
What are the benefits for dismissal by the military?

There are various reasons for dismissal from the armed forces. Moreover, the state almost always supports employees financially. Before the military ceases to perform official duties, the commander makes a calculation of all payments due. The dismissal order is issued, which indicates information about the length of service, benefits, awards and ranks. All this affects the final amount of payment upon dismissal by the military.


Information on lump-sum payments is contained in the law on monetary allowance of military personnel No. 306-FZ. Separate information is also available in the Order of the Ministry of Defense No. 2700 on the monetary allowance of the RF Armed Forces.

Grounds for dismissal

The most common reasons for dismissal include health status, reaching the appropriate age. But there are other reasons. The military profession is different from the civilian specialty. Therefore, the dismissal is accompanied by procedures that are not applied in civilian life.

grounds for dismissal of a serviceman

The commander of the HF should know all the information about the soldiers of his unit. This includes plans for the future (whether a soldier wants to extend his service or go on a well-deserved rest), health status, length of service, existing housing conditions and other details of life.

If a soldier who decides to quit needs to undergo a serious medical examination, the commander has the right to send him to a diagnostic center. A serviceman has the right to take his leave (basic and additional), if any, before the order on dismissal is issued.

Types of support

According to the law, a soldier who is about to resign is accrued various payments and benefits. They may vary slightly in size depending on specific circumstances. The main types of state support include the following:

  • Severance pay.
  • Bonus for conscientious performance of official duties.
  • Material aid.
  • Insurance payments.

Severance pay

Material benefits in the form of payments to servicemen under the contract upon dismissal are allocated as follows:

  • 2 salaries are provided for a service lasting less than 20 years;
  • 7 salaries for service over 20 years.

If an employee distinguished himself and received a state award for this, then he is paid an additional cash salary.

Recruits after service are also provided with a lump sum. Payments upon dismissal of conscripts are made in the form of two salaries. The exception is dismissal, which is carried out in connection with the execution of a court sentence, expulsion from an educational institution due to non-compliance with the order and other similar cases. Then financial support is not provided. For orphans, the state allowance is increased to five salaries.

severance pay

Periods of length of service are indicated in Government Decree No. 941 of 1993. According to it, the service time cannot be rounded up. Only the past period is taken into account.

If a citizen who defended his homeland enlisted in the military, then the date of termination of the contract refers to the countdown of service.

The amount of the allowance depends on the salary paid on the job. Only a military position is subject to accounting.

Performance Award

All employees must perform their duties in good faith. If they do it perfectly, the material allowance may amount to three monthly salaries.

When serving less than a month or a quarter, payments are possible upon dismissal by military personnel in the form of bonuses. However, only the period when a citizen performed military duties is subject to accounting.

The prize is not paid in respect of the following servicemen.

  1. If the HF where the service takes place receives financial support due to overfulfillment of a task or other indicator on the basis of the relevant legal acts.
  2. If there is an order directly from the commander, with the exception of cases in which military duties are performed temporarily in connection with the occupation of a vacant post.
  3. Dismissed on the grounds that the law does not give the right to receive a bonus.
  4. If the contract was interrupted due to the death of a soldier, the prize may be sent to his wife, children, parents, guardians and other direct heirs.
bonuses for conscientious performance of military duties

Material aid

According to the provisions of Law No. 306-ФЗ, payments upon dismissal by military personnel are transferred in the amount of at least 1 salary.

When a soldier is expelled from the personnel, an appropriate order is issued. It includes the value and month of receiving material support.

However, you should not rely on payments to military personnel after dismissal in the presence of the following circumstances:

  • If the employee is deprived of the title assigned to him earlier.
  • The employee was punished by a court decision, on the basis of which he should be in prison.
  • The employee committed a crime and received a suspended sentence.
  • The employee was expelled from a military educational institution due to non-compliance with the regulations or unwillingness to study properly.
  • The employee did not fulfill the conditions specified in the contract.
  • Not allowed to state secrets.
  • I did not pass the test.

Insurance payments

These benefits are paid in insured events, which include the following circumstances:

  1. Departure during the performance of military duties or within a year after leaving the service. Also, insurance cash payments to servicemen upon dismissal may be transferred in the presence of injuries or illnesses during service.
  2. A disease or injury that has led a soldier to a disability group.
  3. Injuries received in the performance of military duty.
  4. Recognition unsuitable for service due to injury or illness that was received during the performance of military duties.
insurance payments to military personnel

At the same time, in the presence of the following circumstances, the insurance company may refuse to assign an insurance payment upon retirement by a military personnel:

  • If the employee is guilty of what happened (that is, he took actions that became socially dangerous);
  • Was in a state of drug or alcohol intoxication;
  • Damaged his health intentionally.

Moreover, if the commander was aware that the employee was drunk or was under the influence of drugs, or did something of his own stupidity, then he will not draw up documents for the payment of insurance.

If the employee committed suicide, then his relatives are entitled to receive compensation from the insurance company. In this case, it does not matter what length of military service the deceased had.

The procedure for receiving funds consists in the implementation of sequential actions.

  1. Notification of the commander about the performance of actions by employees personally (this must be done in writing).
  2. Sending documents by registered mail with notification. This will allow you to know and control the period during which documents will be considered by the insurance company.

If a negative decision is made, then the relevant information must be sent to the policyholder and beneficiary. By law, documents must be reviewed within a crescent. If the employee is sure that he has the right to receive a payment, but this has been refused, he can appeal to the court to protect his interests.

In case of violation of the terms for consideration of documents, the insurance company is obliged to pay a penalty. Moreover, for each day of delay, the employee has the right to receive 1% of the amount of insurance benefit.

age-based compensation to a soldier

Insurance payments to military personnel upon termination of employment according to the maximum age or other grounds may also be made by other persons, namely:

  • A woman married to an employee in an officially registered marriage.
  • A minor child, a full-time university student up to 23 years old, a disabled child.
  • Parents.
  • Grandmothers and grandfathers.
  • Other heirs.

If the military was on the basis of a contract, the amount of payment depends on the salary received. This amount includes salaries by rank and position. Not only the amount of insurance payments to servicemen upon dismissal at the end of the contract, but also the size of the allowance for draftees depends on these indicators.


According to the current legislation, monetary allowance is not paid in the following cases:

  • With the deprivation of military rank.
  • Offenses of criminal liability and punishment.
  • Judgment of the temporary prohibition of military rank.
  • Transfer to customs, fire fighting services, to bodies involved in the supervision of the circulation of psychotropic and narcotic substances and other similar state structures.
  • Failure to comply with the conditions stipulated by the concluded contract.
  • Failure to fulfill obligations, violation of applicable prohibitions and restrictions.

In addition, payment may be refused on the basis of loss of confidence.

refusal to pay to a serviceman

OSHM Dismissal

Measures aimed at the liquidation or restructuring of the military unit are one of the grounds on which dismissal is carried out (according to OSH). A serviceman is entitled to receive payments on this basis. These events are accompanied by a number of important points that you need to know about.

For example, a mark is made in the personal file when a soldier is dismissed. What kind of payments he will be able to receive depends on this basis. A citizen must sign the corresponding order, which is issued on this occasion.

Separate benefits are provided for those dismissed according to the organizational staff. So, if the service is terminated early, then you can also count on a pension payment. In addition, the issue of housing is being resolved in an expedited manner. The serviceman is not removed from the queue. On the contrary, he receives housing under the priority right.

If he is not entitled to housing or provision is impossible, then compensation is provided for the costs of renting the premises. Currently paid 3,600 rubles. in Russia as a whole, with the exception of the capital and St. Petersburg.

If the right to a pension does not arise, then what payments are made to servicemen upon dismissal can be judged on the basis of seniority. During the year, every month he makes the following payments:

  • 5 salaries, if the special experience is less than 10 years;
  • 10 salaries, if military experience over 10 years;
  • 15 salaries for seniority up to 20 years;
  • 20 salaries are paid if the experience exceeds 20 years.

If the dismissal occurred after the expiration of the contract, and the experience exceeds 15 years, then compensation is paid in a separate manner. 40% of the monthly salary are paid to a soldier every month for 5 years.

Health dismissal

Payments for dismissal for health by military personnel also belong to a separate category. First, the dismissal must be approved by a special commission. If injured or injured, experts will decide that no further service is possible. Then the soldier submits a report, which is stored in a personal file. If a citizen has received a disability, among other benefits and compensations, he shall be paid a disability pension. In the first group of disability, the size is 14 thousand rubles, in the second group - 7 thousand rubles, and in the third group - 2.8 thousand rubles.In addition, it relies on medical insurance, the value of which varies from 500 thousand to 2 million rubles.

In order to receive payments upon dismissal for health, military personnel should submit a corresponding application to the military registration and enlistment office. This must be done no later than a month after dismissal. Then he is assigned a fitness category “D”, on the basis of which the right to various benefits and compensations arises.

A soldier who was dismissed for health reasons can use public transport services for free, undergo a medical examination annually, and receive tickets to the sanatorium. In addition, he can rely on compensation for the use of utilities. To make the appropriate payments, you need to contact the social security authorities at the place of residence.

health dismissal

Initiative dismissal

Such a base is rare, but also happens. In this case, the serviceman submits a report. If the commander gives his consent, then in the future the standard procedure is carried out, which is accompanied by financial support from the state. This includes the payment of 2 or 7 salaries, material assistance and bonuses.

In addition, if clothing was not received for the current year upon dismissal, then appropriate compensation is due.


Payments upon dismissal by military personnel are listed different depending on specific circumstances. If there are no grounds for which compensation is denied, then the former military can at least live peacefully for at least several months at the expense of state support.

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