
How to sew an insert into the workbook - step-by-step instructions, requirements and sample

The current labor law obliges the employer to draw up a number of mandatory documents in the process of hiring and dismissing an employee. One of these documents is a work book, which is designed to confirm the experience of a person. If it is filled completely, then you need to sew in the liner into it.

Do I need to embed an insert in the work book?

The employer is obliged to fill out a work book within 5 days from the date of employment of the applicant. The following information is entered in the workbook (insert):

  • place of work;
  • position held;
  • information about the transfer (if it was);
  • changes in the name of the company (if any);
  • date of dismissal;
  • reason for dismissal.

All records should not be shortened, except for information that may be shortened according to generally accepted rules. Naturally, over time, the sheets in the work book may end. And just then it is required to sew in an insert.

sample liner

How to do it?

How to sew in a workbook insert? The rules on the maintenance of labor books (Decree No. 225) do not provide a clear regulation for sewing in loose leaves. There are no requirements for exactly where to sew the liner, what color should be the thread. There is only one requirement - the insert must be a single whole document with a work book, that is, its simple attachment without sewing is not allowed.

If you think logically, then according to the instructions, the numbering in the work book and the insert should be through, therefore, the insert must be sewn after the last sheet, in front of the cover.

sew in the liner

First step

How to sew in a workbook insert? It will take thread, a needle and an awl. It is imperative to make sure that there are really no blank sheets in the work book to record information about admission or dismissal.

The insert should be sewn to the back sheet of the cover, it is best even to the spread itself. It is necessary to make several stitches so that in the future the liner does not fall out. Threads are recommended to use muted tones.

After stitching, the book and the insert should be a single document. Gluing the insert or fixing with a stapler is not allowed. This prohibition is enshrined in clause 38 of the Labor Book Maintenance Manual.


Second step

How to embed an insert in the workbook step by step? Now you can make a record directly in the insert. By the way, the first and second steps can be swapped.

The first sheet of the insert contains information about the individual to whom the work book belongs.

On the cover page of the book you need to make a note that the insert has been issued.

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Third step

How to sew in a workbook insert? Now that the information about the employee is filled, you can proceed to make an entry about the admission, dismissal, transfer.

In the book of movement of labor books, a note is also made that the procedure for issuing an insert has been completed.

This completes the stitching procedure.

insert entry

If you don’t sew in the liner?

How to sew a loose leaf in a work book, it seems to be clear, but if this is not done? First of all, the owner of such a book may later have problems when applying for a job in another organization, when applying for a pension.

The insert itself without a work book is not valid, even if it is stamped and written on it.

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Form Requirements

How to sew an insert into the workbook and where to get it? The insert form itself must be a sample established by regulatory enactments and manufactured exclusively at the GOZNAK enterprise. Enterprises are required to purchase such documents. Accordingly, the employer should always have a certain supply of such documents. Although in practice, usually the employee himself acquires an insert so that the human resources department sews it into the work book.

employment history

Stamp confirming the delivery of the insert

Neither the instruction nor other normative acts provide for a place where a stamp must be affixed that the liner has been issued. In practice, such a mark is affixed either on the first title page of the work book or on the inside of the cover.

In this case, neither the first nor the second option will be considered violations, the main thing is if you put a mark on the cover page so that it does not cover information about its owner.

The sample stamp is also not provided for in regulatory documents. Therefore, there is a lot of controversy surrounding this issue. Some specialists of personnel services argue that this should be exactly a print, others argue that it is possible to take notes by hand and certify with the seal of the enterprise. Therefore, it is still recommended to purchase a stamp that can be found in almost any stationery store or ordered from an organization that produces stamps or provides printing services.

The main thing is that if a stamp is affixed, then it must be filled out. This entry must contain the insert data. Series and number may vary depending on the release date. Usually these are seven digits and two or three letters of a series. Inserts purchased after 2010 have the BT-I series, and until 2003 they have the AT, and the digital encoding in such inserts and work books consists of Roman numerals. Accordingly, the stamp may be as follows:


How to sew a second insert into the workbook?

If an employee who is too active has come to the company, then it is possible that all the records about his work did not fit in the work book and in the insert itself, then another one will need to be sewn. The rules for sewing on the second insert are the same as when adding the first. It should be sewn to a U-turn, but after the first insert. Next, information about the owner and a record of admission or dismissal are entered. Without fail, a stamp is again affixed that a new insert has been issued, on which its series and number are recorded with the entry of this information in the book of accounting for the movement of labor books in the organization.

conclusion of an agreement

If the recording is wrong?

How to sew in the workbook insert, the sample of which is presented above? Without the human factor, there is nowhere in our life, and if the record is spoiled after being sewn in, it is not allowed to make changes in the new form. You will have to expand everything and insert a new form.

If the insert was received from the employer, then an act should be drawn up stating that the form was damaged and destroyed. If an entry has already been made in the workbook stating that the insert has been issued, then an entry must be made stating that the stamp is invalid.

Instead of a conclusion

Can I use something else instead of the liner? This question can be answered unequivocally - no. It is not allowed to use a new work book. According to article 66 of the Labor Code, an individual can have only one work book. The fact of having a second work book can be regarded as a fake of documents. Although recently, this is quite common.

The employees of human resources services themselves should always be careful and accurate, since errors in their activities can lead to the fact that in the future an individual may have problems finding a job in another company and applying for a pension.

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