
What is a medical certificate for a weapon: form and content

To obtain a weapon license, certain bureaucratic requirements must be observed. One of them is a medical certificate for a weapon. What is she like? Who needs it? How long is this certificate valid for? All these questions will be answered within the framework of this article.

Introductory information

Weapon certificate form - 046-1. Why is she? The state must protect the interests, health and lives of its citizens. A special case: it is necessary to monitor, so that the weapon does not hit people who have certain deviations and diseases. According to the current legislation, adult citizens who have the appropriate permission obtained in the authorized bodies of the Ministry of the Interior can purchase, carry and store weapons for hunting or self-defense. And it is issued on the basis of a package of documents that must be collected. One of the most important and at the same time decisive document is a medical certificate for a weapon. Let's look at what points are important for its successful receipt.

What is a weapon certificate form 046-1?

medical certificate for weapons

It is required to obtain a license. Provided to the Ministry of Internal Affairs. You can get it at a medical institution of state, communal or private ownership. But it is necessary that he has the appropriate license. To obtain a medical opinion on the state of health, you must go through an ophthalmologist, narcologist, therapist and psychiatrist. In the certificate for weapons 046-1 enter health indicators. Specialists refuse to issue it if there are medical deviations, the list of which is strictly defined:

  1. Impaired vision. Visual acuity should exceed 50%.
  2. One of the organs of vision has a value of less than 20%, and the second - less than 70%.
  3. A citizen who has applied for help suffers from epilepsy.
  4. On any of the hands there is no forefinger and thumb, or any three.
  5. A person suffers from alcoholism, substance abuse or drug addiction.

In addition, it is necessary that the certificate of arms contains a medical certificate stating that a citizen can acquire, store and carry weapons. Mandatory is the presence of marks of psychiatric and narcological dispensaries, which are certified by seals, that this citizen is not registered. And that’s all. A separate narcologist’s certificate for a weapon (or from a psychiatrist) is not needed.

What is the validity period?

drug treatment certificate

If a citizen receives a medical certificate 046-1 for a weapon for the first time, then it is then valid for the next six months. If a license has not been issued during this period, then it will have to be reissued. The permit is valid for five years. After this period, you have to re-go through the whole process, including the medical board. This is done in order to control the health situation (physical and mental) of people who have access to firearms. After all, if someone has problems with the psyche, he becomes addicted to drugs or something similar happens, then such a person will pose a rather significant danger to society. After all, he has a weapon. And if he decides to act aggressively, then the losses will be very significant.

Passed procedures

help for weapons

Everyone, of course, decides who the doctor is and when to go on their own. Let's look at the general scheme of how to proceed:

  1. Step 1. You need to visit a psychiatrist in a neuropsychiatric dispensary.If the doctor does not reveal the presence of certain contraindications to the possession of weapons, then he puts the appropriate stamp on the form.
  2. Step 2. Visiting a psychiatrist-narcologist and giving urine for a drug test. An express test is carried out on site. If necessary, the test can be divided into two stages: preliminary (the result will be known in 24 hours) and confirming. If in the first case no traces of drugs were found, then the second is not carried out. The analysis is carried out on a paid basis. If no signs of consumption are found, then a note is made in the medical report that psychotropic substances, narcotic drugs and metabolites are not found.
  3. Step 3. Visit to the ophthalmologist. This can be done in the district clinic to which the person is attached. Although, not necessarily. You can contact any other institution that has a license.
  4. Step 4. Therapist. Provides an opinion on the general state of health. It can also be visited in the district clinic, to which a person is attached.


getting weapons

Getting help with a weapon is not so difficult as it might seem at first glance. Even when working with government agencies, this process can be completed in full in a couple of days. And if you go to a private clinic, then the hours will be even less. But in such cases, it is necessary to monitor the implementation of bureaucratic requirements, that is, the availability of a license that allows you to carry out the required activities to verify citizens who want to get weapons.

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