
How to fill out an application for a temporary residence permit?

An application for a temporary residence permit is filed if there is a reason or after a quota has been granted to a migrant.

You can submit and check the application for RVP before collecting the package of documents (passing the exam, passing the hospital, etc.) or after - at the discretion of the applicant and the inspector who accepts the application.

What does an application for RWP look like?

The application is built in the form of a questionnaire. Accordingly, it is not filled in a free form according to the type: “I, Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich, a citizen of Ukraine, living at" ...

RWP application 1 pp

An application for a temporary residence permit consists of several pages, each of which contains about 10-15 numbered lines with questions.

Where to get the application form

The application form for the issuance of a new type of RPP is posted on the official website of the regional branches of the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. If the form is not available on the Ministry of Internal Affairs portal of your region, you can download it from the website of another region.

RVP application can be downloaded here

The application form can also be requested at the local branch of the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Traditionally, the inspector who deals with applications for quota, RVP and residence permit has enough forms to issue one to you.

What if the inspector does not have what is needed due to lack of paper? Do not offer the management employee to purchase a package of paper and do not be indignant that such disgrace has overtaken you. You will not achieve anything with this.

A sample application is posted on stands in the lobby or control corridor (FMS or passport office in the past). The sample for filling out the application will not work, however, it will indicate the form of the document in the form of a number. On it you can find a blank form on the Internet and download.

If there is no sample application at the stand, print it from the site indicated in this article. Do not wait until the forms appear, start filling out as soon as possible so as not to violate the terms of your stay in the Russian Federation. Since it remains to collect a package of documents.

If you take the form from the inspector, before you fill out the document, remove a few copies from it.

If there are no forms, you can download them online

What to write in a statement?

Remember that all the information that you provide in the application for a temporary residence permit will be checked. At least on the basis of those documents, copies of which you provide with the application. In addition, the length of stay in the Russian Federation is also easily checked, because you cross the border at the checkpoint where you are registered. Therefore, you should not minimize the length of your stay here, write as is.

If you do not know how to correctly fill out an application for RVP, a sample made on behalf of your citizenship will dispel all your doubts. It will also help in resolving issues.

A few recommendations for filling out the questionnaire:

  • It is required to indicate the exact name of the authority of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, so take care of this in advance so as not to rewrite the document twice.
  • The series, number, date of issue and the authority that issued the document (all this applies to the marriage registration certificate, diploma, birth certificate and other papers) are entered exactly as indicated in the document itself.
  • Carefully read the question: something needs to be crossed out, something emphasized.
  • Translate F. I. O. not as you did at school, but according to transliteration rules. Take advantage of free online services if necessary. This is important because your name in English will be indicated in the RVP and residence permit. It will be a pity if you make a mistake in it.
  • Indicate the TIN only in Russian (if you already have one).

What statement will the child need

Data about the child fit into the statement of the mother and the statement of the father. However, to get RVP, the child himself will also need a separate application of the appropriate type. An “adult” application for a child will not work, since there is a separate type of document for minors.

Application for RWP for a minor 1 pp.

Application Form

An application for a temporary residence permit can be completed by hand. Or type on a computer, and then print.

Requirements for filling out an application for a temporary residence permit:

  1. Everything that you write in the statement should be understandable, that is, readable for any person.
  2. The inspector sticks the photo after your application is ready for delivery, i.e. verified and approved.
  3. Avoid errors, corrections, and strikethroughs.
  4. The use of corrector is not allowed.
  5. If you type a statement on a computer, the errors will also have to be fixed on the computer, and then printed again.
  6. Avoid empty lines and phrases of the type: “I don’t know” or “I don’t remember”;
  7. If you have questions, you can use the sample.

Online application

An application for a temporary residence permit is submitted personally by the applicant in the department of the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs at the place of residence. It is not possible to apply for RVP remotely or online. If you are offered a similar service, most likely you have turned to scammers or to a company that does not carry out the legal issuance of RVP itself.

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