
How to pass a child to an orphanage? Is it possible to take my own child to an orphanage

It is difficult for an ordinary person to imagine what life circumstances may compel an adult to think about how to deliver a child to an orphanage. It is difficult to argue on this subject, understanding that there are no uniquely bad, scary and evil adults, as well as unhappy and offended children. It is easy to make a decision about placing a child in an orphanage if parents lead an asocial lifestyle, drink or beat - in this case living in a family is perceived as a threat to their life, and the orphanage becomes a salvation. But just such parents don’t think about whether it is possible to take the child to the orphanage - they don’t think much about children.

It is more difficult to understand what should happen in a relatively prosperous family so that the parent begins to think about this issue. To understand this is not to savor the details of someone else's family misfortune, but to notice and prevent a problem in your family in time.

problems in the relationship between parents and children

Reasons for abandoning a child

There are no perfect parents. In their family, children sooner or later are dissatisfied with their parents, just as parents always would like to correct something in the behavior of their children. But far from always these conflicts of “fathers and children” become an occasion to think about how to hand over a child to an orphanage. The reasons for abandoning a child can be different - momentary spontaneous decisions that are the result of a heated quarrel or conflict with a child, as well as balanced and adopted as a result of a difficult family situation. Do not rush to immediately condemn such parents (and, as a rule, this is a single mother), there are really difficult cases. Real life sometimes throws up situations that are much more intricate than the most complicated series.

Difficult life vicissitudes

Some people are familiar with the situation - a single mother living in a remote area wants to leave to work for her family in a major city or abroad. There is no one to leave the child with, and she comes to the decision: "I want to take the child to the orphanage. Temporarily!". It is assumed that the mother does not abandon her child forever, only until she earns a living. The situation may be aggravated by the fact that the mother of the children may have several, and one of them requires expensive urgent medical care.

Return of adopted and adopted children

Sometimes parents have to think about returning foster children to the orphanage. A situation is known where adoptive parents took the child into a family with their own native children. After some time, it turned out that the adopted child has a serious mental disorder, due to which he practically terrorizes the youngest children in the family. Moreover, because of their age, children cannot fight back, and in adults, a foster boy behaves appropriately. Parents were not in a hurry to get rid of him right away; on the contrary, they arranged repeated conversations and looked for other ways of influence that were unsuccessful. Moreover, they themselves became attached to the adopted son, are well aware of the psychological impact that the return may bring him to the orphanage, but, looking at the bruises and beatings on younger children, they simply do not see any other way to resolve the issue.

dangerous child

Lack of contact and understanding in the family

Not always parents can cope with their own child. The reasons for this are different, but the result is one - the parents have lost their authority and can not have the proper effect on the teenager. The latter is aggressive, sees in relatives a threat to his freedom, strives to get away from home, and even grab something from his things, and his parents do not feel safe being near him. Are they entitled to make a harsh decision for educational purposes, or should they dutifully wait for their fate? Each parent answers this question independently in each case.You should not wait for help or advice from others in such matters - this is your personal choice and your responsibility.

What documents are needed to pass a child to an orphanage

A child is a full citizen of his country. Therefore, if such a decision has already been made, a set of documents will be required at the orphanage. The main rule is that you should contact the local guardianship authorities, there they will provide all the necessary information. Registration of a child in an orphanage is not a one-day process, as this will require a decision of local self-government bodies or other state bodies, as well as a request form in the guardianship authorities. The minimum set of documents includes:

  • birth certificate (or passport) of the child. In the absence of such a medical report is issued, establishing the approximate age of the child;
  • housing inspection certificate;
  • if the child goes to school, you will need documents on education;
  • information about the parents (parent);
  • inventory of property owned by the child.
children in orphanages

Problems of personality formation in child care facilities

In any case, keeping children in orphanages does not pass without a trace for them. These problems cannot be prevented neither by the increased attention of educators, nor by the best financing. All personal problems of pupils in the orphanage can be divided into several types:

  • In the cognitive sphere associated with a lack of mental development. Moreover, this does not mean mental retardation, it is the result of an irregular environmental impact when acquiring any skills.
  • In the emotional sphere, caused by the lack of close emotional contacts, primarily with the mother and peers.
  • In the social sphere, provoked by a lack of experience in interpersonal contacts and team communication.
  • Sensory sphere - due to the lack of stimuli of the auditory and visual spheres.

As a result of these factors, emotional poverty is inherent in orphanages, and the lack of social life experience that can only be obtained in the family. They have either low or high self-esteem due to the unformed image of "I". Lack of social experience leads to the fact that children cannot find a common language with people around them, they become rude, distrustful, suspicious, and can start to deceive. They tend to desire to separate from the rest, to assert themselves by any means.

dissatisfied children

Negative consequences of living in child care facilities

Before making a final decision, you need to have a correct idea of ​​how children live in an orphanage and how their personality is formed there. This is a place where children will not be able to develop a stable attachment to a person, to the so-called psychologists "significant adult." And without this, in the opinion of L. Petranovskaya, a Russian psychologist, teacher and publicist, it is impossible to form a full-fledged personality. Any child should feel a reliable rear, know that he has someone who will protect him.

Living in an orphanage, he sees many adults (speech therapists, psychologists, educators, librarians, cleaners, and so on), but not one of them is personally attached to him, and, accordingly, he does not become attached to anyone. A feeling of closeness and devotion can only be formed in the conditions of separation into adults and strangers. Living a life without a meaningful adult, the child, in fact, is in a situation of constant stress and fear. The world around him is not open, interesting and informative, but cold, ruthless and hostile.

children's life in orphanages

Limited space

About what children in orphanages, another fact that characterizes life in children's institutions will tell you - the total impossibility of the pupils to lead their personal lives.In the orphanage, there is a constant violation of the boundaries of personal space - a shared shower, toilet, nowhere to retire with your emotions and thoughts. The child gets used to being constantly examined, adults who are alien to him, and alien and not always benevolent children, are watching him.

problems of parents and children are solved

Lack of responsibility

The problem for the future life of a person who grew up in an orphanage is the inability to learn how to bear responsibility for his life and his actions. On the one hand, the constant lack of problems with daily worries about where to get food and how to wash dirty clothes make life easier, on the other hand, the pupil gets used to having someone do this work for him daily.

Summing up, we can say that the issue of transferring one's own child to an orphanage in each specific situation is always decided individually. Perhaps there really is no other way. This is a moral and ethical question and everyone answers it in his own way. It is very important that in the case of a positive answer - yes, give - this happened with the full understanding that the condition for the formation of a successful personality of each child can only be a family. Everyone will agree with this statement - from psychologists, teachers to the children themselves - children from orphanages.

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Reason for complaint
max-im grish
I was raped by me 15 years old a girl 7 years ago, she had a son, Bogdan, she refused him, I first raised him with my family, but right now I’ve cut him to the edge and substitutes
so we decided to take it to the orphanage, tell me the number of a good orphanage
Diana Tikhonova
I am 20 and in two months the third baby will be born.
We met with my first husband, I was 16 years old. Even then, in my head, I didn’t even have it. We did not have children until we were going to take birth control pills. But she became pregnant. I immediately said in the family that I would not give birth, I do not want this child, I myself have something else to take from me and what I can give to my child.
But all confidently insisted that I give birth that children are happiness.
I already said quit if I have an abortion. And at the terminal they reached the very point that it was already too late to do an abortion.
There was a pregnancy, I didn’t even feel that I was carrying a child, I didn’t want her. I walked with the thought that my whole life was ruined.
She gave birth to her 29-30 weeks. And I was diagnosed with infertility for life due to complications of childbirth. She was growing up in a special incubator. They let me go home. Then I had to come when her lungs opened and she could breathe on her own.
But even I who was born to her did not feel anything for her. I still do not like her. I don’t have anything regional to her.
She is now 4 she cerebral palsy. In the year she was diagnosed. But she already knows how to eat herself she gets up. Massage gymnastics. When she was 2 years old, I became pregnant with my son and was in heaven with happiness. I love him very much and generally can not imagine my life without him.
The husband is dead. And he left us when his son was not yet a year old. I got married a second time. And we will soon have a daughter. We are waiting for her. I love her as much as my son.
But the first child I just apologize for the expression she got me. Yelling like a victim if something is not according to her. Begging for everything only with his roar, visiting with her is not possible at all. She's just not manageable. I just don’t have any strengths.
Is it possible to hand her over to temporary premises in an orphanage? At least for two years. I’ll rest and the children will grow up.And because of her, I go nervous. I'm rage. Just tired. Maybe someone will understand me.
Mother is not crazy with me. That's how it happened.
But I don’t give anyone two children, but they will always grow in love and affection.
help me please
Svetlana kurinnaya Diana Tikhonova
No, you need to overcome this problem. It is possible your task for life. Having surrendered the girl your soul will never calm down. Now is just the time - surrender and break yourself all your life, take it out - at once everything in life should fall into place. What does your current husband think about his wife who is “tired” of the child? I do not blame you. But life was not given to us for pleasure, but for passing exams. Agree with the girl’s relatives, let them take her for a month or 2. Especially while you have a baby. But soon the girl needs to be taken, loved, with all her might. Sincere. Because she’s capricious because they don’t love her
Ivanova Victoria
The daughter appeared from rape, she is already 10 years old, and my mother is disgusting, I do not feel anything for her, I have nothing, I have no one, and soon there will be no place to live, I have no work, I decided not to torment her nor myself, this year I want to take her to an orphanage, how can I do this? Do we have good boarding schools?
And I would like to take my daughter, she is 7 years old, to an orphanage. He doesn’t listen to anyone, does everything in spite, brings everyone. Problems from her were in kindergarten, because she offended children and parents constantly sorted out. And I took her to a psychologist for classes and a neurologist, and I’m talking good, that doesn’t help!
Cat kotei
Of course hand over
Vasilisa Samoilova
Anna, I have an identical situation, only with my son. How to contact you?
Svetlana kurinnaya
Hand over. And go yourself to charity correctional labor, state money. Himself a plate of soup and bunks. Maybe it will knock your nonsense out of my head
Irina Nyamachka
I have two children. My son is 6 years old, daughter is 11 months old. I want to hand over my daughter to the children's home. Since every day it’s harder to live. A son needs to be registered in some school, get ready, buy everything. I can’t go to work and the kindergarten here is only 3 and a half years old. In this area where we live there is no work, and if you go to the nearest city and give my daughter to the kindergarten for one and a half, and my son to school and to work. And rent an apartment. Then I will not find such work where it would be possible to work until 18:00 or 19:00 maximum because the gardens are up to 8. And how will she be there for so long, and who will pick up her son from school and where he will be all the time while I will be at work. And it would still be easier for me if we lived together and we both lived together: before the birth of a daughter, the guy promised to be together, promised to help, work, we will live and deal with everything together: and in the end, he only one problem created. I want to go with my son to another city, to another region. Where I can work and where my son will go to school and there will be someone to pick him up. And leave my daughter here. And it’s not easy, because it’s probably the guardianship authorities will then shake, and so on.
Vasilisa Samoilova Irina Nyamachka
How to contact you? I want to help you!
Anna Chegodaeva Irina Nyamachka
Not yet handed over? May I contact you personally?
Natalia Maksimova Irina Nyamachka
. I have a different situation I don’t like the eldest child And I also think about the orphanage
Sasha Timofeeva
Good afternoon, I want to leave my family in an orphanage, due to the fact that my mother can’t cope with her duties, we have constant quarrels, constant fights, misunderstandings, when I try to talk to her she has no time, and when we quarrel with her, she always has time for this ... and she blames me for everything. she has a young man who lives with us, they drink every night (in particular, he drinks a little, but he makes noise, then They are indignant at why we are not sleeping, and why my sister and I have a regimen down. It turns out that we don’t have any normal food (we are sitting on buckwheat or pasta, sometimes of course my mother cooks (for example pilaf, rice not cooked, or the meat is not completely ready) there isn’t even a banal powder to wash things, or to buy pads, etc., etc. we don’t have money for anything, simply because my mother constantly changes her job ( for example, the other day, she left the dental clinic, to a position in the waiters) it’s clear that she won’t be able to make good money there, not only is there a small salary, so the first time she works there and doesn’t learn the menu, she’ll be paid pennies, which means it will be even worse .. The NVS does not have Russian citizenship, (we will receive it only in the summer) in Russia I do not have a relative. I’m 16, what should I do? How can I get to the orphanage, and what will be the disadvantages when I am there?
Svetlana kurinnaya Sasha Timofeeva
Take your documents and go to the orphanage or custody with the same request. They will take you. They will help you.
Can I please go there, huh? I'm tired of all this. Mom always beats because of trifles until bruises appear on the body. Well, then I’m going to ninth grade. I have a migration card, I had a temporary residence permit, but my mother later did not do it to me because she hates me. She does not follow the laws of the Russian Federation. I warned her many times that she would be fined, but she said: “I don't give a damn!” I wish you disappeared forever! In vain I gave birth to you !! And I’m very tired of it. Sometimes I drink a lot of pills of some kind of medicine to die, but it doesn’t work (it just hurts my stomach for about 15 minutes and everything goes away).
Just me
If everything is as bad as you say, then just call the police and say that your parents beat you. Then they will send people to examine you all this, I also advise you to photograph the bruises for proof. If you feel so bad live there, then go to the orphanage, the more I don’t even know what to say
Girl, don’t be offended by your mother, she certainly loves you, otherwise, she would have got rid of you a long time ago, but maybe she’s very unhappy and throws such insulting words to you. Forgive her for this, just come to her, hug and say that you love her very much. Only come not at the moment when she will be angry with you. You are undoubtedly the most dear and beloved of her little man. good luck to you, baby "
Zarina Tuzhikova
You are up to 18 that is not long left. Be patient. Then you will get a job, you will find a guy. Everything will be okay
PPC I wanted to learn how to hand over a child to an orphanage and not to “Reasons for abandoning a child” to get in touch with each other, and for all this nonsense who scored an article, I didn’t read a nonsense article. Let the author and editor-in-chief hang themselves or drown in their own water.
An article in the heart. Sometimes in the family a similar upbringing is obtained as described in the article, but I am sure that such articles will be the very bottom from which people repel in order to “emerge” =)


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