
How do I know if traveling abroad is allowed? Who is forbidden to travel abroad

A visit to other states at work or in connection with vacation is possible only on condition that no punishment has been applied to the citizen in the form of a ban on crossing the border of the Russian Federation. Various government organizations may impose such a restriction. These include bailiffs, investigative officers, or other government officials. As a basis for this may be different debts or the conduct of the investigation. Therefore, each person must understand how to find out if traveling abroad is allowed. It is advisable to conduct an inspection at least one month before crossing the border of the Russian Federation, so that, if necessary, it is possible to remove the restriction before traveling.

The nuances of the ban

Restrictions on traveling abroad of the Russian Federation may be imposed for various reasons. The procedure is carried out by various organizations, and information on the presence of the ban is transmitted to customs officers and the FMS.

If there is a ban, it will not work to visit another country on any transport.

Some people do not even know that they cannot cross the border of the country. Therefore, they should know how to check the prohibition of traveling abroad. The procedure can be carried out not only with a personal visit to various organizations, but also even via the Internet.

Reasons for limiting

Initially, it should be decided for what reasons this restriction is imposed at all. The most significant reasons include:

  • a citizen acts as a suspect or witness in a criminal case;
  • a person has reached the age of 18, but is hiding from the military registration and enlistment office, not wanting to do military service;
  • the person does not respond to subpoenas;
  • the presence of significant debts resulting from non-payment of loans, alimony, utility bills or debts to individuals and companies.

If you know who is prohibited from traveling abroad, then you can understand whether there are reasons for imposing this restriction on a specific person. Most often, the ban applies to persons with large debts. This requires that the delay be longer than 5 months. At the same time, it is important that the trial of the debtor has already begun. This is due to the fact that it is the bailiffs who apply the restriction of travel abroad for the debtor as part of the enforcement proceedings.

who is forbidden to travel abroad

Concept of restriction

This prohibition is most often imposed by bailiffs, and can also be applied by representatives of investigative bodies. Such a measure of influence is used by bailiffs as part of enforcement proceedings. If the debtor refuses to voluntarily repay the debt, then he will be recovered by the FSSP employees by compulsory methods.

If the funds are not transferred to the creditor within the deadlines set by the bailiffs, then experts may impose a ban on leaving the territory of the Russian Federation. At the same time, they may seize and confiscate the property of the defaulter. To prohibit the actions of bailiffs:

  • a special statement is being formed, sent by representatives of the border control;
  • employees of this service put a special mark in the personal file of a particular citizen;
  • if a person tries to cross the border of a country for leisure or work in another state, he will be stopped by border guards, so he will not be able to use his tickets and permits.

The statement by the bailiffs is sent not only to the border control, but even to the FMS. This restriction is used in the presence of debt from 30 thousand rubles. and delays in 5 months.

Who else cannot cross the border?

Some people cannot leave the country based on their status. They will be able to obtain permission to travel abroad only if there are good reasons, for example, if it is necessary to undergo treatment. Such persons include:

  • bankrupt;
  • FSB officers;
  • people who, when filling out documents for crossing the border, provided false information about themselves;
  • convicted of various serious crimes;
  • people assigned to military or alternative service;
  • citizens who have access to classified information, and at the time of concluding an employment contract they are notified that they will temporarily be unable to leave the country.

In these cases, the ban is lifted only after a certain period of time or when drawing up a statement to the authorities regarding the need to visit any other state for personal purposes.

check debts before going abroad

How can I get information?

Checking the ban on traveling abroad can be performed in different ways. To do this, use exclusively official sources of information to be sure of the reliability of the data.

How do I know if traveling abroad is allowed? To do this, you can use the methods:

  • the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs does not provide the necessary information, but if a citizen applies to this organization for a passport, a refusal will be received due to the presence of a travel ban;
  • you can find out about the existence of open enforcement proceedings by visiting the FSSP in person or by contacting this organization on its official website;
  • making a request on the website of the Federal Tax Service;
  • using the capabilities of the portal of public services;
  • visiting the direct migration service.

If, after all checks, no restrictions were found, then it is advisable to additionally check the debts before going abroad. Debts on taxes, fines of the traffic police, child support and other obligatory payments are repaid in advance. Otherwise, a situation may arise when information on the existence of the ban will be transmitted to the border guards the day before the citizen’s departure or departure.

Addressing the bailiffs directly

The procedure can be performed with a personal visit to the FSSP branch or using the site. When communicating with bailiffs, you must directly have a passport with you. The responsible executor will examine all available open proceedings to check if there are any open cases against the applicant.

Using this method, you can get really relevant information.

how to find out whether traveling abroad is allowed

Use of the FSSP website

To find out the debt in the FSSP, you can not only personally visit this organization, but also use its official website. To do this, the following actions are performed:

  • using the resource, you can identify all available debts in respect of which a trial is open;
  • it only takes a few minutes to get the information;
  • For this, the FSSP website is opened;
  • a form is selected that allows obtaining information on the presence of citizen debts;
  • the surname of the citizen is entered in the empty search line;
  • if the person is an individual entrepreneur, then his TIN is indicated;
  • in the list that opens, the region where the person lives is selected;
  • only after that a table appears, which is an extract from the bank of enforcement proceedings;
  • it will contain information on all debts that a citizen has.

Therefore, checking the ban on traveling abroad by last name is quite simple. To do this, you do not have to pay a fee or personally visit any institution. Through the FSSP website, you can find out the debt quickly, as well as all the information will be relevant.

If a person has no debts, then the search will display information that there is no information about a particular citizen.

travel restrictions

The nuances of obtaining data on the website of the Federal Tax Service

How to find out if traveling abroad is allowed on the website of the Federal Tax Service? To do this, the following actions are performed:

  • registration on the site is carried out, and for this you will have to visit the service department;
  • for registration, you can contact any branch of the Federal Tax Service, so you do not need to use the services of only that unit, which is located at the place of registration of the applicant;
  • a special questionnaire is filled in the department of the Federal Tax Service, and after that a citizen is given a login and password to gain access to his personal account;
  • if the registration was done in advance, then you can immediately start using the services of the site of this service;
  • You can additionally enter the site using an identified account on the State Services portal or using an electronic signature;
  • in your personal account there is a section called “Debt”;
  • it can examine the data on all available tax debts, as well as accrued late fees.

If a citizen has large fines, and the delay exceeds 5 months, then it is likely that the Federal Tax Service employees have already filed a lawsuit, therefore, enforcement proceedings are open. Therefore, it can be argued that the bailiffs were banned from leaving.

permission to travel abroad

Application of the portal of public services

Using this portal you can get many different services. Additionally, you can study a lot of information regarding the debts of a citizen. Checking debts before traveling abroad through this portal is very simple. But access is available only to registered users who have gone through the authentication procedure. This requires a visit to a government organization to verify your identity.

To find out about the presence of debts through the portal of State services, the following actions are performed:

  • Log in to your account
  • a section is selected to check the debt, according to which the bailiffs opened enforcement proceedings;
  • a page opens where the conditions for obtaining information are listed;
  • a button called “Get a service” is pressed;
  • the page will display all enforcement proceedings opened in relation to the registered user;
  • additional information on the amount of debt is provided;
  • if there is no production started, the page will be blank.

To get information you do not have to spend a lot of time and effort, therefore, the use of online services is considered the ideal choice for every modern person.

verification of the ban on traveling abroad

How long does the restriction last?

If a person understands how to find out if traveling abroad is allowed, then he can get information about the existence of such a restriction. If it really is, then the question arises of when and under what conditions it will be removed. For this, the nuances are taken into account:

  • the period for which the ban is imposed depends on the reason for its application;
  • if there is an open proceedings, then the citizen receives a notice from the bailiffs, which indicates the amount of debt;
  • only after debt repayment is the restriction removed;
  • if a person cannot leave the country due to the specifics of his work, then usually the restriction is 5 years from the moment the citizen got access to classified information, and the term can be extended up to 10 years;
  • if a citizen is a suspect in a criminal case, the ban is lifted after a decision is made in the case;
  • if during the filing of documents false information was provided, then the period of encumbrance depends on the resolution of the issue by the agency that received these securities;
  • if a citizen refuses to perform service, he will not be able to leave the country until he fulfills his duty to the state;
  • if a person is declared bankrupt, then it is the court that makes the decision that determines how long the bankrupt cannot leave the country.

Most often, a ban is imposed on debtors.

The specifics of lifting the restriction

To lift the ban, it is enough just to pay off the debt, and also to give the bailiffs a receipt confirming the fulfillment of obligations. After that, the enforcement proceedings are closed. The bailiffs send a notice to the border service.

It is advisable to cope with all questions a month before departure, so that information from the bailiffs arrives in time to the border guards.

is there a ban on traveling abroad


A ban on traveling abroad may be imposed for various reasons. Various state organizations can take advantage of this burden. You can find out if there is a ban on traveling abroad in different ways. To do this, you can personally contact different services or use online services.

You do not have to pay any fee to receive information. If a person does not take care of lifting the ban in advance, then he will not be able to cross the border of the country even if he has different vouchers or tickets.

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