
How to find out what property is registered per person? Property of individuals

How to find out what property is registered per person? This kind of question arises quite often. For example, when determining the place of residence of minor children or when receiving state assistance. Knowing the ownership of the population is also necessary when acquiring the status of the poor. In any case, almost every modern citizen should be aware of the relevant checks. Next, we consider all possible methods for solving the problem.

Certificate of ownership

Where property rights are displayed

Registration of rights to real estate is a mandatory procedure. After acquiring real estate, citizens will have to declare their property to the state as soon as possible.

By law, information on property rights to property is stored in the State Register. Here they are registered and adjusted. The relevant authority also stores information about the property as a whole.

Accordingly, if you are interested in how to find out what property is registered per person, you will have to access information from Rosreestr. This can be done in different ways.

The concept of "real estate"

But before that, we find out what types of property are registered in the corresponding organization. For this, it is important to understand the term "real estate".

By it is meant:

  • houses;
  • land;
  • garages;
  • apartments;
  • rooms;
  • construction in progress;
  • places reserved for parking.

The share of the apartment is also real estate. And the relevant information will be displayed in the database of Rosreestr. But information on movable property is problematic. Typically, such information is not of interest to citizens and government agencies. Therefore, we will not consider such an option.

Checking property for accrued taxes

Ways to submit a request

How to find out what property is registered per person? To do this, you will need to contact the Rosreestr. But what is needed for this? How is the request submitted in the established form?

An application for the issuance of data from the USRN can be submitted:

  • personally;
  • through the Internet;
  • by mail.

In addition, a citizen can choose which type of certificate to receive in the end - electronic or paper. Depending on this, the cost of the service will change.

Data Validation Methods

To verify ownership of land or a house / apartment, a citizen needs to seek help from specialized services. But where exactly is required to appear?

Modern residents of the Russian Federation can submit a request for issuance of a USRN statement:

  • through Rosreestr;
  • through cadastral chambers;
  • through the MFC;
  • by working with the official website of Rosreestr;
  • through the public services portal.

The latter scenario is almost never encountered in real life. He's too troublesome. Therefore, we pay attention to more common options.

State services and extracts USRN

Instruction: how to order a statement yourself

Does the person have property? An extract from the USRN will help answer this question. For example, you can order a certificate of property. Such documents are indeed issued.

To begin with, consider filing an application in person. This is the most common scenario.

The algorithm of actions for the implementation of the task looks like this:

  1. Prepare a specific series of papers for discharge. We will familiarize with the corresponding package later.
  2. Contact the registration authority with a request for an extract.
  3. Make a payment for the service.
  4. Get help on hand at the appointed time.

The process does not cause any difficulties.Especially if information is interested in government bodies, property owners or relatives of a citizen.

Documents for the procedure

After the registration of rights to real estate has occurred, information about this process will be stored in the State Register. This data is not confidential. Get them is not difficult.

Police check of property

Ideally, when submitting a request, you will need the following package of papers:

  • applicant's passport;
  • request for information;
  • receipt with paid state duty;
  • title papers on property;
  • power of attorney for the process (if the citizen acts through a representative).

As a rule, nothing more is required. The property of the missing person or the deceased can be checked by relatives. In this case, you will have to attach documents confirming kinship with the owner of the property.

Online ordering

But what if you want to submit a request via the Internet? How to find out what property is registered per person?

To do this, you will have to resort to the help of the Rosreestr website. This is an official service with which you can not only get information about the property, but also register the property (land, house, apartment and so on). Only the second service is not in demand.

To obtain an extract from the USRN you need:

  1. Open Rosreestr website.
  2. Go to the block "Services" - "Reference information on real estate."
  3. Fill out the form that appears on the screen.
  4. Pay for the service.
  5. Wait for extract from USRN. It will either have to be picked up on its own or downloaded as an electronic file.

Important: this technique often helps to find out information about the owners of a particular property. For example, to find out who has ownership of the property.

Order of USRN statement online


How much will you have to pay for the information you are interested in? Free data on property owners are not issued. Therefore, each customer will face a certain state duty.

Information from the register of rights in Russia is different. Individuals pay less than legal entities. This is worth remembering. It is this category of population that conducts the test under study.

For electronic certificates from the USRN, you will have to pay from 200 to 750 rubles, and for their paper counterparts - from 350 to 1,500 rubles. The exact amount of the state fee depends on the type of extract from the register of rights.

Date of issue

It doesn’t matter if a person has a share of the apartment or the whole house - all such data is stored in the State Register database. And having ordered a certificate of the established form from there, a person will be able to understand what belongs to whom and to whom.

Rosreestra website

How quickly do you receive the studied papers? The average waiting period is 3-5 days. If you act through the MFC, you will have to wait up to 10 days, but no more.

Ordering via the Internet does not speed up the process. If a citizen submits a request through electronic portals, then a certificate of the established form will be issued after 3 working days. Maximum - 5 days.

If you want to check a specific object, citizens can use the services of urgent processing of data from the State Register. Then the paper of established forms will be completed in a few hours.

Urgent order of documents

We found out how to find out what property is registered per person. But what if you need to urgently check a specific property? Third-party services are suitable for this. But you need to be extremely careful with them.

It is better to use the Rosreestr.net page. Here the data from the State Register are offered in electronic form. Help will be ready in 30 minutes. A full check of the property before purchase takes 2 days.

In order to urgently order information from the USRN, you need:

  1. Open the service "Rosreestr.net".
  2. Indicate the cadastral number of the object. His address is also suitable.
  3. Select the type of help.
  4. Enter customer information.
  5. Make a deposit for the operation.

That's all.After the actions taken, an official document from Rosreestr will be sent to e-mail. On paper there will be a stamp of the state register of property.


We found out how to find out what property is registered per person. In fact, it is not as difficult as it seems.

USRN statement

Some people prefer just asking people for relevant information. Confirmation of words will be any title document (deed of gift, certificate of acceptance of the inheritance, and so on). But not everyone is ready to provide reliable information.

That is why the ownership of land or another object is checked directly through the Rosreestr. Only here is relevant information on the owners of real estate and on the characteristics of a particular property stored.

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