
What types of visas are there?

What document entitles foreigners from all over the world to visit a particular country? Of course a visa. If all existing visa-free arrangements are discarded, then it will be the visa that will be an official pass through the border.

Of course, each state sets its own rules for applying for a visa, and also imposes restrictions on stay. Depending on the purpose, a person may request a document for a tourist, work entry and so on.

general information

Our modern world is becoming more globalized, and the introduction of visa relations between countries is a mandatory rule to regulate not only the constant flow of people arriving for different purposes, but also to suppress illegal migration cases. Each country creates its own criteria for visa types, but, for example, participants in the Schengen agreements have the right to move between borders without additional papers. Sometimes there are very interesting visa documents. So, for example, among the Polish types of visas there is a special shopping visa, that is, one that allows a person to cross the Polish border in order to purchase any things, accessories, and so on.

What categories have visas?

Each visa has its own subspecies or categories, and each of them gives its holder certain rights. A category "A" visa belongs to the airport and is endowed with the functions of allowing a person to enter the transit zone of the airport. It is usually impossible to go outside the airport building. But by type “B” transit permit, you can stay in the Schengen area for up to five days. A tourist visa in the same Schengen can be indicated by the letter "C", but each state or community of states has the right to use its own letter designation.

Seals in the passport

In the USA, visa type designations are slightly different. Their rather large list of visas is again subdivided into their own slots. Type "L" is a worker, but is eaten out only if there is a transfer of personnel from another branch of the company in the absence of an American specialist in place. Type "N" is also a worker, only it is already issued to individual foreign candidates and for a period of up to a year with the possibility of extension. "F" and "M" are educational. An exchange student can enter one at a time, and an ordinary student at another. "R" - religious, which requires proof of belonging and participation in a particular denomination. Well, the most popular and favorite visa among foreign girls is “K” or the visa of the bride / groom.

Duration of Visas

Each state determines the dates that it considers necessary, and usually the types of visas according to their validity period are divided into two categories: short-term and long-term. The former most often involve a person in the country up to ninety days, and the latter from ninety days to a couple of years. Short-stay single entry visas are also issued. That is, a person can stay in the country 90 days only once, after which he is obliged to take a certain break in the visit, which must be found out already at the embassy of the country to which the person is sent.

Short-term types of visas usually include tourist, guest, transit, and business, and long-term - work, office, immigration, diplomatic, student, and also guest, depending on state laws.

Long-term visas are sometimes issued up to five years, they are no longer subject to the single entry rule, but the duration of a one-time stay is sometimes limited to one year or the same 90 days. Therefore, many embassies advise counting the days of stay in their countries in order to avoid violations.

Documents for immigrating to Australia

How many entries can I make?

As already mentioned, some types of visas are issued for a single entry, and others for a double or multiple visit (multivisa). Of course, multivisa has always been the most convenient option. After all, there is no need to think and memorize dates, numbers and calculate days. True, getting it is not easy, as the country usually requests an impressive list of documentation confirming both solvency and the purity of the applicant's intentions.

Tourist and guest visas

Among the short-term types of visas, the most popular is a tourist visa, since most people in our world prefer to consider the cultural heritage of a particular nation and country near, rather than from photographs from the Internet. However, a tourist visa does not entitle its holder to do anything other than sightseeing. That is, a foreigner cannot get a job, go to university to study, or start research.

Naturally, the type of tourist visa also has its own distinctions, so some can be obtained with standard documents, while others will be subject to additional requirements depending on who the applicant is (pensioner, schoolboy, single mother, and so on) . In addition, the validity of such a visa most often does not exceed ninety days. But, for example, if we consider the types of Schengen visas, then, in addition to short-term ones, it is possible to apply for national visas, which, of course, do not give such freedom of movement, unlike Schengen.

Immigration, new life

In Europe, tourist visas are denoted by the letter "C", and in the United States of America "B-2". Also, do not confuse the tourist and guest visas, although they are similar in sound. But the guests are issued mainly to relatives or their friends on the basis of an official invitation. On them, a person has more freedom in movement and no need to spend money on drawing up an exact route or book a hotel.

Business or business visa

For business applicants, a business visa is available in many countries. It can be arranged not only by private entrepreneurs, but also by those who wish to attend a thematic exhibition, conference, or take part in a business meeting. Among the types of Schengen visas, business visas are issued mainly to persons representing legal organizations. Sometimes additional papers are required in the form of invitations from business partners from the country planned for the visit, or supporting documents on the legal functioning of the company. In the USA, the type of visa of such a plan is marked with the letter and the number "B-1", and in the EU among the Schengen zone - "C" and "D".

Newspaper in the hands of a businessman

Visa for transit

Our planet is very large, and some distances from one point to another have to be overcome with stops, in such cases the traveler usually orders himself a transit visa. For example, transit Schengen is a type of visa that allows you to follow through all the borders of the participating countries. It is made out both during an air flight, and when using water or land mode of transport. The main factor is the availability of tickets and visas (if necessary) to third countries.

Some types of transit visas allow people to enter the duty-free zone. Most often, this type of visa is issued according to simplified rules, since the embassy no longer requires hotel reservations in their country, but it will be necessary to provide the route, as well as copies of tickets for the flight after the transit stop.

Long-stay guest visa

Such a visa is similar to a regular guest: the inviting party agrees to assume responsibility for the applicant’s stay with him. However, the difference is precisely its validity. In many countries, relatives have the right to obtain such a visa without applying for, for example, a residence permit.The invitation must be either a citizen of this country or its official resident.

For example, the embassy usually considers this type of visa to Germany with particular bias. Each such application is examined thoroughly to the point that the employees of the country’s representative office can call the applicant for a personal interview, where questions of a related nature will be asked.

American visa

Most often they ask to prove kinship and make strong arguments in favor of the applicant’s non-immigration trip. Almost every state tries to protect itself from fraudulent acts of immigrants.

Work and business visas

A work visa is also considered a long-term visa. It is according to such an entry document that a person has the right to work in a foreign country. Usually its term is limited by the terms of the contract or by agreement with the employer. Indeed, in fact, it will be he who will provide most of the documents to the embassy. But if a person is going to change his place of work, then first of all he must prove to his host country his significance and professional suitability in the requested field. For this, confirmation of diplomas is made.

Resident card

There is also a business visa and a diplomatic one. From the second, everything is clear from the name - it is issued only to employees of diplomatic departments working in the field of foreign policy. A service may be requested by those who are employees of individual government organizations.

Visa for students

Student visas over the past decades have become very popular, young people are trying to expand the boundaries of their consciousness. People leave to study and learn another country, culture and people. This type of visa is issued to both students and schoolchildren. With a student visa, you can travel through the territory of the host country, as well as cross its border and travel to third countries. Naturally, for proof, educational institutions without fail provide a letter to the embassy confirming the successful admission of the applicant.

How to become a resident?

Among other things, there are immigration types of visas, but not all countries have a policy of issuing citizenship for them. But, for example, in the same strict UK, visa types tailored to the immigration standard are a good investment for the subsequent application for citizenship. You can become an immigrant and get a permanent residence permit to investors who have invested well in the country's economy, but after a certain period of time in the territory.

A wife's visa after five years of marriage with an Englishman turns into a permanent residence permit. It is possible for ordinary mortals to get such a card, but then the period of stay in the country should be at least ten to twenty years.

Immigration Law Book

An immigrant visa is often issued to those who wish to reunite with their family. A good program takes place, for example, in Israel. And in Russia, a similar visa is "ordinary". It is issued to Russian speakers planning to obtain Russian citizenship. Its validity period is one year during which the applicant not only collects the necessary documents, but also passes an exam in the Russian language.

However, the ordinary types of visas in Russia are divided into their own subscriptions: tourist, business, educational, humanitarian, workers, guest, as well as to obtain watered asylum. Russian visas are also divided into five categories: diplomatic, official, ordinary, transit, and for temporary arrivals. In general, it is rather difficult for foreign citizens to get a long-term visa to Russia.

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