
What documents are needed for registering a car: list

After acquiring a vehicle, the owner of the car must carry out the procedure for registering a car. This is a requirement put forward by the legislation of the Russian Federation. And it is recommended to prepare for this operation in advance. For example, collect all the necessary documents for registering a car. Without appropriate certificates, the driver will be denied service at the registration authority. Below we will talk about how to correctly register vehicles in the traffic police. Where and what information to take? How to file a petition for consideration? Having understood all this, each citizen will be able to cope with the task without much hassle. The main thing is to adhere to some algorithm of actions. We will also talk about him.

How to register a car with the traffic police

For what period to register

What documents for registering a car will be useful to the owner of the vehicle? Before answering this question, we will study a little theory regarding the registration of cars in Russia.

As already mentioned, the registration of a car is a mandatory procedure. A certain period of time is allocated to it. If you do not meet it, you will have to give up driving. Otherwise, the driver will face a fine.

It takes 10 days to collect documents for registering a car, starting from the moment of acquisition of movable property. During this period of time, a citizen can drive a car without registration.

Where to go

The next important point is where to relate the certificates prepared by the owner of the vehicle. The residents of the Russian Federation have many alternatives to solve the problem.

Today certificates and applications for car registration are accepted:

  • multifunctional centers and services "My documents";
  • local bodies of GAI and traffic police;
  • intermediary companies assisting in vehicle registration.

If you wish, you can submit the application in the established form via the Internet. It is proposed to do this through the "State Services". Such a decision can both facilitate the life of a citizen, and cause a lot of trouble. Therefore, a little later we will consider the process of registering a vehicle via the Internet in more detail.

Instruction: we contact the authorities personally

And how to register a car in the traffic police? This is not the most difficult task of all. Next, we will study the instructions that will help bring the idea to life.

Registration of vehicles in the Russian Federation

Let's start with a personal appeal to the registration authorities. In this case, to register a vehicle in the traffic police, you will have to adhere to the following algorithm of actions:

  1. Decide on the place of application. It is better to choose an authority based on the place of registration of the person.
  2. Prepare the documents necessary for registering a car. We will review their list a little later.
  3. Fill out an application for registration. It can be provided in any form, even in electronic form.
  4. Contact prepared certificates to the registration authority. For example, in local traffic police or MFC.
  5. Pay a fee for the service provided. Registration of cars is a paid operation. We will get acquainted with possible payments later.
  6. To receive documents on vehicle registration at the appointed time. Usually, such a service takes a few hours, less often a couple of days.

That's all. As soon as the owner of the vehicle receives registration statements, he can easily drive the car. The main thing is to carry the relevant information with you.

What you need to apply online

What documents for registration of a car will be useful to a person? There are not so many references, it will not be difficult to get them with a competently conducted transaction for the acquisition of property. And what is needed to apply for the corresponding service?

As already mentioned, if desired, the population can turn to the help of the State Services portal. To use this service, you will need:

  1. Register on the site. This will require an e-mail, SNILS number and a mobile phone.
  2. Fill out a citizen application. Here you have to indicate data about yourself. Passport information is also required.
  3. Verify identity. This can be done in different ways. For example, applying with a passport, SNILS and TIN to the nearest center for confirmation of profiles on "State services".

Only after that a person will be able to submit an electronic application through the said service.

Filing an application for registration through public services

Important: it takes about two weeks to confirm your account and register it.

Instruction: registration of a car through "State services"

We found out how the registration of cars in the traffic police occurs. Citizens will be able to prepare documents for this operation as soon as possible. And how to apply for the corresponding service via the Internet?

To cope with this task, the user will need:

  1. Go to the website "State Services". Here you need to go through authorization with your username and password.
  2. Go to the "Service Catalog" section.
  3. Find a service called "Auto Registration". It can be found in the "Categories" - "Transport and Driving" tab. To facilitate the search, the use of a search string is allowed.
  4. Click on the corresponding line.
  5. Select the operation to be performed. For example, "Auto Registration" or "Change Registration Data".
  6. Specify the qualifying parameter. For example, "Registration in the traffic police" or "Temporary registration of the vehicle." In our case, the first option is implied.
  7. Click on the "Receive" button.
  8. Fill out the application in electronic form. Part of the information will be copied from the questionnaire on the State Services.
  9. Download scans of documents for registering a new car. In the case of used vehicles will have to act in a similar way. Qualitative photographs of relevant references will do.
  10. Choose a place in which you want to pick up ready-made extracts about registration actions. This step is not available for all regions.
  11. Confirm application.
  12. Wait for the application to be considered. In this case, the status of "Approved" should appear in the "My Account" application.
  13. Pay the operation fee. For example, right through the State Services.
  14. At the appointed time, come to the selected registration authority with the certificates prepared in advance and pick up the STS.

It is done. If a citizen has a public service profile prepared for work, there will be no problems. Otherwise, it is recommended to apply to the STSI personally.

Main package

What documents for registration of a car will be useful to citizens? The thing is that the answer to this question definitely will not work. It all depends on the circumstances. Namely, from the method of acquiring transport and from who owns the car.

First, find out what documents for registering a car will come in handy under any circumstances. These include:

  • receipt confirming the state duty for the operation;
  • application of the established form;
  • applicant's passport;
  • title documents for the car;
  • Title

This is where the required certificates end. We’ll find out where to get them a little later. First, consider all the possible documentation packages to bring your ideas to life.

New car

We examined the list of documents for registering a car, which are required in any circumstances. Next, consider other help. There are not so many of them.

Documents for vehicle registration

When buying a new car, the following components are additionally required:

  • transit numbers;
  • CTP policy;
  • purchase agreement (it is a title document).

As a rule, all these components should be issued at a car dealership when buying a car. And TCP including. If the seller refuses to issue the relevant certificates, it is better to refuse the transaction.

Used car

Are you planning to register a car? What documents are needed if a used vehicle is purchased?

In this case, you need to additionally take with you:

  • certificate of registration of the car to the previous owner;
  • insurance policy (can be in electronic form);
  • license plate numbers;
  • a copy of the seller’s passport;
  • a statement of delivery of money to the former owner of the vehicle for the service;
  • purchase agreement.

Important: the basic information on the car is prepared by the previous owner of the car. The absence of a TCP, STS or a motor insurance policy is the basis for refusing a transaction.

Legal entities

How is the registration of a car legal entity? Documents for such an operation are formed taking into account the situations listed above. Only in addition will the applicant have to prepare additional extracts. Which ones?

For registration actions with vehicles of legal entities it is necessary to take:

  • identity card of a trustee (organization representative);
  • certificate of registration of a legal entity;
  • power of attorney for representation in the traffic police;
  • company charter (copy);
  • extract from the register;
  • certificate of registration with the tax authorities;
  • order for registration of transport (in the form of an extract).

That's all. Are you planning to register a car with a legal entity? It will not be too difficult to prepare documents for this situation if the transaction on the purchase of a vehicle is carried out correctly. The most difficult is to issue a power of attorney for a representative.

Where to get the application

Now it’s clear which extracts are useful for registering with vehicles. And where to get these or other certificates? We will study the most “problematic” documents.

CTP policy

Let's start with the application for registration actions with the car. It can be obtained in the following ways:

  1. Come to the MFC or the traffic police, and then ask for a form for registering a car in a particular case. It is advisable to clarify who will register the vehicle - a legal entity or an individual.
  2. Open "State services" and find the option "Registration of vehicles" there. Click on the "Details ..." hyperlink, expand the "Application for registration" block and click on the "Save" button in the "Template" block.
  3. To start receiving services for conducting registration actions with a car through "State services". The electronic form that appears on the screen is the petition.
  4. Go to the website of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Russian Federation and expand the block "To participants of the movement" - "To car owners." Under the line "Registration ...." click on the file icon next to the signature "Application ...".
  5. Find the finished application form on the Internet. It is recommended not to use this technique.

In fact, preparing and filling out an application for registration of a vehicle is not difficult. What other difficulties can citizens face?

Title papers

Documents for registration of a car include legal documents. These are statements that allow you to understand the reason for the emergence of property rights.

Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation

Among them are:

  • purchase and sale agreement;
  • exchange agreement;
  • gift;
  • a will and a certificate from a notary about the acceptance of an inheritance;
  • loan agreement.

Important: these components are prepared at the conclusion of certain transactions.

Documents for the car

As already mentioned, when registering a vehicle in the traffic police, you will need to bring some certificates to the car. Among them, several components are distinguished. Problems with their preparation should not be.

Here is information to help you get the job done:

  1. Title - car passport. The document must be stored at the car dealership or at the previous owner of the car.For the transaction, the seller prepares the original of the relevant statement.
  2. STS - certificate of car registration. It is issued to the owner of the car after the car is registered with the traffic police. It is taken from the previous owner of the movable property.
  3. MTPL policy - car insurance document. It is made out after registration of a car or during the purchase of a new vehicle at a car dealership. It is provided to the buyer by the seller. You can use the electronic form of documentation.
  4. Car numbers - transit numbers are issued in the car salon, regular numbers are issued by the previous owner of the vehicle.

From the foregoing, it follows that statements for the car must be issued either in the car dealership or by the previous owner of the movable property. There should not be any significant problems with them.

Vehicle Registration Application

Receipts and Fees

In order to prepare checks for payment of the state duty for registration actions, a citizen needs to receive the details of the traffic police recipient. After this, it remains to deposit a certain amount of funds into the treasury of the state. For example, through "State services" or an ATM.

For registration of a car in Russia you have to pay:

  • 2 000 rubles - the cost of issuing license plates;
  • 1,500 rubles - registration of numbers for motorcycles and trailers;
  • 800 rubles - issue of TCP;
  • 350 rubles - registration of STS.

The list of documents for registering a car is now known to us. Everyone will be able to prepare the necessary certificates for the implementation of the task.

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