
How to dispose of a car without documents and a car? Car recycling program

The car recycling program in Russia is very popular. It helps citizens not only get rid of old vehicles, but also get a significant discount on the purchase of a new car. Very comfortable and helpful. Unfortunately, situations in which it is necessary to dispose of, sometimes force car owners to sweat pretty much. For example, if a citizen doesn’t have autofixes or the vehicle is not on track. Next, we will try to find out how to dispose of a car without documents and a car. This is not so difficult, but only if the citizen has prepared in advance and studied the legislative framework of the issue.

Removal of the vehicle from the register for disposal

The meaning of the service

The car recycling program in the Russian Federation has been in place for a long time. But why is it needed?

With the help of this technique, safe destruction of unusable vehicles is carried out. In this case, the owner of the movable property will receive a discount on the purchase of a new car.

Accordingly, almost any transport (especially when it comes to cars) can be disposed of. But with some limitations. We will talk about them below. And we’ll try to fully understand how to dispose of a car without documents and a car.

Basic conditions

It is worth remembering that far from always a person can take advantage of the studied bonus. There are certain conditions, compliance with which opens access to the mentioned program.

Conditions for the disposal of cars

At the moment, to implement the task it is necessary:

  • own a vehicle for at least six months;
  • have citizenship of the Russian Federation;

a car should have an engine, gearbox, body, battery, seats, wheels, dashboard, all electrical equipment and technical fluids.

Nevertheless, you can send the machine for recycling in any of its conditions. It doesn't matter if she is on the go or not. The main thing is to know how to behave in a particular case.

Where to go for help

How to dispose of an old car? The answer to this question does not cause any trouble, but only if the citizen has both a vehicle and documents for it. Otherwise, you have to try pretty hard.

The first problem that citizens face is their lack of knowledge about the authorized bodies offering assistance with disposal. Fortunately, you can send a request of the established form through:

  • "Government services";
  • local MFC;
  • MREO branch;
  • State traffic inspectorate;
  • STSI.

It must be remembered that it is necessary to apply to the organization at the place of residence of the applicant. Otherwise, the person will either be denied service, or this process will drag on for a long time.

Documents for a recycling machine

No cars and documents - what to do?

Need to dispose of a car in the traffic police without documents and the vehicle itself? There are many ways out of this situation. Much depends on the state of the vehicle and on the desire of a citizen.

Instructions for disposal without documents and cars look like this:

  1. Prepare the person’s papers on the machine. The more of them, the better.
  2. Contact the traffic police with an application for participation in the vehicle recycling program. It must indicate the reason for the lack of vehicles and documents.
  3. To receive a statement on the cancellation of registration with the machine in connection with its disposal, having previously paid for the corresponding certificate.
  4. Contact your car recycling center to complete the operation.

There is nothing difficult about this. But, if there are no documents for the car, you will have to restore them, and then immediately present them to the traffic police. Otherwise, achieving the desired goal will not work.

Recovery of documentation on the vehicle

Thinking about participating in a car recycling program, some forget about things like car dealerships. Without them, achieving the desired goal is problematic. And if you do not prove the fact of owning a car - it is completely impossible.

Utilization program for domestic transport in the Russian Federation

As already mentioned, the easiest option for the development of events is the restoration of car certificates before sending it to the scrap. To cope with this task, the modern car owner is recommended to adhere to the following algorithm of actions:

  1. Contact the police and report the loss or theft of documents for the car. It is enough to have a civil passport with you.
  2. Prepare certificates available on the machine and apply to the STSI / MFC with an application for the issuance of new documents.
  3. Pay for the appropriate service.
  4. Pick up documents for the car. They are issued within a few hours. Less often you have to wait a couple of days.

In reality, everything is not as difficult as it seems. As soon as the documents for the car are restored, the bulk of the problems will be resolved. The absence of a vehicle is not a reason for refusal in the corresponding operation.

Paper for recycling

How to dispose of a car without a car? New rules in force on the territory of the Russian Federation allow citizens to destroy vehicles on their own. More precisely, do not deliver them to the traffic police for inspection before deregistration. To achieve the desired result, you need to prepare a specific help package.

Where to dispose of the vehicle

It includes:

  • applicant's passport;
  • car registration certificate;
  • certificate of registration of the car in authorized bodies;
  • state license plates;
  • car insurance policy;
  • application for participation in the vehicle recycling program.

The lack of a TCP, STS, car policy and license plates cause some inconvenience, but it is not an obstacle to the implementation of the task. You can do with a passport and a title document. However, car inquiries will still have to be restored. And after that, they are given to the traffic police to complete the removal of the vehicle from the register.

Help for recovering documents

How to dispose of the car? This is not the most difficult task. Just need to remember the basic conditions for participation in the corresponding program. And to understand that only domestic vehicles undergo such a process. Foreign-made cars cannot be disposed of and get a discount on a new deal for them.

As already mentioned, the lack of documents for the car is a certain difficulty. Therefore, it is better to restore them first. The procedure for translating ideas into reality was presented earlier. And what extracts will be required to restore TCP and STS?

Usually the package of documents is limited to:

  • identifier of the applicant;
  • a certificate from the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the established form;
  • checks confirming the payment of state duty for the operation;
  • title documents for movable property.

Paperwork is minimal. Moreover, you can remotely submit a request for utilization and restoration of documents to the machine through the State Services portal. These options are available only to those who have activated accounts on ESIA.

Recycling Help

Transaction cost

The car recycling program in the Russian Federation helps citizens not only get rid of their old cars, but also get a discount on vehicle purchases in the future. Take part in it for free. The only payment to be faced is the payment of a certificate of removal of the vehicle from the register in connection with the shipment thereof. It will cost 300 rubles.

If the owner of the car does not have auto refills, they will have to be restored. For the relevant paper they pay:

  • 600 rubles - EPTS;
  • 800 rubles - a new TCP;
  • 1500 rubles - plastic STS;
  • 500 rubles - certificate of registration of the car on paper;
  • 2000 rubles - issuing state numbers for cars.

A discount of 30 percent of the amount of the fee is provided to all those who deposit them through the State Services.

Where to send the vehicle

Where can I dispose of the car? There is no single answer to this question. The thing is that you can send the car to different places. The choice of the appropriate organization depends on the desire of the person.

For example, you can contact a car dealer who will purchase a new car. In this case, the relevant organization takes upon itself all the efforts to transport and destroy the applicant’s vehicle. This is the best solution.

In addition, some people choose a different solution to the task. Namely, contact the car recycling points. There transport will have to deliver on their own. Let's say using a tow truck. After delivery of the vehicle, the applicant will be given a certificate of the established form.

It is worth noting that in the second case, you will have to pay for the services of a tow truck on your own and in full. If the car owner turned to the dealer for help, he will not have to pay a dime.


How to dispose of a car without documents and a car? We studied this process from all sides. Now everyone will be able to prepare for the operation in advance. The main thing is to find out where the disposal points are.

Disposal Statement

It is important to remember that the program studied is available only to owners of domestic cars. In this way, foreign cars cannot be scrapped and you cannot get a discount for this. This is not yet provided for by the current legislation of the country.

We figured out how to dispose of a car without a car and documents. It is best to restore automobile certificates first, and then contact the authorized bodies to cancel registration actions. Why is this done?

While the car is registered, a tax is charged for it. It is believed that it is used by humans. Cancellation of registration will save from unnecessary additional charges for property that was sent to the scrap.

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