
How to find out if a person was in prison? Criminal record information from the database of the information center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Sometimes employers and ordinary citizens wonder how to find out if a person was in prison. In some cases, it is necessary to obtain data on the criminal record of the population. This is a very common occurrence. After all, a criminal record and, especially, imprisonment imposes certain restrictions on activities and human rights. For example, he will not be able to adopt a child or work in a state structure.

Therefore, in the article below, we will consider all possible ways of obtaining information about a criminal record and whether a person was in prison. If you are smart, you can cope with the tasks without much hassle. And only occasionally will intuition have to be documented.

Did a man sit

Ways to get data

How to find out if a person was in prison? This can be done in different ways. And each person chooses how to receive relevant data.

Today, you can pay attention to such methods of solving the problem:

  • appeal to law enforcement agencies;
  • analysis of human appearance;
  • assessment of citizen behavior.

In the end, a person can simply ask the “suspect” what is bothering him. True, this alignment is not always reliable. No one is safe from fraud.

Evaluate appearance

Imprisonment is a punishment for a serious crime. In real life, anyone can be imprisoned, even innocent (which happens very rarely). And if a citizen is not guilty, but has served time, it will still negatively affect his future life.

Often people with a criminal record can be easily identified by their appearance. For example, such citizens have prison tattoos. Stars on shoulder straps, half-naked women, their own name in Russian - all this may indicate that the potential suspect was already in prison.

Tattoos are most often done on the arms, fingers and chest. Tattoos are usually made carelessly, they are devoid of beauty. And they are quite simple to distinguish from work in a tattoo parlor.

A citizen can simply look at the "suspect." The appearance of a person who has served a term changes over time. Especially when it comes to a criminal who has seriously violated the law.

Outwardly, a person may look like a bandit. Stoop, hoarse voice, a certain external untidiness - all this can indicate that the person had a serious criminal record. Departed people do not look after themselves. Appearance for them is not a major factor in life.

From all of the above it follows that it is best to look for prison tattoos from the suspect. In ordinary tattoo parlors they are not made. And to distinguish such tattoos can often be with the naked eye.

Prison tattoos

Behavioral factors

How to find out if a person was in prison? The next way is to conduct an analysis of citizen behavior.

Some claim that a person who has served a term has changed his speech. You can come across phrases such as "little things", "lawlessness", "cast" and so on. Sometimes people not only start using prison jargon, but also completely lose their speech literacy.

The behavior of the convicted may be different. Some are extremely aggressive, assertive. This behavior can scare and alienate almost anyone.

Some believe that the previously convicted would avoid eye-to-eye contact, behave wary and very neat. The seated people appear anxious and nervous. Such changes are clearly visible in the company of men.

Important! The methods of determining a criminal record proposed up to this point cannot be called reliable. After all, appearance and behavior are deceiving. Therefore, you often have to look for reliable, documented information.

How to find out

Appeal to the authorities

How to find out if a person was in prison? The most logical and correct decision is to appeal to law enforcement agencies. Employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs can “break through” any person without any problems. The databases of the relevant authorities contain data on convicted and under investigation people.

As a rule, to obtain the desired result you need:

  1. Prepare a series of documents. It is advisable to have with you an identity card and the grounds on which a person will be verified. Just like that, information about a citizen’s criminal record is not provided to third parties.
  2. Contact any department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. This can be done both remotely (by mail, including electronic), and personally.
  3. Wait for the relevant data. The service is provided as soon as possible.
  4. You don’t have to do anything else. If desired, a citizen can apply not to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, but to the local police station. They are also able to help. But only if there are grounds for disseminating data on the criminal record of the population.

Important! At local police stations, you can see advertisements for wanted criminals. So too, sometimes a criminal record is checked. It is possible that a photograph of a potential suspect will be posted on the information board.

Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation

Base redeeming

There are several other scenarios. Information about the criminal record of citizens is stored in law enforcement agencies. Data is collected in a special database. According to it, you can get relevant information at any time about when and for what this or that suspect was tried.

Some prefer to buy databases of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. Then the resellers look for information of interest to them by the surname, name and patronymic of the suspect. It is advisable to know where the person is registered. This will greatly facilitate the process. Information about the age of the potential intruder will also not be superfluous.

Such a proposal can be considered illegal. Buying databases is a violation of the legislation of the Russian Federation. Therefore, resorting to a similar method of solving the problem is not recommended.

Moreover, the proposed method for translating ideas into reality is not always reliable. Data on the convicted is updated daily. And so the database reseller risks acquiring outdated information. In this case, the citizen simply spends money, and rather big.

Help is requested

How to find out if a person was in prison? Under the law, citizens are required to notify this event under certain circumstances. For example, during employment.

If you want to know about the criminal record of a person, you can ask him to bring a certificate of the established form. It indicates the criminal record and dates of stay in places of deprivation of liberty.

The information will be reliable. It loses its relevance when a citizen again breaks the law or gets rid of a criminal record as a whole.

Important! The validity of the relevant certificate varies from 1 to 12 months. It all depends on the reason why the documentation is ordered.

Sample Certificate of Conviction

Ways to order an extract

Now let's talk about how to order a certificate of no criminal record. This is the simplest and most reliable way of assuring a person that the person did not stay in prison.

You can submit a request of the established form:

  • through the MFC;
  • Through the services of "Single Window";
  • by direct appeal to the departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The application is ideally submitted to those who want to check for a criminal record. Then the procedure will go much faster than “punching” the population.

If desired, a person can order a certificate of no criminal record through the "State Services". But for this, it is necessary to register in advance on the portal and confirm your identity. Otherwise, you can forget about this method.

Self Help Order

We will examine in more detail the procedure for issuing criminal records. This is a fairly simple operation that anyone can face. Regardless of a criminal record, the process will be carried out according to the same principles.

First of all, consider a personal appeal to the registration authorities. In such circumstances, the applicant will need:

  1. Fill out an application for the issuance of a certificate of criminal record or its availability.
  2. To prepare a number of papers, without which obtaining documentation will be impossible. Usually this is a passport and certificate of registration.
  3. Contact the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the police or the IFC with pre-prepared extracts.
  4. Take a certificate at the agreed time, which will indicate the information we are interested in.
  5. As practice shows, the process does not cause any difficulties. Especially if a person has no criminal record.

Important! In the absence of a passport, any other identification card must be attached. Otherwise, the service will be denied.

certificate of good conduct

Requesting a statement online

We found out how to find out if a person was in prison. If you prepare in advance for this operation, you can easily cope with it.

As has already been emphasized, citizens can order an extract of the established form from the Ministry of Internal Affairs through the State Services. This technique greatly simplifies the entire procedure.

The algorithm of actions will be approximately as follows:

  1. Open Gosuslugi.ru website in any browser.
  2. Log in to the corresponding portal.
  3. Click on the line “Service Catalog”.
  4. In the search bar write “Certificate of no criminal record”.
  5. Select the appropriate result.
  6. Mark the region in which the customer lives. It is displayed in the upper right corner of the page.
  7. Click on the “Get ...” button.
  8. Fill out the application electronically.
  9. Choose the place of delivery of the certificate, if possible. Such a right is not granted in all regions of the Russian Federation.
  10. Click on the “Send” Coca.
    Government Services - Order Data

It remains only to wait. Once the extract is ready, the citizen will be able to pick it up at the local department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Is there a criminal record in the passport? Not. In this document you can see data on children, marital status, registration and service of a person. But a criminal record is not displayed in the passports of the Russian Federation.

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What about a girl? Met a man. Persistent. I would like to know if he was convicted.
I agree, the same situation ..: frowning:


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