
How to find out how the apartment is privatized? Documents of a privatized apartment

In judicial practice, cases were widespread when real estate buyers, when making a transaction, did not properly check the information about the apartment owners and ultimately violated the rights of registered residents.

If a child has been registered in the dwelling, the deregistration process may be delayed. In addition, upon reaching adulthood, he will be able to challenge his share of the property sold. Therefore, it is better to take care of this issue in advance. In this article, we will take a detailed look at how to find out how the apartment is privatized and get information about the owners.

Housing verification options

how to find out how the apartment is privatized

So what do you need to know about this? The Federal Law on the privatization of housing has provided ample opportunity to dispose of real estate. The owner of the apartment has the right to make transactions with her. But how to determine whether real estate is privatized or still owned by the municipality? Information about housing should be stored in the so-called unified state register and may be provided upon request.

However, there are other ways to obtain information about the property. Let's see how you can find out the status of an apartment using some of them.

Who is entitled to request information?

Find out the status of housing is far from all citizens. Federal Law "On Privatization" No. 1541-1 contains a list of persons who can submit a request for the status of an apartment, and who does not have such a right. The first is not so much.

Check whether the apartment is privatized or not, they can:

  1. Citizens who have concluded a social contract of employment with the administration, that is, tenants of municipal housing.
  2. Family members of the employer, and this can be not only blood relatives, but also unauthorized persons registered in the apartment.
  3. Local governments also have the right to clarify what status a dwelling has.
  4. Law enforcement agencies: bailiffs, police, tax authorities. In this case, we are talking about cases when the apartment becomes the object of illegal actions or a place of shelter for criminals.

Other persons will not be able to find out if the apartment is privatized or not. For them, the only possible way is to directly contact the homeowner and ask if it is privatized or not.

Where to get information?

where to privatize the apartment

How to find out how the apartment is privatized? There are several ways to get information. Typically, such information is provided on a fee basis. It is most convenient to submit a request online. But you can very well use the traditional method of obtaining information. Let's consider in order each of the possible options.

Via Rosreestr

Let's dwell on this in more detail. The registration and registration of real estate in Russia is handled by the Federal Service of Rosreestr. Public administration appeared in 2008. At the moment, this is the main service that deals with the registration of rights to garden plots, houses and apartments. It is impossible to conclude any real estate transaction without the participation of Rosreestr. For this reason, it is in this body of state power that you can get data about the object of interest to you.

How to do it:

  1. Find out the address of the Rosreestr branch, which is located near you.
  2. Contact the staff by phone or pay them a personal visit.
  3. Pay the state fee.
  4. Take an electronic entry ticket to specialists.
  5. Write a statement, attach to it a receipt for the payment of state duty and a passport.
  6. Wait for help to be ready.

The state duty for carrying out this procedure in 2018 was: 400 rubles - for individuals, 1100 rubles - for legal entities. An electronic statement form will cost 250 and 700 rubles, respectively. The document is prepared within three working days.

The main difficulty faced by citizens requesting information on the status of the apartment is the queue for recording to the specialists of Rosreestr. To reduce the waiting time, you can use the services of intermediaries.

"My documents"

privatized apartment documents

How to check if an apartment is privatized? Today, the most convenient way is to obtain information through the public services center "My Documents" or the MFC. Such services act as an intermediary between ordinary citizens and state authorities. If you want to contact the territorial authority, then you just need to leave a request with a specialist of the "My Documents" center. The cost of extracting the statement in this case will be the same.

The procedure for obtaining information

Let's dwell on this in more detail. So, what is needed for this:

  1. Visit your local My Documents office.
  2. Take a ticket to a specialist.
  3. Pay the state fee.
  4. Write a request for information, attach to it a receipt on payment of state duty and present your passport to the registrar.
  5. Wait for the extract.

In this case, the deadline for preparing the document will be from 5 to 8 working days. However, the procedure may be delayed due to the workload of the service departments. It is worth considering that another service that the MFC provides is the registration of ownership of an apartment.

Recognize by receipt

register of privatized apartments

How to find out how the apartment is privatized? There is a simple and affordable way to get this information. For its implementation, you do not need to contact the Rosreestr or the MFC. It is enough to pay attention to receipts for utilities. Payments, as a rule, come with the personal account of the tenant.

Find housing status information:

  • in the line "Hire";
  • in the column "Social housing rental".

For example, if the apartment has not passed the privatization procedure, these lines will contain the amount that must be paid for the rental. A dash in this column indicates that housing has been privatized. It is easiest to find out the status of an apartment in this way, since it is completely free.

Bureau of Technical Inventory

So what do you need to know about this? BTI maintains technical records of residential premises. If the apartment was privatized before 1998, you can receive information on the status of housing only in the BTI. The organization issues the necessary certificates for Rosreestr.

The procedure in this case will look as follows:

  • find out the address of the nearest office of BTI;
  • visit a branch or organization;
  • pay state duty;
  • apply for a certificate;
  • pick up the statement on hand.

The obtained documents of the privatized apartment will help you understand who and when was involved in the procedure. The cost of the document in this case is calculated individually. The same can be said about the timing of the provision of services. They can vary greatly for different objects.

Find out the status of the apartment at

MFC registration of ownership of an apartment

What is the peculiarity of this method? If you do not have the opportunity to contact the Rosreestr or BTI, you can request information about the status of the apartment in the Unified Settlement and Cash or Information Center. Here everyone has the opportunity to get information, regardless of whether they are relatives of the tenant or not. This, of course, is not entirely legal, but in most cases they will provide information.

The procedure for using this method will be something like this:

  • contact the nearest branch of the center;
  • to make an appointment;
  • provide the center specialist with the exact address of the premises, the social contract of employment and the original passport;
  • get unofficial information about the status of the apartment.

This method has many disadvantages. Firstly, settlement centers usually have an extremely poor schedule of work with the population. Secondly, there are always lines. However, if you are willing to sacrifice nerves and time, then this method can be used.

Online Ways

Advanced computer users can find a register of privatized apartments on the Internet. In this case, the procedure will be as follows:

  • go to the official website of Rosreestr;
  • click on the section: "Electronic Services";
  • select the item: "Obtaining an extract from the USRN";
  • fill in the fields proposed by the system (type of object, cadastral number, location, method of providing the result of the request);
  • fill in the information about the applicant (name, passport details, address, information on the social employment contract);
  • Sign the application using a digital signature;
  • send a request for processing;
  • wait for information by email.

The cost of obtaining a document via the Internet as of 2018 was 250 rubles for individuals and 700 rubles for organizations.

How much will it be possible to get papers on privatization of an apartment on hand? Terms in this case will not be less than when contacting directly to the services. It will take approximately 5 business days to make an extract. However, to obtain information about the person who privatized the apartment, this method is quite suitable.

We contact the USRN

how to check if an apartment is privatized

How to find out how the apartment is privatized? You can determine the status of housing in the Unified State Register of Real Estate. Using the document received there, you can find out:

  • the presence of encumbrances;
  • rights to the apartment;
  • type of ownership;
  • information about the owners of the premises.

In order to make a request, you must contact the municipal office at the place of registration of the property. In this case, you should provide an identity document, a social contract of employment, technical passport, receipt of payment of state duty. If the information you request is not in person, but through a representative, you will also have to prepare a notarized power of attorney in advance.

Through the USRN, an extract is also made within 5 working days. The service costs respectively 400 rubles for individuals and 1100 for legal entities. The exact prices can be found on the website of Rosreestr or directly at the organization’s office.


Where to privatize the apartment? How to find out who and when registered the title to the property you are interested in? Today, there are several ways to obtain such information.

The most traditional method of obtaining this kind of information is to contact the state registration authorities: Rosreestr, BTI, USRN. Here you can find out the terms of the privatization of the apartment, determine who the owner is, and also get information about the status of the property.

privatized apartment or not

Another way to get information is to contact the MFC. Registration of ownership of an apartment today can also be carried out through the centers "My Documents".

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