
How to get out of the bank's “black list” - step-by-step instructions, features and recommendations

The “black list” of the bank implies a base into which unreliable clients with a spoiled financial history are entered. It is impossible to get into it without any reason whatsoever, as well as getting out is not at all easy. The main task for a person taking a loan should be timely repayment. But in life there are situations when everything gets out of control. In the article we will look at how to get out of the “black list” of banks.

What is a blacklist?

According to the federal law “On counteracting the legalization of proceeds from crime,” banks are required to monitor and verify customers who open accounts, and while working with them. As a result of the audit, if compromising data are received, the financial institution has the right to refuse to conduct banking operations or other services. In this case, the client is entered in the "black list", the same for all banks.

In some situations, a bank client’s account may be blocked, access to transfers or a personal account may be restricted, but this does not mean that it is included in such a list. But if this happened, you need to urgently think about how to get out of the “black list” of banks, as a bad credit history threatens with some troubles.

necessary money

Who gets and why?

Both individuals and legal entities can be included in this list for the following reasons:

  1. Accidental or voluntary participation in fraudulent scams.
  2. Cleared or outstanding criminal record.
  3. Property or financial arrest of the borrower, as decided by court.
  4. Overdue or unpaid debt to a financial institution.
  5. Regular late payments.
  6. Intentionally providing false information.
  7. Recognition of a client as an incompetent person.

Is it possible to get out of the "black list" of the bank, we will consider further in the article.



The main criteria for getting into such a list are negative characteristics, including:

  1. Delays in loan payments and other defaults on a loan agreement.
  2. Existing debts for other monetary obligations (unpaid taxes, fines, alimony, communal debts).
  3. A criminal record, primarily related to economic crimes.
  4. Submission of fake documentation or knowingly false information.
  5. Bankruptcy process or existing in the past.
  6. Appearing in any criminal cases, fraud, and so on.
  7. Existence of judicial penalties.
  8. Restrictions on disposition of accounts and property imposed by a court or bailiffs.
  9. Recognizing a person as legally incompetent or being registered with a psychiatric institution.
money calculation

What does it threaten

Entering such a register is not a sentence and does not mean a complete refusal of cooperation. The advisory service will always advise how to get out of the “black list” of banks. Also, at the legislative level, an institution may not restrict a client's access to financial services. This is only data that the bank can use at its discretion.

By the decision of the management, the customer service specialist can draw up a new contract, despite a damaged banking history. Therefore, the question of where and how to get a loan, if you are already on the “black list”, should not be scary. So, a positive decision can be made by another financial institution, in contrast to where the delay is fixed.

In case of refusal, the bank must have a more significant reason than finding the prospective customer in a black file cabinet. The Central Bank of the Russian Federation in its explanatory letter “On accounting for information about cases of refusal to conduct operations” indicated that information that the client received refusals in cooperation with other financial institutions is not the only reason for refusing to provide services.

So when the question arises, how to get out of the Central Bank's “black list”, you need to remember the following. If the refusal case is decided in court, the financial institution must provide documentary evidence that being in such a register is not the main argument in favor of the decision. There must be other criteria for making an appropriate decision.

payment of obligations

How to get out: step by step instructions

According to the amendments made to the Federal Law No. 115 in March of this year, it is possible to whitewash the client’s reputation and the removal from the “black list” of banks. How to get out of it in this case? This mechanism operates as follows:

  1. By submitting an appropriate application to the bank, you can find out the reason for entering in an unreliable register. In addition, in case of refusal to cooperate, the credit institution must reason its decision.
  2. In case of unreasonable “no” or insufficient arguments, the client has the right to submit documents for consideration, on the basis of which, after verification, the bank can make another decision. It is important to note that such papers are submitted to an organization that has refused to cooperate. Often there are times when other banks are ready to complete common obligations with the client, while he remains in the “black list”. The bank that refused to service can withdraw from it, citing this reason.
  3. On average, it takes 10 days to review submitted explanatory documents.
  4. Based on the results of the check, the client receives one of the answer options. In the first, the bank withdraws the refusal and sends the relevant data to Rosfinmonitoring, where they make notes and remove them from the “black list”. In another embodiment, the recognition of the grounds for refusal is valid, the client is still considered unreliable.
  5. If the borrower does not agree with the decision of the financial institution, he has the right to appeal to the interagency department of the Central Bank. Here, a specially assembled commission examines documents from the client and the failed bank. Within 20 days, a decision is made and sent to Rosfinmonitoring. If it is accepted in favor of the client, then within 1-2 months he will be deleted from the “black list”, and the bank will be obliged to cooperate.
bank assistance

Information on the reasons for the refusal

Now we have found out what the bank’s “black list” is and how it gets there. But at the same time, the legal foundations of this action must be clearly observed.

In accordance with the law, the bank must explain the reason for the refusal, but nowhere is it indicated how it can do it. As a rule, a credit institution uses the current Rosfinmonitoring codes when generating a negative response to a request. The list of them is as follows:

  1. The organization is registered at a mass address (exceptions are shopping malls and business centers).
  2. Minimum or slightly larger than the size of the authorized capital.
  3. The address of the legal entity is similar to the registration of the representative of the executive authority at the place of residence.
  4. Lack of an executive body at a legal address.
  5. Founder, accountant, employee - one person.
  6. The simultaneous combination of the same posts in several missions.

Each of these reasons may be a legitimate reason for refusing to cooperate. The bank can receive this data in an open or closed way. Open - data are available in the general database of tax, migration, insurance and other services. Closed sources were not disclosed by the bank.If you are in the “black list” of banks, you need to try to understand how to fix the situation in the near future.

Documents for explaining company income

There are no regulated requirements for documentation as such. The company, at its discretion, chooses how to testify to its legitimate entrepreneurial activity, and not to give reasons for conclusions that it is engaged in the cashing of proceeds from illegal methods.

Most often, suspicions are easily refuted by providing data that can be recorded:

  • in the latest tax return;
  • Explanations of why the tax return is not available;
  • Payments on payment of tax deductions, if they passed through another bank;
  • partnership agreements, according to which the movement of all funds of the company is indicated.
blacklisted enterprise

What to do to not get into the registry of unreliable clients

If you get into such an unpleasant situation, you should not delay the solution of the question of how to get out of the “black list” of banks. Another financial organization can help in this by issuing another loan, or you will have to borrow money from friends or relatives. There is another option - ask the bank to install the payment of arrears if serious circumstances have preceded it.

No one is safe from being blacklisted. However, following some recommendations, you can minimize this risk to a minimum:

  1. Do not allow any of the listed criteria to be blacklisted.
  2. There is no need to strive to be an ideal client, causing unnecessary suspicions and checks, it is better to seem average.
  3. Have a debit account with an average balance and regular movement of funds or use other banking services on an ongoing basis.
  4. Do not try to extol your financial situation and give incorrect information.
  5. When applying for credit services, you need to really assess your financial capabilities. With stable income, the optimal load is 30% of total earnings.
  6. Monitor your credit history, adjusting problematic positions.
  7. Carefully study the terms of the contract. First of all, this will help to avoid unpleasant surprises, and also in the eyes of bank employees will create the impression of a serious client.
loan if a person is blacklisted

How to get around the “black lists” of banks: tips

You need to know that the data on the delay fall into the unreliable registry if the delay is exceeded for more than 10 days. Until this deadline, non-payment is considered technical. In such a situation, you need to try to eliminate it urgently. Credit history will not suffer.

In the event of a difficult life situation, you do not need to hide from a financial institution. On the contrary, you should go there and try to resolve the issue together.

The solution may be a loan in another bank. Well, if the terms of the contract there will be better.

It must be remembered that in addition to the generally accepted criteria for evaluating the borrower, the institution also uses individual ones, therefore there is a chance of obtaining a new loan with a different repayment term for the old one.

Responsible behavior in resolving financial issues, thoughtful management of own and borrowed funds is the key to mutually beneficial cooperation with the bank. You need to try not to get into such a registry, since it will take some time to exit it.

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