
What are the benefits for the widows of the military?

In the article we will consider what privileges are set for the widows of military personnel.

Today, many want to serve in the army of the Russian Federation. The state government provides significant support not only directly to the defenders themselves, but also to members of their families, since such a service is fraught with some risk. A soldier may die during the performance of his duties. In such situations, the state does not disregard the widows of the dead military personnel. What support does the wife of a deceased officer or soldier provide in Russia, and what benefits are provided to widows of military personnel?

benefits to widows

Survivor benefit

The current legislation provides that after the loss of a spouse, his widow has the right to receive a certain allowance. It is drawn up immediately after the death of a soldier. Children and other family members who were previously supported by him can also count on such payments.

Benefits are calculated according to a special formula. When calculating the amount of money, the following factors are taken into account:

  • salary amount;
  • allowance for years of service;
  • copayment for the rank;
  • increase factors accrued due to "extra length of service";
  • correction factor established annually.

List of documents

To obtain benefits for the widows of the deceased servicemen, it is necessary to collect a package of documents that contains:

  1. Passport, birth certificates of children.
  2. Documentary evidence of death (for example, a court decision to declare a soldier missing or a certificate of his death).
  3. Confirmation of family ties in the form of a certificate from the registry office on marriage.
  4. Confirmation of their belonging to privileged categories of citizens (disability certificate or other documents).

The employees of the state body, which draw up documents for payment, may also require the widow of a soldier:

  • certificate of salary or length of service;
  • work book.
  • a certificate from the employment center, which confirms the widow's own income;
  • a certificate from the university where the child of the deceased is studying, or other documents.

The application for the calculation of benefits is considered within 10 days. If the verification process has passed, money is credited to the widow's bank account.

What are the benefits of a widow of military personnel can get?

Medical Benefits

The state provides a number of benefits to the widows of military personnel, they concern various areas of the social sphere, and especially health care. Women have the right to:

  1. Listed in medical records in departmental institutions and undergo treatment there. At the same time, widows can use the services of all specialists and a variety of therapeutic procedures for free.
  2. The wives of the dead military, as prescribed by a doctor or in order to undergo health-improving and rehabilitation measures, can be treated in departmental sanatoriums.
  3. The widows of the military are provided with free medicines that were prescribed to them during treatment at military medical institutions.
  4. Travel to the rehabilitation site is compensated by the state.
widow benefits

The military departments own a number of sanatoriums and resorts throughout the country. Spouses of living military men have only the right to purchase such permits, however, special preferential prices are provided for them.

Benefits are also provided for the widows of retired military personnel for paying utility bills. About it below.

privileges for the widows of deceased soldiers

Payment of utility services

The widows of the military, who died in the performance of a duty to their homeland, receive discounts on utility bills. The accrual of these benefits is affected by:

  • dead military status;
  • features of regional programs.

A woman whose spouse died during the hostilities can count on receiving benefits for utility bills in the amount of 50%.

What other benefits are provided to the widows of the military?

Free rides

The Law on the Status of Military Personnel clearly establishes the circle of citizens who are entitled to benefits. It states that in the event of the death of a person who is undergoing military service, his widow is entitled to free trips:

  • to the place of the tragedy and back, accompanied by a maximum of two close relatives;
  • to the place of burial and back once a year, provided that such a place is located on the territory of the Russian Federation.
widows of military personnel

The right to housing

Not everyone knows about the benefits to the widows of servicemen who died in execution.

Family members of these categories of citizens can not be evicted from the occupied housing without housing with appropriate conditions. However, in some cases for widows, this requirement has one limitation. They lose the right to use this benefit only if they remarry. In addition, women have a priority position when installing home telephones, buying fuel for heating homes, and in some other cases. If the families of the deceased servicemen are not provided with normal living conditions, after their death they receive the right to a priority solution to such a problem.

What benefits are given to the widows of the military, it is important to find out.

The second pension of the widow of the deceased military

If the widow of a military pensioner is not enough of her pension to provide the necessary standard of living, she can count on receiving additional benefits and benefits.

Obtaining a second widow pension is subject to the following conditions:

what are the benefits to the widows of military personnel
  • a pensioner who served in the armed forces died while calculating his pension payments;
  • the cause of the death of a military is a concussion or other disease that was obtained while serving in the armed forces;
  • the widow is on a disability or age pension;
  • the spouse of the deceased has reached the age of 50;
  • the age of a widow dependent child is less than 8 years old.

To be eligible for a second pension, you must:

  • apply at the place of residence to the military commissariat;
  • write a statement in the prescribed form;
  • apply to the regional branch of the Pension Fund;
  • provide the necessary documentation.

The list of documents required by state bodies is quite individual, but the main ones are:

  • a civil passport or other identity card of a military widow;
  • evidence of his death;
  • a document that confirms registration with the military registration and enlistment office;
  • confirmation of a deceased person serving in the armed forces of the country;
  • Marriage certificate;
  • documentary evidence of receipt by the military of a seniority pension;
  • proof of military service;
  • other documentation that may be required by state bodies in accordance with regional regulations.
what benefits are given to the widows of military personnel

So, now it is clear what benefits the widows of military personnel can receive. They help them live with dignity without a breadwinner and support minor children. To apply for subsidies, it is necessary to provide the required documentation to the state executive body.

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