
What property is registered per person: how to find out and where

In the modern world, information is of great importance. Sometimes he is rich who has a lot of it. Why do we need information? Not only to solve some issues, sometimes very significant. But also to prevent or prevent unpleasant situations. For example, a person is seriously engaged in business and wants to accept another as an equal partner. But most businessmen are liable for the debts of their business form with all their property (individual entrepreneurs). In this situation, it is important to know what property the prospective partner has, can he be solvent at the right time?

Country houses

Real estate as a method of calculation

The question often arises: how to find out which property is registered per person? Because the most liquid and expensive property is real estate. Is it possible on my own and how to find out which property is registered per person? Of course, one of the options for solving this problem will be a direct question to the person. If the answer cannot be obtained, but it is reliably known that there is an apartment, a summer residence or a house, then you should not despair either. It will not be so difficult to find out. You just need to contact the Unified State Register and get an extract on the registered rights to the property.

This is especially true when making transactions of sale of apartments, houses, premises, when entering into inheritance rights, if a person has a debt.

Extract from Rosreestr

Why you need to know

Many people own real estate and for some reason hide their presence. Some of them do not advertise what they own, so after their death the heirs have problems. Especially often, real estate information is hidden by the couple after the death of one of them, so as not to share with other heirs. In any cases, if you have questions about the sale, gift, inheritance of real estate, you should know what exactly a person owns or owned.

An extract obtained from a competent organization will provide good protection. For example, when it comes to borrowing a large amount of cash. Or in a divorce, when ex-spouses try their best to hide information about the real estate they own.

City real estate

Other reasons

Information from the Unified State Register is also necessary in a number of other situations:

  • With the privatization of housing.
  • When registering housing under the social mortgage program.
  • Improving housing conditions with state support. In this case, those participating in the state program should not own any real estate with an area exceeding the required norms.
  • In the conduct of litigation relating to the property parties involved.
Apartments in high-rise buildings

Where to get information

How to find out which property is registered per person? At present, it is not possible to obtain such information without leaving home. All of them are contained in the Unified State Register of Rights to Real Estate and Transactions therewith. For information, it is necessary to send a request, having paid the state fee, the size of which can be found on the official website of the specified organization. Rosreestr USRP will provide the required information. But not on a specific person, but on a property. If it is not possible to contact the Rosreestr, then you can visit the MFC or register on the Gosuslug portal for the same.

Private houses and summer cottages

Who is eligible

Everyone can get the desired statement of registered rights to an object, but only to a specific property located at a specific address. For this, it is necessary to send a request approved by law, by mail, via the Internet or through other technical means of communication. And pay a state fee, the size of which varies from 200 to 1500 rubles.

You should know: to obtain data on all available real estate from a specific person, according to the law, it is possible only for a limited circle of persons:

  • To the owner of the real estate or his authorized representative, having the relevant documents confirming his authority.
  • To individuals or legal entities on the basis of a power of attorney issued by the owner.
  • Provided that the property is a collateral, an extract will be issued to the borrower.
  • The USRR Rosreestr will also provide information to various state bodies defined by law, judges, prosecutors, and other officials. But only for the purpose of the need to prevent corruption.
  • Have the right to request such information notary, leading the case of succession, arbitration manager (in bankruptcy).

Mail request

How to find out to whom the property is registered? This can be done by sending a request via mail. The request is sent to the Unified State Register of Rights to Real Estate and Transactions therewith. It is necessary to draw it up in writing and notarize it so that when checking the authenticity of the signature and copies of the documents attached there should be no doubt and questions.

By email

When a request is sent via e-mail, the request is certified by an enhanced qualified signature of the person who sends it, or of its representative. In addition to assuring the request itself, an inventory of the attached documents is compiled and certified.

Multifunctional Center

How to find out which property is registered per person? A multifunctional center (MFC) will also help. There are branches of this organization in almost all cities and rural settlements. But you should be aware that the MFC can only help with respect to real estate registered after August 5, 1998. You must personally contact the specified service with a document proving the identity of the person. Write a statement and provide the original receipt of payment of the state fee. Ready statements will be issued in about 3-5 days.

Low-rise buildings

Not only individuals can contact multifunctional centers, but also legal entities. The latter additionally present a memorandum of association or certificate of registration of the organization. And they pay a fee a little higher than citizens.

To summarize

In large cities, many different agencies currently offer their services. Those who wish can save their time and effort by contacting one of them. True, you have to pay for their services.

Thus, it is possible to find out all about the property belonging to a particular person only on the basis of a court decision issued. And anyone can find out the ownership of any real estate located at a known address by contacting the USRP with a request and paying the state fee.

Each document, as a rule, has its own validity period. The above information is not an exception. They may be presented before the expiration of the 30-day period. After that, when contacting government agencies or officials, the statement will have to be updated.

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