
How to contact the seller on "AliExpress": several ways

"AliExpress" is the most popular platform with many different sellers ready to provide a wide selection of inexpensive and high-quality goods directly from China, without intermediaries and overpayments.

If you have some questions regarding the product and delivery, many novice users of the online platform want to find out how to contact the seller on AliExpress.

Knowing how to write to the seller is useful, because he can clarify the availability of sizes, characteristics, equipment, colors and methods and delivery times.

There are several ways for the user to write to the administrator of a store registered on AliExpress. And if the seller is responsible and conscientious, he will certainly contact you.

Online shopping

The language of communication

Since all stores on the platform are from China and most sellers are native Chinese, the top of the most popular questions about "AliExpress" also includes the question of what language to communicate with the person on the other side of the screen.

There is nothing to worry about, you don’t have to communicate in Chinese, the platform does not support hieroglyphs, and the universal language of the site is English. Few people in China understand Russian, so if you are thinking about how to contact the seller of "AliExpress" in Russian, you can forget about this idea. Only through a translator.

If you don’t know English for communication with the seller, you should not despair. Broken English will be enough for you to solve the problem, specify the size or ask about the delivery. In addition, an online translator can come to your aid, through which you can translate both your message and the answer of the interlocutor.

Contact via product page

Well, let's study the ways of how to contact the seller at AliExpress. Each product has its own page to contact the seller, scroll down a bit, to reviews and product descriptions. On the left you can see some information about the store: rating, how old the store is on the site. A little lower, pay attention to the screenshot, there is a button for switching to the dialogue.

Write to the seller from the product page

After that, you will be taken to a page with a form with which you can contact the seller. Here you can attach the image, the most popular formats are supported, add stickers, and in the form on the right you will get acquainted with the buyer’s protection system, it actively acts on "Aliexpress" and protects your rights.

Please note that, going to the dialogue with the seller through the product page, you are going to discuss the thing that was presented on the page. Your interlocutor will also see the About this product mark, and you will definitely not mix anything up.

How to ask a seller about a product

If you are unable to go to the page with the form, check if you are authorized. You can communicate with the seller only by logging in to your account.

From the shop

There is another way of how to contact the seller on AliExpress - go to a dialogue with him from the store.

You can go to the seller’s store in the block with information about him. It is very convenient to order from one store, you can save some money on delivery, having received several goods in one package. In stores, often discounts are applied when ordering a certain amount, coupons are distributed - this is very convenient. To ask a question about several products or a general one - about delivery, terms and so on, you can go to the dialogue with the seller through his store.

How to go to the seller’s store

After you go to the store’s page, scrolling a bit, under the “Store categories” block on the left you will see the next - “Service”. This is a direct contact with the supplier.Click on the “Send message” button to go to the dialogue.

Seller's shop

As you can see, the form is no different from the previous one, except that without specifying which product we are talking about. If you want to clarify something about the goods, send the links for the seller in the dialogue or write to him in the previous way.

Upon payment

When paying for an order, you can also leave a message to the seller. For example, indicate the size or color you need or ask for a better package - in any case, if you need to write, then this is another way of contacting the seller on Aliexpress. Having paid for the order and dropping the page down, you will find a form with the corresponding signature - here you can put your wishes regarding the order. A conscientious seller will take into account your wishes when sending your order.

How to write to the seller at the time of payment

After placing an order

After you have already placed or even received an order, you may also have questions to the seller. There are many reasons for this, so we need to tell you how to contact your supplier after you have paid or received your goods.

You can contact the seller through the tab of your orders. To do this, click on the button in the upper right corner with a greeting. Then select "Orders". Your personal account and a list of your purchases on the AliExpress website will open for you. To contact the seller, find the order you are interested in, then click on the "Message to seller" button between the price and the name of the store.

Write after order payment

By clicking on the button, you will be taken to a page with detailed information about the order. Here you can find out the approximate number of days for delivery and the approximate date, you can confirm the receipt of the ordered goods or track the location of the package.

Scrolling down the page, you will find a form for a message to the seller. Here's how to contact the seller on "AliExpress" if you want to extend the delivery time or specify the location.

How to write to the seller?

Here your dialogue with the seller will be conducted.

In the application

It is very convenient to make orders via a tablet or mobile phone - they are always at hand, in applications it is convenient to track packages and communicate. It is important to know how to contact the seller "AliExpress" from the phone.

There are also several ways. To write to the seller from the product page, scroll down to the product information. You will quickly find the right button.

You can also write from the store. To do this, go to the store page and click on the red menu button in the lower right corner of the screen.

How to write to the seller from the application

When placing an order, you can also contact the supplier. As in the computer version of the site, you can contact the supplier from the tab of all your orders.

How to write to the seller via mobile phone?

We hope you find our tips useful on how to contact the seller on AliExpress. Feel free to clarify some aspects of the delivery and inquire about the product.

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