
What are the social norms for electricity consumption?

About 100 years have passed since the time when the first “Ilyich’s bulb” was lit in houses. Much has changed during this time and today there are no places left in Russia where electrification has not reached. But along with the positive aspects of this process, negative ones also appeared. They started talking about the fact that resources are being spent irrationally. The result was a bill that provides for social norms of electricity consumption per person or premises occupied by them. What is it and what threatens such a solution to a simple layman? This will be discussed today.

What does this term mean?

The social norm of electricity consumption is the maximum amount of kW that a person can spend per month when paid at a reduced, underestimated rate. 2 standards are established. If the first threshold is exceeded, the cost of 1 kW will be slightly higher. If the expense is greater than the second standard, the price becomes much higher.

Incandescent lamps are not economical

A little bit about the history of the question

The first attempts to implement the project of introducing a social norm of electricity consumption per person were made back in 2013. Then it was even introduced in some regions as an experiment, the results of which were supposed to decide whether to establish such a framework throughout Russia. It is not known why the bill was frozen. The reason was the inability to prepare all the regulatory documentation on time, or the consumption framework turned out to be too stringent (50-190 kW / h per person), it is not clear.

But in 2018, the government again returned to this issue, making adjustments to it. Now it is supposed to establish preferential cost norms at the level of 300 kW / h, however, the amount of energy consumed will be considered not from a person, but from the point of connection. It turns out that no matter how many people are registered in the apartment (1 or 5), the norm for all will be the same. The second threshold is supposed to be set at 500 kW / h. The project should be operational in 2019 in all regions of Russia.

Current consumption standards

Currently, the size of the social norm of electricity consumption in Russia is set at 350 kW / h per consumption point. At the same time, the government allowed the change of this indicator by the regional authorities within 40%. But this is not the final indicator. In the presence of some factors, the norm increases. If more than one person is registered in the room, 50 kW / h is added to the second, and 20 kW / h for each subsequent one.

Calculations can be easily done by yourself.

Today, most of the population does not understand why this standard is introduced - after all, 90% of people cannot even imagine such a large expenditure. However, the current threshold is not intended to reduce or raise tariffs. Its purpose is completely opposite. Having understood the essence, we can say that this is not even social (in the literal sense of the word), but a calculated norm.

Why is the size set to 350 kW / h

If it is not possible to take readings from the meter for electricity consumption, the consumer is charged the amount for 350 kW / h in case of:

  • failure of the counter;
  • untimely transfer of data on the meter (if it is impossible to calculate the average);
  • intentional damage to the meter or an attempt to underestimate the real readings;
  • the complete absence of an electricity meter.

But exceeding this limit of the social norm of electricity consumption entails an increase in tariffs, and hence the total payment for the spent kilowatts.

In Russia, this norm is established both for individuals (private residential estates) and for commercial organizations. This means that for the owner of the trade pavilion, the same framework is established, which will be much more difficult for him to keep within.

However, we are talking about the second threshold. And what about the first?

Modern LED lamp

Social norms provided for in Russia

For the average layman, the proposed bill can help save money. The first threshold of the social norm of electricity consumption (how much a person can spend at a reduced tariff) is currently calculated by groups. This is how the calculations look (in kW / h).

  • one resident - 96;
  • two - 156;
  • three - 206;
  • four - 246;
  • five are 286.

Additionally relies up to 90 kW per month on the premises in which electric stoves are installed. In this case, the lower threshold is not defined, which means that theoretically, by the decree of the head of the region, it can be reduced even to 1 kW. But it is important to understand that if a gas stove was originally installed in the living room, then installing an electric one cannot serve as the basis for adding the norm.

Also, an increase is provided for private ownership, if the heating in the houses is organized using electricity (3000 kW / h per month for the cold period) and in the absence of hot water, if a boiler is installed in the house (100 kW / h per person).

Preferential increase in standards for certain categories of citizens

Lonely-living pensioners can count on such allowances. For them, an increase in standards is provided for one and a half times. The same increase should be given to owners of emergency housing with depreciation of at least 90%. If it is 70-90%, then the coefficient of increase is 1.2. Before you draw up a social norm of electricity consumption with these allowances, it is necessary to clarify these data.

Pensioners have privileges

Saving or financial loss?

If you calculate, then for the average citizen of Russia, living in the middle lane, modern restrictions are quite acceptable. So what are we facing the introduction of new restrictions? Opinions were divided on this point. Many deputies of the State Duma of the Russian Federation believe that such an innovation is nothing but a new hidden method of taking money from the population. Oksana Dmitrieva, one of the authors of the bill, said that those who fit into the established framework will not feel the difference. Financial losses, and quite substantial ones, await only those who cross the line.

Then the second question arises. If, despite what social norms of electricity consumption are set, we will pay the same, why bother to think about such a law? Let everything go as it should. However, it is worth referring to the data of RosStat. Over the past 12 years, the increase in electricity prices amounted to 750%. Thinking logically, we can conclude that even if, following the adoption of this law, there will be no increase in tariffs for an ordinary citizen, the near future will nevertheless put the plans of officials in their places. There is a reason to increase the price of a kilowatt, you can be sure.

Social rate of electricity consumption: what will be the limitations

It is better to learn about this from official sources by watching a short video on the topic.

What can be done to not exceed the limit

Already, many are beginning to accustom themselves to saving, preparing for the fact that the bill will still be adopted. Let's try to figure out what actions should be taken so as not to exceed the social norm of electricity consumption. To do this, you do not have to limit yourself in comfort. It is only necessary to observe certain rules:

  1. A large role is played by the energy class of household appliances. When buying a refrigerator or washing machine, you should pay attention to this parameter. Ideally, this should be class “A”. The most unfortunate choice would be "G".
    Better choose class A
  2. When installing an air conditioner in an apartment or a private house, you need to monitor the windows - they must be tightly closed. This will prevent heated air from entering the room from the street, as a result of which the load on the equipment will decrease.
  3. Interestingly, even scaling on the walls of an electric kettle can increase energy consumption. This is also worth paying attention to. If there is a possibility of boiling water on gas stoves, it will be more economical to dwell on this option. Even with a meter, blue fuel is a cheaper pleasure.
  4. Any refrigerators and freezers must be installed where the sun does not fall. Despite thermal insulation, external heating affects the switching frequency of such a technique.
  5. It is better to refuse incandescent and halogen lamps in favor of RKK. And it is better to use LEDs in general. Their energy consumption is negligible, and the light is even brighter. In addition, it becomes possible to select a color temperature.
  6. Open the refrigerator as little as possible. Over time, a person gets used to the fact that, approaching a household appliance, he already understands what needs to be obtained. This allows you to not slam the door several times.

Following these simple rules, a person will be able to save on electricity up to 35-40%, without depriving himself of the usual comfort. Finding out the exact numbers is pretty easy, but you can’t do this within one month.

counting money

We consider the savings in the payment of electricity

Every month, citizens submit meter data to utilities, and the majority of people record evidence for themselves. These numbers should be used. To do this, you need to add the readings for 3 months and divide the result by 3, revealing the average value. Next, you need to perform the same actions with the data obtained in compliance with the rules of economy. Knowing how much the social norm of electricity consumption in the region is, you can easily determine whether the family living in the apartment will fit into it.

Whether such a law is necessary or not is not yet clear. Like everything in our country, awareness comes in fact. If in 2019 it will be adopted, already within the first 3-4 months, the calculations will speak for themselves. There is no doubt that many private farms will be financially affected. Particularly noticeable will be problems in the winter, when there is a need for heating greenhouses, covered pens for livestock.

Those who have the opportunity to switch to gas equipment are likely to do this, however, a problem arises here. An increase in demand for gas services will inevitably lead to higher prices for them, there is no escape from this. A farmer who has suffered financially will certainly increase the cost of the product supplied to the market - everything is interconnected. Although, perhaps, not everything is so bad. Wait and see.

It will become harder to warm up in winter


The bill on the social norm of electricity consumption made a lot of noise both among deputies and among the people. But it is still unknown whether he will again lie on the shelf, as in 2014. And, looking at the statistics, one can understand that 300 kW is not such a small figure. In any case, you need to wait until everything is decided, and look at the actual state of affairs.

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