
How to become an internet provider? Business plan, documents, necessary equipment and materials

How to become an internet provider? The task is not the easiest, but promises certain benefits in the future if you manage to promote your business. The first obstacle that an entrepreneurial person is faced with is the requirement to have a considerable amount of money at his disposal. It will have to purchase equipment. It is also necessary to have specific knowledge: how the Internet works, as well as legal and legal, in order to conduct business legally. The services of Internet providers in our society are in demand, but only when they are of high quality.

how to become a satellite internet provider

Where to begin?

How to become an internet provider? Find a building that is suitable for your tasks - the information processing center will be located here. Buildings that are equipped with raised floors are best suited. This will simplify the task of laying cables.

The next step is to purchase a device that will insure your equipment in case of interruptions in the supply of electrical energy. It can be a UPS or a diesel generator. Home Internet providers need special equipment to cool the equipment that they have, therefore, in addition to the UPS, it is necessary to provide a ventilation system that is powerful enough to provide a microclimate comfortable for mechanisms on the hottest day when the machines are fully loaded. Remember that all the machines used in the work will produce large amounts of heat, which are extremely negative effect on the devices.

how to become an internet provider

A correct start is the key to success

When the network router is selected and delivered, you should start resolving traffic issues. Access directly to the web is provided by a peering arrangement. You personally do not make sense through such work, it is necessary for large companies, so you should conclude a contract with another provider, or better, immediately with two. They are usually called upstream, that is, upstream.

Reliable modern companies providing Internet access services often work simultaneously with five or more higher providers. This allows you to provide high speed and reliable connection without breaks at any time. Therefore, the more contracts you can conclude, the more satisfied your customers will be with the quality of services.

 how to become an internet provider from scratch

We spend money wisely

When designing your workplace, you need the necessary equipment and materials. Special wires — fiber optic lines — will come in handy. With their help, you will make the connection between workstations and higher providers.

Do not forget about the system administrator’s server and routers. You need the latter strictly corporate, since only such people can cope with a large amount of workload. Also, switches are useful in the work. Try to avoid cheap equipment, as it will not cope with the load, which will lead to regular complaints from customers and, as a result, poor business reputation.

So, how to become an Internet provider in the private sector? Even if it seems to you that your customers simply have nowhere to go, this is not a reason to save on quality. Regardless of which site you work on, choose reliable equipment with high performance.

home internet providers

Providers and Services

In some cases, Internet service providers are provided through a DSL connection. A telephone circuit will work here.The entrepreneur must think in advance how he will serve customers and how to install equipment.

If you are hosting, then you need to configure workstations to support VPS functions. This will enable the customer to place their sites here on the territory strictly limited for each user and have access to the specified resources of the information processing center.

All home Internet providers should clearly monitor their equipment, regularly checking the power reserve - it should be enough to serve all current customers, and there should also be some margin to attract new customers. Keep track of the resources of your equipment and its level of cooling. As soon as the capacities approach the threshold value, all customers will suffer, both new and old, and it will simply not be possible to get out of the pile of complaints.

Internet service providers

Business plan

How to become an Internet provider and come to success? To begin with, do not rush recklessly into the business you are interested in, but draw up a correct and correct business plan. By the way, if you compile it accurately enough, you can contact the administration of your locality with him and request a subsidy from them for the implementation of the idea. There is no guarantee that it will be agreed upon, but there is a chance. Why not take advantage? In any case, without a business plan, you certainly cannot get any preferences from the state.

Many would like to know how to become an Internet service provider from scratch. According to experts, this is almost impossible. If you don’t have the funds at all, the only option is to create the correct business plan and apply it to the banking structure. A financial organization can provide you a loan, as a small business, and already with these funds it will be possible to bring the project to life. Not having the money at all and not wanting to borrow anything, you may find yourself in a dead end.

how to become an internet provider in the private sector

Cash settlement

So, if you figured out the idea of ​​how to become an Internet provider in practice, the time has come for the financial component. First you need to have:

  • the amount to purchase equipment (about three million at current prices);
  • finances for licensing activities and official registration (about two hundred thousand);
  • opportunities for renting and repairing the premises, which will become your base (about thirty thousand).

Every month you need to be prepared for the following expenses:

  • rental of premises (depending on the city, varies from 60 to 200 thousand);
  • remuneration of employees of the enterprise (not less than one hundred thousand).

The income that can be obtained in a month by servicing one apartment building is about 80 thousand rubles. The specific amounts depend on the locality and the competition in the provider services market.

As we can see, the answer to the question “How to become an Internet provider from scratch?” Seems very difficult, especially if you were denied a loan. However, in this case, you can try to get an inappropriate loan for yourself personally, and not for the needs of the enterprise, and experience happiness with it.

system administrator server

For a business to be cost-effective, at least a dozen high-rise buildings should be serviced. To succeed, working in the private sector will have to cover very large areas. If you already have competitors, it is highly likely that it will be extremely difficult to succeed. A business will pay for itself no earlier than in two years, but you should count on it for up to five years. Profitability, which providers show on average, is about 65%.

Unlimited possibilities

Russia is a huge country, and there are a lot of opportunities to work in it. To this day, many territories are not connected to high-quality Internet at a high enough speed, so this area seems promising, despite the abundance of providers in the state.It makes sense to learn how to become a satellite Internet provider, as well as how to provide conventional wired connection services, and choose what is more relevant for your locality. Remember: even in apartment buildings of medium-sized settlements, in some places there is still no normal access to the network or it is provided under poor conditions (high price, low quality).

From year to year, more and more so-called micro-providers appear, which give users access to the Internet via wire or wireless technology. It was possible to develop several effective work schemes that allow the user to enjoy hassle-free access, and the company enjoy the minimum of problems associated with organizational and technical aspects.

Important aspects

When choosing how to get started, first of all, deal with different access technologies in order to choose the best option for yourself.

necessary equipment and materials

There is an opinion that the best option is when the administrators keep the situation under their personal control and set the IP addresses manually for each user. But practice shows that when expanding the audience, this logic of work leads to errors and confusion. Moreover, some advanced clients get into the network settings and try to change their address themselves, which leads to a collapse.

Another subtle point that not everyone has been able to avoid is VPN tunnels. This technology has become popular in the past few years, despite a significant drawback, it allows you to access servers through a virtual web, but is ineffective if there is a local network whose users want to access external resources.

Admin Problem - Client Problem

At that moment, when the grid created by you is faced with some problems associated with IP addresses, it may collapse. Even a small malfunction leads to loss of performance of the entire system. Subscribers will be unhappy with this, and when the situation repeats, they will probably start looking for another provider, and the influx of new customers will significantly decrease.

To avoid problems, it is recommended to resort to IPoE technology. If you chose it, then the user turns on his machine and immediately finds himself on the network if he has a connection. The disadvantage of this technical solution: it is implemented using expensive equipment. If you are planning a very small business, then it will be almost impossible to recoup it.

Is there a solution?

How can we get out of such a dead end? If you are not ready to create a large company and do not seek to cover the entire city, then you should study those technologies that allow subscribers to access the World Wide Web using the PPPoE protocol. There is no need to set IP addresses, but the user must store the password and login from his account, otherwise he will not get access to the network.

agreement with another provider

To store client addresses using this logic, a server is used. The operator regularly monitors the status of the system and can see which of its customers did not pay for the service on time. You can disconnect such a subscriber in just one movement. The introduction of a billing system allows us to automate the process of controlling payment for services and disconnecting users as needed.

Channels, Phones

When planning your business start, be sure to pay enough attention to IP telephony. You will need your own gateway, which will provide communication with the provider above. In addition, you may have to resort to the telephone network that already exists in the city. You can rent equipment from channel operators. Another option is to resort to services provided by other providers, but the quality will be poor. You should only choose a channel through which data is transmitted with a delay of less than 100 ms and with a loss rate of less than 10%.

Next, you should apply for conditions of cooperation with operators that provide telephone lines. For normal operation, you need four or more. Pay attention to the different interfaces and make no mistake with the choice. In extreme cases, you can use adapters, but this will degrade the quality of access to the network.

Papers are important

If you are seriously ready to start working in the business of providing access to the Internet, you will have to pay a lot of attention to the paper component of this business. This is not about a simple registration of the company as a legal entity. To provide services for access to the web, you need to obtain a special license.

network router

The paper you need will serve as proof that you have the right to provide telematic services. By the way, if you have already received one in another direction of a similar business, you won’t be able to use the same license twice - you will have to expand it or request a new document.

What does it look like?

You need to work with a special Office. This is a government agency licensing providers. She is a member of the Ministry of Communications. Representatives who will be appointed responsible for your business will send an application form and a questionnaire to the address of the entrepreneur. They will give a general idea of ​​the rules by which to fill out this application and how soon it should be done.

When you complete the application in the prescribed form, it will need to be officially sent to the Ministry of Communications. This happens according to the rules of workflow, so do not forget to get the incoming details of the document. This will guarantee that your appeal will not be lost. Consider it for up to three months. As a result, the entrepreneur will either receive the desired document confirming his right to provide services, or they will refuse him, but they will explain for what reason the answer turned out to be negative. Please note that a license is given for a reason: 40 minimum salaries will have to be paid for it. The specific cost depends on the characteristics of the region in which you are going to work. If you plan to offer services in several regions at the same time, then for each of them the license will need to be paid separately.

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