
What documents should a driver have with him? List, requirements and recommendations

Driving a vehicle is not the most difficult task that a driver will have to face. He needs to comply with traffic rules and remember the list of documents without which it is forbidden to drive a car. Otherwise, problems with the traffic police and fines cannot be avoided. Therefore, further we will find out what documents a driver should have with him. This is an extremely important point, which must be familiar to both experienced drivers and beginners. Below you will find detailed information about all existing documents on the machine and explanations regarding the question of whether you need to have the appropriate papers with you.

What documents do the driver need

Driver's license

Let's start with the most obvious. This is a driver’s license. Thinking about what documents a driver should have with him, a citizen should understand that he will always have to carry his rights with him.

This document allows the driver to drive a vehicle of one type or another. For the lack of a driver’s license, a citizen will have to pay a fine. It is 500 rubles. When the military is not in principle, they pay from 5 to 15 thousand. If the owner entrusts the management of the vehicle to a person without rights, you will have to pay 3,000 rubles. Penalties per day can be an infinite number of times. The main thing is that the punishment is prescribed by different traffic police posts.

If a person does not have permanent rights, you will have to carry a temporary driver's license with you. Otherwise, one of the punishments listed above is threatened.

Registration certificate

What documents should a driver have with him? At the moment, there is a minimum of information that allows citizens to drive vehicles without problems.

Presentation of documents to traffic police officer

The next important paper is STS. It is advisable to carry the original or a certified copy of the document. The certificate of registration indicates that the vehicle was registered with the traffic police. Without this operation, a person can drive a car no longer than 10 days from the date of acquisition of property rights to movable property.

The penalty for the absence of STS is 500 rubles. As in the past case, they can write it out several times a day. Therefore, it is better to worry about registering a car in advance.

Car insurance

What documents should a driver have with him? The next important paper is a car insurance policy (or CTP). At the moment, in Russia you can issue an electronic policy. Then you still have to print it and take it with you on the road.

It is easy to guess that the absence of a relevant certificate entails penalties of 500 rubles. You can avoid punishment if you leave the car with a traffic police officer and quickly go for a policy.

List of documents for the driver in Russia


When buying a vehicle, all owner-owners are given a car passport. It is called TCP. The data about the vehicle and its owner are indicated here.

Do I need to carry a technical passport with me? Not. Traffic police cannot demand the presentation of the appropriate paper. But if you want, the driver can make a copy of the TCP, assure it (preferably) and carry it with you. This technique will save paper from damage and loss during theft of the vehicle.

Power of Attorney for a car

In some cases, people drive other people's cars. Then it is necessary to draw up a power of attorney in the established form. The corresponding paper is not included in the list of binding documents for the driver, but it is better to have it with you.

At the moment, in order not to draw up a power of attorney to drive the vehicle, the potential driver is simply entered into the insurance policy. This avoids unnecessary problems with law enforcement.

Title Documents

What documents should a driver have with him? It is recommended that immediately after the purchase of the vehicle to carry legal documents or copies thereof. For example, a contract of sale or deed of gift.

This technique allows you to ride for some time without STS. Otherwise, you will have to somehow prove the recent purchase of the car.

Business License

All previously listed documents should be with every ordinary driver. And what to do when a person uses a vehicle for work? For example, chose a taxi driver career?

Driver's license

In such circumstances, it will be necessary to supplement the previously listed list. What documents should a taxi driver have? In Russia it is:

  • the rights;
  • STS;
  • CTP;
  • license to conduct business;
  • permission to transport people;
  • power of attorney for vehicle management or title papers.

Accordingly, a license should be held by any person engaged in activities in which the vehicle is involved. Without this paper, the chauffeurs simply cannot take to work. This is a perfectly normal, legal requirement.

For trucks

What documents should a truck driver have? The list of relevant papers is not much different from the previously proposed (for taxi drivers). Nevertheless, you still need to know about him.

When driving a truck, in addition to the required certificates, you will need:

  • license to conduct business;
  • permission to transport goods and passengers;
  • documents for certain goods prescribed by law;
  • waybill.

As practice shows, a conscientious driver should not have problems with the preparation of the relevant papers.

Buses and their drivers

But that is not all. What documents should a bus driver carry? This question often worries those who plan to work as a bus driver for transporting passengers.

In fact, no special papers will be required for a person. Only the references listed above. Namely:

  • driver's license;
  • STS;
  • permission to drive a car;
  • CTP insurance policy.

In reality, everything is simpler than it seems. And conscientious drivers should not have any problems with vehicle management and training.

Without which you can not drive

International transportation

And what documents should an international driver have? Such people will have to prepare a lot of papers. Which ones?

At the moment this is:

  • driver's license;
  • registration sheets;
  • certificate of admission to the carriage of goods;
  • international passport;
  • STS;
  • CTP;
  • certificate of technical inspection of international standard;
  • permission to enter this or that territory;
  • certificate of admission of the vehicle to international transport;
  • documents for transported goods.

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