
What documents are needed for temporary registration for the MFC?

Migration registration in Russia is extremely strict. Serious punishments follow for the lack of registration among citizens. They will directly depend on the circumstances. To avoid this, a person must have registration in a particular city. For example, temporary. But how to arrange it? What documents may be useful for temporary registration for the MFC? What do you need to remember about this procedure? Next, we will try to find the answers to these questions. In the end, every citizen will be able to easily register for housing on a temporary basis.

Registration in Russia

About registration

On the territory of the Russian Federation, it is customary to distinguish between two types of registration - temporary and permanent. Usually, the "indigenous" inhabitants of the country have an "eternal" registration. It secures housing for a person on an ongoing basis.

Nevertheless, the population is actively interested in documents for temporary registration. For the MFC, obtaining such a registration is not difficult. The main thing is to form a specific package of papers and figure out what the applicant will be dealing with.

Temporary registration is the fixing of a person’s housing for a certain period of time. Such registration ends automatically at one time or another, it does not allow the tenant to participate in privatization. Typically, this form of migration registration is selected during temporary relocation of citizens of the Russian Federation or during prolonged residence in the country of foreigners.

How long can I not register

It is not so difficult to collect documents for temporary registration through the MFC. A little later we will familiarize ourselves with the detailed lists of securities for receiving the corresponding service. First, let's get acquainted with the legal requirements for migration registration.

It is not always necessary to have a residence permit in Russia. Today, residents of the Russian Federation must register at a new address no later than a week after discharge from their previous home. This requirement is completely legal.

How to register for housing on time

Foreigners and citizens who have moved to another region of the Russian Federation may not be registered for 90 days. After that, you need to either return home, or get any registration. In our case, it’s temporary.

Important: registration at the place of stay for foreigners is issued for a maximum of 5 years.

The legislative framework

Before collecting documents for temporary registration at the MFC, a citizen must understand what difficulties he may encounter. In order not to be refused a residence permit, it is worth examining the legislative basis of this operation.

Here are the rules to remember:

  1. Citizens are registered only with the consent of the owner (or all owners) of housing.
  2. Registration of minors with parents is possible without prior coordination with the owner of the apartment. By law, children must be registered with one of their legal representatives.
  3. An application for registration of a foreigner is submitted by the owner of the apartment / house or his representative.
  4. Extract from housing is carried out either by mutual agreement of the parties, or upon the expiration of the registration period, or by a court decision.
  5. It is forbidden to make a rubber apartment out of housing. Many foreigners registered at the same address attract the attention of migration services. A careless landlord may be fined.

As practice shows, with proper preparation, there should not be any serious difficulties. Registering a foreigner or citizen of the Russian Federation in an apartment for a while is not so difficult.

Party passports for temporary registration

Main paper

Documents for temporary registration for the MFC is not difficult to prepare.The main thing is to understand what information is useful for the implementation of the task. Their list will vary depending on the situation.

Let's start with the obligatory statements. They are needed in any circumstances. Among the mandatory documentation for temporary registration are:

  • statement from the homeowner;
  • the consent of all owners of the apartment for registration (if the property has several owners);
  • USRN statement;
  • identity card of the registered person;
  • passport (copy) of the owner of residential property.

But that is not all. Next, you will have to supplement the list of securities with certain extracts. They, as already mentioned, are directly dependent on the specific situation.

For relatives

Are you planning a temporary registration through the MFC? Documents for the provision of appropriate services require different.

Without any problems, the homeowner can register close relatives in his home. Permission of co-owners of property in this case is not required.

To successfully register a close relative for a while, you must present:

  • departure slip;
  • arrival sheet (issued by the FMS or the MFC);
  • statements confirming kinship with the owner of the house (certificates of marriage, adoption, birth).

It'll be enough. It is advisable to make copies of the relevant papers. Then there will definitely be no problems with registration.

Application for registration

Children and registration

Do you want to apply for temporary registration at the Moscow International Financial Center? Documents for translating ideas into reality change depending on the circumstances. It does not matter where the registration takes place - in the capital of Russia or in the province. The main thing is to take into account that the package of documents varies depending on who is registered in the housing.

Need to prescribe a child? Then the documents for temporary registration for the MFC will require the following:

  • certificates from the place of residence of the legal representatives of the minor;
  • baby's birth certificate;
  • the consent of the second legal representative of the child to register not with him;
  • statement that the child is not registered with the second parent;
  • the passport of the parent with whom the minor will be registered;
  • certificates indicating adoption (if any).

In some cases, it may come in handy:

  • court orders on determining the place of residence of a minor;
  • certificates of deprivation of the second parent of the relevant authority.

As already mentioned, the consent of the owner of the apartment to register minors is not required. Therefore, a new tenant may come as a surprise to the landlord.

Birth certificate for registration in the apartment of a minor

Foreigners and registration

What documents are useful for temporary registration through the MFC in Russia? Some packages of papers were presented to our attention. But what about foreigners? Their registration is increasingly common.

Typically, in such circumstances, the applicant needs to attach to the previously listed extracts:

  • foreigner's passport with translation into Russian (certified by a notary);
  • migration card;
  • Residence permit or any other document confirming the legality of stay in the territory of the Russian Federation;
  • potential passport

In reality, everything is simpler than it seems. All these extracts will be surely discovered by a conscientious foreigner. If they are not, this is an occasion to reflect on the refusal of registration.

Other references

Documents for temporary registration through the MFC on the proposed lists do not end there. The thing is that sometimes you have to submit additional information. Which ones?

Migration card

Among them are:

  • a copy of the house book (when registering in a private house);
  • social contract of employment;
  • lease agreement.

Now all the certificates for migration registration in Russia have been studied. Some of them should be with the homeowners, while some are provided by the potential tenant. With the conscientiousness of both parties, the formation of a package of certificates for registration will take a minimum of time and effort.

Registration Instructions

Need to do a temporary registration through the MFC? We have already studied the documents for the implementation of the task. And how exactly to act to register a person in an apartment or house?

It is recommended to act in this way:

  1. Find an apartment where you can register. Recently, the corresponding services can be found through bulletin boards or in newspapers.
  2. Coordinate registration with the homeowner.
  3. Prepare a package of references to translate ideas into reality. We have already familiarized ourselves with the possible documentation.
  4. Contact the MFC (preferably by appointment) with a registration application and papers prepared in advance. This must be done together with the owner of the apartment.
  5. Submit a registration request.
  6. Put a mark on registration or get a certificate of registration of the established sample on hand.

Usually the decision regarding registration issues is made in 3-5 days. In some cases, you can pick up a statement of registration from the MFC a few hours after filing the relevant application.

Cost of services

Now it’s clear how temporary registration at the place of residence is drawn up at the MFC. Documents for the implementation of ideas in life, we also studied. And how much does the corresponding service cost?

House book when registering in a private house

Registration per se is free. It is not subject to any duties. Unofficially, homeowners charge a fee to residents. Usually it is negotiable. This point needs to be discussed with the owner of a particular apartment.


Why is it so important to prepare documents for temporary registration for the MFC in advance? The thing is that living on the territory of the Russian Federation without a residence permit entails serious sanctions.

A foreigner is fined and expelled from Russia. Citizens of the country will receive only an administrative fine. It ranges from 1,500 to 2,500 rubles. Typically, 2.5 thousand have to pay for the lack of registration in the cities of federal significance - in Moscow and St. Petersburg.


Now it’s clear how the registration of temporary registration through the MFC is carried out. It is quite easy to prepare documents for this service, especially if you responsibly approach the solution of the task.

Some difficulties may arise if the property has several owners. Someone may not agree with the registration of strangers. In this situation, you will have to look for another place of residence.

Important: the consent of all the owners of the apartment to register a person is recommended to draw up with a notary public.

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