
How to terminate the contract with NPF Sberbank: tips, features

All working Russians want a decent retirement in the future. You can ensure a carefree old age with the help of the OPS agreement, which is concluded with the NPF. But investors are not always satisfied with the interest that the NPF offers, or the terms of termination of the contract. One of the most popular in the mandatory pension insurance market of Russia is NPF Sberbank. How to terminate the contract with NPF Sberbank without problems and financial losses?

Reasons for termination of the OPS agreement

With the change in pension reform in the country, millions of Russians became clients of non-state funds. But some admitted that they hastened with a decision. Despite the fact that NPF Sberbank is a very reliable fund and offers favorable conditions for investing savings, not all customers are confident in the success of the new pension reform. Some of the depositors who transferred funds to Sberbank private pension funds want to return them back to the insurance part.

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There are several reasons for returning:

  • uncertainty about the fund;
  • the desire to spend savings on the social needs of the state;
  • change of non-state company;
  • low interest on investing funds;
  • uncomfortable personal account or disappointment in the service.

One of the main reasons why investors want to learn how to terminate the OPS agreement with Sberbank's non-state pension fund is the transfer of savings to the FIU. Refund for other reasons occurs only in 15% of cases.

Terms of exit from NPF Sberbank

Prior to termination of the OPS agreement, depositors must understand the conditions for the return of savings to the account of the FIU. How to terminate the contract with NPF Sberbank and what are the conditions for the transition to the FIU?

How to terminate the NPF Sberbank agreement

According to the rules that are provided for all non-state pension funds, the return of pension savings without loss of interest is possible only after 5 years from the date of conclusion of the contract. Otherwise, the depositor receives only funds that have been accrued by the employer (6% - the funded part).

If the depositor is not interested in the loss of interest, he can return the savings at any time. The agreement on the transfer of funds to the FIU will enter into force no later than the end of the 1st quarter of next year.

How to terminate the contract with NPF Sberbank: features

To terminate the OPS agreement with the NPF of the largest bank in the country, there are 2 options:

  1. Return the savings to the Pension Fund.
  2. Go to another non-state company.

In the first case, to apply, you should contact the Pension Fund branch at the place of registration. You should take your passport and SNILS with you.

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In the second case, termination occurs at the conclusion of a new OPS agreement in the office of an NPF or online (on the website of a non-state company). Funds are transferred automatically.

Return to FIU: procedure, features

More than 2/3 of clients who leave non-state funds return to the FIU. They explain their decision by a hasty transition and the wrong choice of company. About 87% of depositors are satisfied with conditions at NPF Sberbank, but more than 10% of citizens decided to terminate the contract 1 year after the conclusion. 92% of them returned the transferred savings to the insurance unit (FIU).

How to terminate the contract with NPF Sberbank? The instructions for returning to the FIU are as follows:

  • to come to the PFR office by registration with a passport and SNILS;
  • inform the fund employee of the intention to return the funded part of the pension back to the Pension Fund;
  • provide documents;
  • sign a return application.
how to terminate an NPF sberbank agreement and what are

After signing the application, a FIU employee contacts the depositor within a week to confirm the operation by telephone.It is important to leave the current phone number when writing the application. If PFR employees cannot get in touch with a client, the funded part of the pension will remain at Sberbank NPF.

How to apply? Depositor Tips

If a client wants to leave the ranks of clients of NPF Sberbank, he must visit the Pension Fund of Russia with documents and an application for leaving the standard form provided by an employee of the Pension Fund, or with a manual application. How to terminate the contract with NPF Sberbank, and the client can submit an application online or at a personal visit.

When making an application, it is worth considering:

  • The addressee represented by the FIU.
  • The essence of the problem is the return of accumulated funds (with or without interest) from private pension funds of the country's largest bank to the Pension Fund of Russia.
  • Date of application.
  • From whom the request comes. To do this, indicate the name and signature of the contributor.
How to terminate the NPF Sberbank agreement

The term for consideration of the application is no more than 30 days. As a rule, the client receives the decision to return the funded part of the pension to the Pension Fund much faster, within 10 days. How to terminate the contract with NPF Sberbank, and conclude it with another company can only the client himself or his authorized representative.

How to transfer to another fund?

In order to quickly exit the NPF of Sberbank, it is not necessary to transfer the savings back to the FIU. If the depositor is interested in the terms of another private financial company, he has the right to draw up a contract directly at the office of the NPF. This is one of the alternative options for how to terminate the contract with NPF Sberbank.

To terminate the contract, it is not required to come to the office of Sberbank. An application for transfer to a new non-state pension fund can be issued with a passport and SNILS.

When drawing up a new OPS agreement, it should be clarified whether it is necessary to visit the Pension Fund after processing the documents. Not all non-state pension funds can be transferred to a non-state company without confirmation with the help of the territorial branch of the FIU.

The transition will be confirmed at least 1 year after the preparation of the documents. The client will receive a notification from the new insurer in a registered letter or e-mail.

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