
What documents are needed to pay off the mortgage with parent capital?

Maternal capital allows many families to acquire their homes or expand existing square meters. Money is transferred only purposefully, and one way to withdraw it is to pay off the debt at the bank. However, first you need to collect a lot of documents to pay off the mortgage with parent capital. Moreover, parents do not always realize that they will have to collect two packages, one of which will be required for delivery at the Pension Fund, the other will be requested by a credit institution. Therefore, in order for the family to be able to take advantage of the state subsidy for the birth of children, it is important to know all the subtleties of this process.

Documents required to repay the mortgage by maternity capital

Right to maternity capital

Firstly, in order to have the right to dispose of maternity capital, one should obtain a corresponding certificate certifying the family’s right to the given funds. Any family with two or more children is entitled to issue a certificate. To do this, you need to come to the Pension Fund at the place of residence of the mother.

It is recommended to apply immediately after obtaining the rights to the subsidy. But money is allowed to be spent only after the youngest child is three years old. But here, the state has provided several loopholes. You can not wait for the baby’s three-year anniversary and pay off with the help of an existing certificate part or all of the mortgage, due to which housing was bought for the family. A fairly common way to withdraw money is to use maternity capital to pay off mortgages. Documents to obtain a certificate are as follows:

  • mother’s passport (dad, if any);
  • birth certificates (available for all children);
  • SNILS mother;
  • statement.

The above list is generalized and suitable for all categories of families. But also officials may request other papers. For example, if the eldest child is already an adult, but is studying at an accredited educational institution (full-time only), then a certificate confirming this fact is needed.

The Pension Fund may be contacted directly by the applicant himself, that is, the mother of the children. However, this can be done by an authorized person for whom it is necessary to notarize a power of attorney.

What documents do you need to pay off mortgage with maternity capital

Important nuance

The bank usually asks for many documents to pay off the mortgage with parent capital. Sometimes a family withdraws part of the funds from this subsidy and may forget about it. For example, they bought a dormitory room and still some of the funds remained. Therefore, before deciding whether to put money into repaying a mortgage or not, it is important to take a certificate from the Pension Fund, which will indicate the exact amount that remains in the account. Also, the information is relevant for those citizens who have long received a certificate, and it has been indexed over time. The answer arrives at the applicant’s address within three days.

List of documents for repaying a mortgage by maternity capital

To pay off a mortgage loan in a bank, money from the parent capital is very often used. The procedure is not complicated, but it is required to comply with the law as precisely as possible, otherwise the Pension Fund will refuse to withdraw funds or the bank will not decide on such a transaction.

Documents for repaying a mortgage by maternity capital are the main ones that will be required in any case, and additional ones that may be required in some circumstances.

Mandatory securities are as follows:

  • certificate confirming the right to dispose of state subsidies;
  • passports of parents, if the housing was registered in common ownership;
  • SNILS;
  • MFC certificate confirming registration in this region.

Of course, the list of securities is standard, but can be expanded due to the specifics of the work of a credit institution and the nuances of the family.

Documents for repaying a mortgage by maternity capital

What to bring to the Pension Fund

If the bank gives a positive decision on the possibility of paying off part of the mortgage or its entire amount, you must further contact the Pension Fund at the place of residence. This will also require a package of documents, the main purpose of which is to prove that the funds will be allocated for the purpose permitted by the state, namely, they will close the debt on the loan for which the house was purchased. It’s just not possible to get them in cash.

All papers are carefully checked by competent employees, and only on the basis of this a decision is made. If it is positive, then money by wire transfer comes to the specified account. Sometimes a refusal may follow, but with an indication of the reason that will need to be addressed. The Pension Fund must provide the main package and additional. Let's consider each of them.

Basic Help

What documents do you need for mortgage repayment by maternity capital provided to the Pension Fund:

  • Application for the withdrawal of funds to pay off mortgage debt. The paper must be in the prescribed form, so you must personally contact the fund.
  • Certificate certifying eligibility for government subsidy.
  • Passports of all persons participating in the mortgage (main borrower and co-borrower).
  • SNILS.

If the parents are married, then supporting evidence will be needed.

What else must be submitted to the Pension Fund?

Documents for repaying a mortgage by maternity capital

To obtain the right to repay the loan debt, it is not enough to provide information on the existing mortgage and express a desire to close it. In this case, the state always defends the family and, in particular, minor children. To avoid the act of committing fraud, the Pension Fund will require, in addition to the main ones, a number of additional securities.

Documents required to repay the mortgage by parent capital:

  • In the purchased housing, the ownership of each family member must be registered. However, parents can notarize their share in favor of the children. Therefore, you need a certificate from the Unified State Register, which lists all the owners of this room. It is especially important that all children appear there.
  • If children are not indicated as owners, then an obligation is required - paper, which is executed only by a notary. In it, parents undertake that within six months after lifting the burden per square meter, children will be allocated shares (should not be more than 6 square meters for each child, and in equal parts).
  • It is also important to provide a home book or an extract from it, confirming that, apart from family members, no one else is registered in this apartment.
  • Help with the number of the personal account to which you need to transfer money.


It is important for parents to know not only what documents they will require from them to repay the mortgage by their parent capital. Equally significant is the fact that there should be no corrections in the papers. The Pension Fund, as a guarantor of protecting families and children in this case, very carefully approaches the verification of all certificates. Therefore, in order not to receive a refusal and not to start the whole procedure all over again, it is necessary to check all the documents for inaccuracies, corrections and blots. Even the pen with which the inscriptions are made is taken into account. It is desirable that it be the same everywhere.

Mortgage repayment by regional maternity capital - documents

Bank requirements

Credit organizations also have a lot of requirements for those who wish to repay part of the mortgage (or in full) by their parent capital. The procedure is as follows:

  1. An application for withdrawal of funds is submitted to the Pension Fund, and the certificates discussed above are provided.
  2. Among the securities, a settlement account necessarily appears, where it is necessary to make a cashless transfer.
  3. The pension fund must approve the application, and only if the funds are transferred.
  4. Next, the bank must write a statement on repayment of the debt and write-off of funds from the account.

The application will require a list of securities, which are also divided into main and additional.

Basic documents for a credit institution

Banks are also very meticulous in the process of repaying mortgage debt using family subsidies. To complete the transaction, it is important to know what documents are needed to pay off the mortgage with parent capital:

  • Copies of the identity documents of the borrower and co-borrower, and even notarized blank pages.
  • The bank will issue a statement that resembles a questionnaire in format. It also needs to be filled out.
  • An agreement confirming the purchase of housing.
  • Proof of ownership of the borrower and children. Or an obligation to allocate shares is provided.
Documents for repaying a mortgage

Additional package of references for the bank

Despite the rather extensive list of papers that the family has already provided to the Pension Fund and the bank, it is necessary to collect a few additional ones. The list of documents for repaying a mortgage by maternity capital is as follows:

  • A copy of the certificate confirming the right to maternity capital, and the original. In this case, the bank will independently certify it. Otherwise, notary certification is required.
  • A statement of the balance of the family’s capital account.
  • Documents confirming the solvency of all members of the mortgage lending.
  • Statement from the account to which the state subsidy funds were transferred.

It is important to understand that each credit institution has the right to request any other document not prohibited by law. Therefore, a more accurate list can always be found in a particular bank.

Features of the procedure

Having considered what documents are required to repay a mortgage by maternal capital, it’s worthwhile to figure out how the debt write-off procedure goes. It cannot be argued that as soon as all documents are collected, debt will also be written off. It usually takes about 3-4 months. At the same time, it is important to pay all the necessary loan payments on time. However, it is worthwhile to understand that it is decreasing for a long time, and if earlier it was planned to completely repay it with the help of maternity capital, then later there may be extra funds on the account. It is also impossible to cash them. All surpluses must be transferred to the family account, where they continue to be indexed and can be used according to the letter of the law.

But in order to avoid the reverse movement of funds, the amount of debt is specified at the time of making a positive decision on the withdrawal of funds. But the process of writing off money does not always "keep pace" with this, so there may be overlays.

Sometimes a family has several mortgages. In this case, a decision for each of them is made separately, the same applies to the package of documents. Moreover, the list in different cases may vary significantly.

List of documents for repaying a mortgage

Regional Family Support

In addition to national support, each constituent entity of the Russian Federation can allocate its own funds to families with children. At the same time, regions can independently decide which amount to allocate, what to spend it on, and what are the conditions for receiving it. But in any case, a fairly common way to spend money is to repay the mortgage by the regional maternal capital. The documents that will be necessary in this case are comparable with the use of state maternity capital. The only difference is that the certificate of the available certificate, as well as the entire registration, does not lie with the Pension Fund, but with the center of social protection of the population.

Mortgage and Maternity Capital

Final steps

Documents for repaying a mortgage by maternity capital (in 2017-2018) are considered in this article.It is important to go through the whole procedure to the end and not make mistakes. Therefore, as soon as the bank has reviewed all the securities and agreed to pay off the mortgage with a state loan, it is necessary:

  1. Write a statement to write off the balance of the debt and receive a certificate certifying the absence of debt to the credit institution. On its basis, the encumbrance will be lifted, and it will be possible to register all family members as owners in this living space.
  2. Pay off part of the debt. In this case, it is important to write a statement on the revision of the amount of monthly payments or the term of the loan. It is also important to amend the loan agreement accordingly. At the same time, it will be possible to make full-fledged owners of housing for children after full settlement with the bank.

Despite the rather laborious procedure and the need to collect different papers, many families have already been able to repay part or all of the mortgage with the help of money from maternity capital.

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