passport

Now on the Internet there is a huge number of various third-party services for checking this or that information. You can easily find out if the document is ready according to its owner. For example, according to the passport.learn patent readiness

Such verification services require the following actions:

  1. Go to the page with the form for the implementation of ideas.
  2. Enter passport details of the recipient citizen in the special fields.
  3. Click on the "Check" / "Find" button.

After that, information on the readiness of the patent or any other selected document will appear on the screen. Sometimes such resources require a citizen to pay for the issuance of relevant information.

Caution: scammers!

If this happened, you must immediately refuse the services of the online service and in no case transfer money for using the site. The fact is that this is a scam site. They are simply trying to cash in on gullible and unsuspecting users.

You should immediately pay attention to the fact that checking the patent readiness is a free service. Usually it is provided on the websites of the FMS of certain settlements. No money will be charged for it. The same goes for SMS-informing - the message is free.

What you need to get a patent

As soon as the readiness of the patent is confirmed (in Moscow and not only), it will be possible to come to the FMS and get the corresponding document. But for this you need to take a certain list of papers with you.

More precisely, the following documents are needed to obtain a patent:

  • passport;
  • receipt of payment of the state fee for the extension / manufacture of a patent;
  • voucher for registration with the migration service.

Without these documents, a patent will not be issued. The listed documents are provided only in the original.patent readiness Moscow

We examined three ways to clarify the readiness of a patent. Make it a lot easier than it sounds. It is enough to be able to use the Internet. As already mentioned, users are not charged for providing information on patent readiness. Otherwise, you must refuse to use this or that service. The safest options are SMS-informing and official FMS sites. Do not rush to use third-party services, because posting on the Internet without special need such important information as passport data is unsafe from any position.

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