
How to return the State Duty of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate: step-by-step instruction

The state duty of the traffic police is the payment of rendered public services, such as registration of transport, issuance of state. numbers, registration and issuance of a driver’s license, etc. You can pay the state traffic police duty in various ways, including payment terminals or directly visiting the bank. State inspectors do not recommend paying the state fee using an online bank, since the check will not be considered confirmation of payment and it will need to be confirmed directly in the department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

is it possible to return the state duty

State duty and its size

The size of the state fee is the same for all regions of our country, however, the details for payment differ for each subject. And they are different not only for each region, but also for each individual administrative unit. Details for the payment of state duties can be found on the website of the traffic police of the region where the payment is made. Payment with the details specified incorrectly cannot serve as confirmation of payment of state. duties, so when filling out the details you need to be very careful not to be on the list of malicious defaulters.

In this article, we will consider how to return the state traffic police duty.

How to find out the correct details for payment?

In order to find out the correct details for paying the state traffic police duty, do the following:

  1. Go to the traffic police website and select your region, then click on "State traffic inspectorate in your region", then on "Contact details of departments".
  2. A map opens with a list below it, in which you need to select the department to visit at the address. It is best to narrow the search for a branch to more specific points of MREO, REG or REO.
  3. Choose the department you need and open a window with a detailed description and the services it provides.
  4. Select the desired service, a window opens with the bank details that need to be carefully rewritten.
  5. Next, select the size of the state duty from the list, fill in your data (name, passport data).
  6. Print out the receipt for payment and go to the bank with it, or pay through the online bank.

As you can see, finding the details and filling out the receipt for payment is not difficult and long, it is much easier than going to the department separately for the details. Many are interested in how to return the state traffic police duty?

how to return money for state duty in traffic police

State duty at a discount

The state duty of the traffic police is growing every year, which greatly hits the wallet of citizens of the Russian Federation. To the unexpected joy of motorists, from January 1, 2017 they can pay for it with a decent discount of 30%, which will significantly save finances. You can get a discount by making a payment using the public services portal. To do this, you must be a registered user. Go to the portal, choose the necessary service, get a discount on payment. Payment is made by bank transfer.

After payment, it remains only to contact the traffic police and get the service itself, which significantly saves not only finances, but also time. This innovation, unfortunately, is a temporary phenomenon and will last only until 2019. Although the issue of extending the discount is being considered. But even despite attempts to simplify and facilitate the existence of car owners, there are those who manage to ignore the payment of state fees, intentionally or unintentionally. How to return money for state duty in the traffic police? About it further.

how to return the paid state duty to the traffic police

The consequences of non-payment of state duty

According to the Tax Code, liability is provided for late payment of taxes and fees.State duty is a fee, and therefore falls under the jurisdiction of the Tax Code. For each day of delay in payment of the state fee a penalty will be charged. Speaking specifically about depositing funds, for non-payment they may be denied the necessary services, for example, in registering a vehicle or issuing a driver’s license, or a fine will be issued.

Imperfect law

However, the law on the payment of the state duty of the traffic police is far from ideal. This is especially true, for example, of customs for a vehicle, when it can be considered both a product and a car during registration. And the duty, respectively, is paid according to different regulations. Ignorance of the rules does not exempt from liability, as you know. Therefore, before taking any action, you need to familiarize yourself with all the rules of payment and registration of state duties.

How to return the paid state duty to the traffic police? This is a frequent question for car owners.

how to return the state duty paid traffic police

In addition to those who maliciously do not pay the fines imposed in the field of safe traffic, there are others (no matter how surprising it may sound) who overpay on the budget account by incorrectly filling out the payment form or by mistakenly paying the same fine twice. Once in this situation, a person is often lost and does not try to return the amount paid in excess, or simply does not know how to do it.

In this case, the traffic police will come to the aid of the drivers, who can explain in detail the sequence of actions for the return of funds. Below we will consider in detail the cases when you can apply for a state duty refund, what steps you need to take for this and in what situation the money may not be returned.

How to return the state duty of the traffic police, you can check with the department. But it’s better to go there already prepared.

When do I need to apply for a refund?

As a rule, if we are talking about the state traffic police duty, then in most cases we are talking about fines for violating traffic rules. Let's look at the most common reasons for which you may need to return the paid state fee.

how to return the state duty from the traffic police to an individual

  1. A citizen makes a mistake in filling in the details or in the number of the decision and pays a fine. In this case, the amount paid does not get to the destination, but leaves the wrong account.
  2. It also happens that the amount is paid in a larger amount than provided for in the receipt. You need to know how to return the state traffic police duty paid wrongly.
  3. It is also possible that the same fine is paid twice. So it can be in two cases. First, when the penalty is paid by two members of the same family, not having agreed with each other at the moment. Secondly, if you pay a fine a few days before the deadline for voluntary payment, then the payment information may not reach the traffic police, and after the expiration of the aforementioned period, a new administrative offense order will be issued for further enforcement by bailiffs (often the required amount is debited from account of the fined driver).
  4. Sometimes a penalty order is canceled. If, for example, the driver sold the car to another region. If on the way back the new owner commits a violation of the rules of the road, then the penalty will be automatically charged to the former owner, because the car is still registered with him. Errors in photo and video recording are also possible. The cameras notice the speeding of the car, the number of which is almost identical to another. The fine comes to another person (with a similar car and number), the person hurries before the deadline for voluntary payment to pay off the fine. And only after the fact, he recalls that on the day indicated by the video fixer he was not in the city or did not take the car all day.

In all of the above cases, you can and should contact the traffic police for a refund.

how to return payment of state duty in traffic police

How to return the payment of state duty to the traffic police?

The deadline for applying for a refund is three years from the date of the erroneous payment. Later, it will be possible to return the money only in exceptional cases, which are provided for at the legislative level. To apply for a refund, you need to contact the department of the state traffic inspectorate that issued a fine and issued a decision on the offense. It makes sense to contact immediately with the necessary list of documents collected. In general, the appeal of citizens is considered by state inspectors for about a month, but extensions of the established period also happen. How to return the state duty from the traffic police to an individual? This question is very relevant today.

Required documents

When applying to the state traffic inspectorate in order to return erroneously paid money, you must have the following documents:

  1. A handwritten application for a refund of the amount in which the reason for the erroneous payment or collection must be indicated without fail, personal data of the payer and details for which it is planned to return the money. A single sample application does not exist, it is compiled by each unit independently.
  2. It will be necessary to confirm the fact of an erroneous payment, for this you will need the original receipts or other documents that can prove the deposit of money into the account.
  3. A copy of the passport handling the page where the registration is indicated.
  4. A copy of the decision on the fact of an administrative violation, certified by a notary.
  5. A copy of the court decision, which entered into force, certified by a notary (if the reason for the return is the above decision).
  6. Details for transferring money to the applicant (copy of the savings book or details of the bank card).

We will discuss another important question about whether it is possible to return the state traffic police duty.how to return the state duty traffic police

Refusal to return

It is possible that the applicant is denied a refund for state duty. Here are some reasons why this could happen:

  1. If the deadline for submitting the application is established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.
  2. If the information specified in the application is not true.
  3. If the check provided as evidence of incorrect payment is damaged or unreadable. In this case, it makes sense to ask the organization that issued the check to duplicate it.

You need to carefully check everything before returning the state duty for rights to the traffic police.


The conclusion from all of the above is the following - payment of the state fee, as well as fines of the traffic police, the procedure is very simplified for the car owner. Therefore, you should not ignore it, you just need to be careful when filling out the details of the department, correctly indicate the amount and avoid delays in payment, in order to avoid troubles in the form of additional fines, penalties or litigation.

We examined how to return the state traffic police duty.

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