
How to become a forensic specialist? How to become a forensic doctor?

Many graduates today are wondering how to become a forensic scientist. This is a rather prestigious and interesting profession, which makes it possible to develop, paving the way for career growth. Naturally, for starters, it is worth learning more about the profession itself and about getting the appropriate education.

Brief historical background

how to become a forensic scientist

Before considering the question of how to become a forensic scientist, it is worth learning more about this profession.

In fact, the procedure, which resembles a modern forensic examination, appeared before our era. Hippocrates in his works wrote about how, for example, when examining the body of a murdered person, it is possible to determine which particular injury caused the death.

The term itself was introduced much later. Its author was Hans Gross, who is considered the founder of modern forensics. The term comes from the Latin word crimen, which means “crime” in translation.

This industry began to develop actively in the second half of the nineteenth century, since it was during this period that organized crime began to gain strength. At this time, doctors, chemists, physicists and other scientists who could provide an expert point of view were involved in the investigation process. Forensics is an industry that is constantly evolving, using the achievements of modern science and medicine.

How to become a criminalist in Russia? Education requirements

how to become a criminalist in Russia

If you want to work in this area, you first need to get an appropriate education, and in most cases a legal one.

The Moscow State Academy, the University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Moscow and St. Petersburg, the Saratov Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, as well as the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Volgograd offer their applicants a specialty such as forensics.

What do you need to take to become a forensic scientist? The list of exams or disciplines of the exam largely depends on the requirements of the chosen educational institution. As a rule, applicants pass an exam in the Russian language and social science, history. Many institutions require applicants to undergo a medical commission and pass various sports standards, since the work of a criminalist is more or less related to physical activity and stress resistance.

During the training, the future expert should thoroughly study the criminal case, the methodology of laboratory research, the profile and general theory of forensics, the rules for collecting evidence and evidence. Students also study such disciplines as the theory and practice of the criminal process, the modern possibilities of forensic examination, etc.

Specialized courses

how to become a forensic expert

What to do if a person already has an education? For example, how can a doctor become a forensic scientist? Do I need to go back to college and study a few more years? In fact, there is another option - you can take specialized courses of criminal examination. It is worth saying that such training lasts at least three months, after which you need to undergo an internship. Of course, the presence of higher education is mandatory in this case.

The main areas of forensics

what you need to become a forensic scientist

You already know how to become a forensic expert. But this profession has different directions, and each student studying at the department of forensic criminology will have to choose what he will do in the future. The following areas are available:

  • ballistics - an industry that is engaged in the study of firearms, comparisons and methods of using different models;
  • trasology - involves a thorough search and study of the traces that were left at the crime scene;
  • Fingerprinting - the field of forensics, which helps to establish a personality by analyzing fingerprint patterns;
  • phonoscopy is an industry that studies sound information;
  • graphology - in this case, specialists are studying handwriting;
  • DNA fingerprinting - a direction involving a detailed study of organic traces at the crime scene, including blood samples, saliva and other internal fluids.

In fact, there are much more directions (about 20 species). Of course, the expertise required in a particular case largely depends on the nature of the crime. Each type of examination involves the use of certain tools, techniques and guidelines. That is why it is almost impossible to be an absolutely universal forensic scientist.

Nevertheless, specialists in this case can be of two types.

  • Universal forensic experts are a kind of first instance in any investigation. Such specialists are the first to arrive at the crime scene, collect evidence, take photographs, etc.
  • Subsequently, the evidence or traces obtained are usually transferred to narrow-profile specialists who are already conducting more accurate and complex studies (for example, blood tests, DNA tests, handwriting studies, etc.).

Forensic Responsibilities

what you need to take to become a forensic scientist

Having dealt with the question of how to become a forensic scientist, it is worth paying attention to the direct duties of workers in this profession.

  • The forensic expert, as a rule, travels to the crime scene and conducts an examination. His responsibilities also include searching and fixing any traces and possible evidence, photographing the place.
  • In the future, an analysis of the information found (including laboratory tests) and reconstruction of possible events are carried out.
  • The specialist also develops a research plan, helps formulate a working hypothesis.
  • Criminologists conduct an expert analysis of the suspect’s traces, establish a connection between the criminal and the evidence.
  • Of course, the range of tasks of a specialist includes drawing up a protocol of their own activities.

What does it take to become a forensic scientist? Personal qualities

how to become a forensic expert in police

Not everyone can become a good specialist in this field. This is a serious profession, which requires a person to have certain qualities.

It is believed that qualities such as curiosity and self-confidence do not interfere with a successful expert. At the same time, a person must necessarily be well-erudite, because work requires a huge amount of scientific knowledge. Naturally, a professional should be rational, methodical, have a good memory and the ability to concentrate on a particular object for a long time. Important is stress resistance and emotional stability.

Place of work and prospects

Many applicants ask questions about how to become a forensic expert in the police. In fact, this work can be obtained almost immediately after graduation and internship. Of course, police officers can count on good incomes and government benefits.

Moreover, such a profession provides an opportunity for career growth. For example, many criminologists are transferred to work in the prosecutor's office, since accurate knowledge of the forensic medical examination helps to correctly build the line of prosecution and evaluate any evidence.

Some criminologists are building a career in operational-search activities - their efforts in this case are aimed at searching for fugitive criminals, missing people, etc. If you wish, you can get a job in one of the private forensic laboratories.

As for wages, the exact figure depends on many factors, including the availability of experience, skills, qualifications, certain personal qualities. For example, at the beginning of a career, an inexperienced specialist can count on 10-25 thousand rubles a month. A professional criminalist earns an average of about 35-60 thousand. If it comes to working in a managerial position or in the private sector, then you can count on 70 thousand rubles or more.

Disadvantages of the profession

how to become a forensic doctor

Considering the question of how to become a criminalist, it is worth paying attention to the shortcomings of the profession. Of course, specialists can count on good earnings and pleasant bonuses. But do not forget that the employee will regularly have to travel to crime scenes, which sometimes look horrific. Pressure from criminal elements is not excluded. This is a relatively dangerous profession, which is not suitable for everyone.

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