
How to make money on traffic arbitrage, where to start?

The "holy grail" of display advertising is traffic arbitrage, i.e. buying it on a specific web page and then earning more than the initial cost of an incoming click. For example, you can buy a click for $ 0.10, and make a profit of $ 0.11 every time someone visits the page. This is not a huge difference, but if you can buy millions of clicks, you will start to generate significant revenue.

how to make money on traffic arbitrage

When the Internet was just developing, traffic arbitrage was common. As the number of participants increased dramatically, advertising became more effective, and easy revenue became more elusive. But it is still possible. How to start earning on traffic arbitrage? Detailed instructions are provided in this article.

Varieties of traffic arbitrage

Currently, there are three types of this online earnings:

  1. Direct arbitration, which is a direct redirection of purchased traffic.
  2. Application of the Landing page - merging traffic to a specially created site containing a referral link. It is from her that visitors go to the site using an affiliate link.
  3. Simultaneous use of the Landing page and registration by email. This means that when switching to a special platform, the user is forced to register by specifying his e-mail. This method has a great advantage in that you get a mailbox database, and later you can use it to send letters.

how to earn traffic arbitrage

Buying cheap clicks

One of the most famous ways to make money on traffic arbitration is to create your own website for this. The slow and difficult way to get traffic is as follows: you publish a large amount of useful content, make links on social networks and spend time promoting the resource you created. As a result, you will get several links to your site, start appearing in search engines and will constantly receive a stream of visitors.

A quick and easy way to get traffic is to buy through advertising. There are a number of potential sources of paid traffic, including search engines, sponsored content networks, and social platforms (such as Facebook and Twitter). Facebook has long been a source of cheap clicks as the company made efforts to monetize traffic on PCs and mobile devices. Studies show that CPMs, as a rule, range from $ 1 to $ 4 for promoted news feeds on this social network. Therefore, the question of how much you can earn on traffic arbitration has a very mixed answer.

how much can you earn on traffic arbitration

Create Ads

When you get a steady stream of visitors to your site, you should place as many ads as possible. In particular, you need to receive more than $ 0.03 from each visitor in order to make a profit. AdSense restricts its partners to three ad units per page, but there are simple ways to get more on the page. In particular, the use of several advertising networks in tandem and the maximum number of sponsored content centers can help create a site that is dominated by ads.

 is it possible to make money on traffic arbitrage

How to make money on traffic arbitrage, given the above? In total, more than 30 advertising links and banners can be presented on one page. But you need to remember that making money with any investment in goods is just only theoretically - buying cheap and selling expensive. With traffic arbitrage, things are not so simple.Website traffic is very important, but the biggest key to success is volume. With traffic arbitration, you get a profit in a penny per view, and you need thousands or millions of views in order to earn any significant amounts.

Site setup

This is arguably the biggest and most important step in making money from traffic arbitrage. Without a site you have no platform, and, accordingly, there is no way to make money. How to do it right?

how to start earning on traffic arbitrage

When you start creating your site, start looking for other resources that sell traffic. There are hundreds of such sites, but they all have several things in common. You can simulate your site after studying them, but, as always, you cannot directly copy anything. You must create your resource with unique content by posting a link to the advertiser’s site and initiating traffic arbitration. How to earn a beginner?

Of course, you can create a blog that inspires your visitors with more confidence. On the other hand, it takes a lot of time. Therefore, the best option would be a regular site with lots of ads and links.

The second step is to connect ad networks. Contact many advertisers and look for any way to find cheap traffic. You should look for traffic with a price of $ 0.002 per view or less. You will find as many of these sites as possible.

Why is this needed?

The reason why this is necessary has three justifications. Firstly, this scale allows you to access the volume of clicks that is necessary to receive significant money. When you deal with pennies for viewing, you need a lot of them to even recover the cost of hosting, not to mention the cost of development and any profit from all this. It will depend on the initial organization whether it is possible to earn on traffic arbitrage.

traffic arbitrage how to earn a beginner

The second reason is to have backups in case something happens. Let's say you are accused of using traffic from bots. You need to refute this - and you can claim that you have received all your bad traffic from partner X, and stop working with him for a while. At the same time, the remaining advertisers remain with you, with whom you will continue to earn on traffic arbitrage.

The third reason is to do reviews and comparisons at prices. If one site gives you a click for $ 0.0024, and another is ready to sell the same for $ 0.0021, it will be more profitable for you.

Find partners

Partners are the most important part of this scheme, because your profit will depend on them. Again, this is a matter of volume. The more visitors to the site you have, and the more they are willing to buy through advertising links, the more money you can earn. If you purchased advertising at a price of $ 0.002 per view, and you receive $ 0.005 for it, you will have $ 3 for 1000 views. You need to sell thousands of them every day if you want to earn more than a trifle for pocket expenses.

Revenue increase

How to earn more on traffic arbitrage? It is recommended to use private buyers. Communicate directly with advertisers and site owners who want to get more views but don’t know how to do it.

If we talk about very cheap traffic, it is obvious that we will talk about using bots. Buyers, as a rule, are aware of this fact, but they hope that real users will also fall into this stream.

how to make money on traffic arbitration detailed instructions

It is also worth noting that some advertisers are looking for sites for their ads with profitable pay-per-view, even if the traffic mostly consists of bots. But it’s better not to use such sites, since they themselves are an arbitration model. These advertisers want to buy your traffic at a low price and sell it at a higher price. Any additional intermediary that you add to your workflow can reduce your income.

Can I make money without a website?

As already noted, the presence of your own untwisted site is one of the basics of how to make money on traffic arbitrage. Detailed instructions for obtaining such income, however, are not limited to having your own resource. You can make a profit doing traffic arbitrage using free sites. These include various forums, message boards and so on. However, this is always a very long and painstaking work.

Another good opportunity, how to make money on traffic arbitrage, is the use of contextual advertising systems. This method does not require the creation of your own website, and the attachments will not be too large. The most famous such networks are Yandex.Direct and Google Adsence. There are cheaper, but less reliable sources - teaser networks and traffic exchanges.

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