
What are the salaries in Dubai? Work in Dubai for Russians

The United Arab Emirates are among the richest countries in the world. There are practically no poor people, a high standard of living is noted, and state benefits are paid. Salaries in Dubai are very large, and this attracts foreigners here both from Europe and from Asian countries. But the highest salaries are received by local residents. The country's leadership is primarily trying to take care of its own citizens.

Salary in Dubai

Foreigners can also expect a large salary if they are highly qualified specialists. For immigrants from the CIS countries it seems that even janitors with cleaners have pretty decent salaries. There is no fixed minimum wage or standard pay in Dubai. They depend on qualifications, nationality, experience and other factors.

salaries in dubai

Popular professions for foreigners

Salaries in Dubai can be both minimal and maximum, even for foreigners. When a waiter, a janitor, a maid and other unqualified posts are placed, applicants can expect a salary of up to 1.5-2.5 thousand dollars. But there are also popular specialties that are well paid without additional advanced training courses:

  • flight attendants, pilots and airport workers;
  • scientists, regardless of industry;
  • computer technology specialists;
  • system administrators;
  • sales managers for building materials, cars and real estate.

Most of all in the United Arab Emirates, Russian doctors are valued as excellent specialists, not only when making the correct diagnosis, but also in treatment. The Russian school of medicine in this country is appreciated. But getting into good positions in the United Arab Emirates is not so easy. There is a tough selection. But the salaries of the same doctors are corresponding - over 50,000 dirhams (translated into Russian money - 900 thousand rubles).

work in dubai

Minimum wage

Low salaries in Dubai are mainly paid to those who do manual work. Mostly, it goes to Asian citizens, mainly immigrants from India, Indonesia, the Philippines and Pakistan. They work whole weeks for 12 hours. The category of low salaries includes:

  • babysitting
  • maids;
  • security guards;
  • gardeners;
  • drivers.

How much does a janitor earn in Dubai? Since this is manual work, it belongs to the low-paid. Janitors get $ 500 a month. But they are provided with free housing, which attracts foreigners.

The minimum wages of maids, for example, are equal to those established by the native government. Russian women get paid more. They are valued for poise and patience. Girls from other countries have different salaries:

  • female workers from Sri Lanka - 850 dirhams;
  • from India - 1100;
  • Bangladesh - 750;
  • Indonesia - 800;
  • from the Philippines - 1,400 dirhams.

Low paid work in the service sector and tourism. Small salaries are received by secretaries and administrators. But the salary rises significantly when employees reach the level of assistant supervisor. The size of wages is greatly affected by knowledge of foreign languages, especially Arabic.

average salary in dubai

average salary

The average salary in Dubai is constantly increasing. It varies from 5 to 10 thousand dirhams. Moreover, even such a payment can make a big difference. For example, the director of an Indian school receives about 10 thousand dirhams, and the international - 25 000. But even these values ​​are considered average. Most managers get good pay, but their requirements are pretty high.

High salary

Accountants and architects, pilots and lawyers can count on a high salary.Doctors also belong to this category, as already mentioned. Managers and direct managers of companies receive large salaries, but to achieve such positions here is quite difficult. The directors for construction or information technology earn well - 48,000 and 90,000 dirhams.

The salary of a lawyer is 55,000, the auditor and supervisor - 48,000. Financiers receive up to 75,000 dirhams per month. The salary of executive directors reaches one hundred thousand. Bank managers receive up to 135,000 dirhams. Chief accountants earn a little less.

Dubai salaries by occupation

Teachers salaries

Working as a teacher in Dubai brings the latter a small profit. Teachers receive a monthly total of 2,000 dirhams. But this is not the final bid. For example, teachers in private foreign schools receive between 5,000 and 15,000 dirhams. Some teachers are even luckier. Their salary reaches 20 thousand monthly.

Interestingly, the remuneration of teachers even in the same school can vary greatly. This largely depends on the nationality of the teacher. In state institutions they receive from 25 thousand dirhams. Remuneration of labor depends, in addition to nationality, also on work experience.

Policeman salary

The salary of police in Dubai primarily depends on the rank of human rights defenders. Generals receive 69,000 dirhams, and colonels receive 40,000. For example, in 2016 their work was paid in the amount of 35,000 dirhams, and the majors' service was approximately 29,500. The salary of the police officer with the rank of captain is 25,000 dirhams, and lieutenants receive from 22,000.

Real Estate Salaries

Work in Dubai in real estate is very popular. Agents and realtors are in great demand. The senior manager receives from 15-40 thousand dirhams per month. The amount of wages directly depends on the number of transactions.

The property appraiser receives approximately 20-30 thousand per month. And the salary of an advertising manager starts at 24,000.

Dubai salary for Russians

Remuneration in the field of information technology

The head of the IT department is paid from 35 to 65 thousand dirhams. The information security manager receives between 25,000 and 45,000. Programmers and project coordinators earn between 15 and 45 thousand. The salary of the system administrator ranges from 10,000 to 22,000.

How much do Russians earn in Dubai?

For foreigners, the most common offers in the UAE is work in the field of tourist services. The positions and salaries available to Russians in Dubai by profession look like this (payment is indicated in dirhams):

  • waiters - from 1000;
  • bartenders - from 1100;
  • sales consultants - from 1500;
  • laborers - from 600;
  • hairdressers - from 2500;
  • designers - from 17,000;
  • security guards - from 1,000.

In addition, the Emirates is easy to get a job:

  • beach lifeguards;
  • fitness instructors;
  • animators in hotels;
  • cooks;
  • nannies
  • crane operators;
  • electricians;
  • finishers;
  • maids.

Russian job seekers most often find themselves in the first two categories of wages - minimum and medium. Highly paid posts in this country are taken by their citizens or Europeans. Accordingly, the salary in Dubai for Russians can vary from 700 to 20,000 dirhams. And it depends on the specialty and qualifications.

police salary in dubai

If, for example, you take the salary of a cook, then they get from 1.5 to 2 thousand dollars a month. The waiter for high-quality work earns from 300 dollars + tips and bonuses. In the Emirates, they are interested in permanent workers, therefore, contracts are usually drawn up for two years.

The UAE has always encouraged the attraction of foreign labor for unskilled labor. In recent years, the situation has begun to change. Now Russians can expect to work with higher pay. But it is installed in the presence of one or more conditions:

  • a person must have a higher education;
  • the employee must be able to work in a team;
  • knowledge of English and (ideally) other languages;
  • work experience in the specialty;
  • a person must have practical skills.

A lot of attention is paid to the appearance of the applicants. In the United Arab Emirates, close attention is being paid to this. Especially if a person will work in a prestigious company. A presentable appearance should match the image of the company or enterprise.

Career growth for foreigners

When visiting foreigners begin to work in the UAE, their initial salaries in Dubai are very small. But if a person shows remarkable abilities, he can very well make a good career. So, if you work well, then you can climb the career ladder quite quickly.

how much does the janitor earn in dubai

In the Emirates, the training required for the country's specialists is welcome. Therefore, even if a Russian or other foreigner gets a job first as a simple security guard or bartender, then after special courses he can transfer to the post of administrator or head of department.

Despite the fact that wages in the United Arab Emirates seem rather high, and even the minimum salary is not so small, it is necessary to take into account the cost of renting a house. She is very big. Although there are employers who pay their employees accommodation, transportation, visas and even round-trip tickets.

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