
What are the rules for safe handling of weapons?

Everyone who has at their disposal a weapon, personal or official, should be aware of the set of important requirements for using such a thing. After all, it is a direct threat to the life and health of others, the owner himself, can harm property. In this article, we will introduce you to the basic rules for the safe handling of weapons.

Legislative framework

And we will start with the acts on which the content of the material will be based. The rules for the safe handling of weapons are regulated by:

  • Federal Law No. 150 (was adopted in 1996). The act allows citizens of the Russian Federation to use weapons only to protect their own lives or ensure the protection of property.
  • Art. 24 of this law tells us that there are only two reasons for using weapons - extreme need and self-defense.

Let's analyze these concepts in detail.

checking the rules for safe handling of weapons

Reasons for use

Passing the rules for safe handling of weapons always includes a similar question. We will analyze two grounds:

  • Necessary defense. This situation, in which a citizen protects his personality, interests and rights, as well as these categories of other citizens from attacks by a third party. The aggression on the part of the latter should be expressed either by the use of violence dangerous to the life and health of the weapon carrier, another citizen, or by the immediate threat of such violence.
  • An urgent need. The rules for the safe handling of weapons interpret it as a threat to the owner of the weapon, to other citizens, to society, which cannot be eliminated by any other method. What and who can be its source? Man, animal, forces of nature, technical inventions.

Actions before application

Knowledge of the rules for the safe handling of weapons includes this aspect. Everything is simple here. Before using it, you must clearly and clearly declare that you intend to put into action weapons.

There is only one exception to the rule. If such a delay can be the price of life - yours or others, the onset of other irreversible consequences.

rules for safe handling of weapons

Application restrictions

The study of the rules for the safe handling of weapons should include information of a similar plan. When using the device, you must be careful not to harm third parties.

Russian law prohibits the use of weapons against the following groups of persons:

  • Women.
  • Persons with obvious signs of a disability group.
  • Minors (citizens under 18 years of age) whose age is easy to determine externally.

An exception to the rule will be cases of a group, armed attack of such citizens.

learning the rules for safe handling of weapons

Prohibition of use

Here are the prohibitions that make safe use of weapons:

  • Being intoxicated, it is forbidden to carry such a device with you.
  • You can not carry weapons while attending rallies, religious rites and processions, pickets, various gatherings, mass and cultural, recreational, sporting events. There are exceptions to the rule. These are persons participating in a sports competition using such a device, Cossacks at their own meetings and ceremonies, implying the wearing of a national uniform with a bladed melee weapon, as well as citizens who are responsible for the safety of participants in the event, ensuring law and order. You can leave your weapons for temporary storage with the organizers of the event.
  • Stripping, cocking the device without legal grounds.
  • Use technically defective weapons, as well as accessories to it.
  • Do not use an expired device (aerosol).An exception to the rule will be the use of research, testing, to verify the technical health of the device.
    act of verifying safe handling of weapons

Usage Notice

Checking the rules for safe handling of weapons often includes the question of what a citizen should do after using his own weapons.

In this case, notification of the territorial department of the internal affairs department is mandatory. Moreover, you need to report on each fact of your use of weapons. The deadline for circulation is 24 hours from the moment of the incident. It is best, of course, to notify the police immediately.

Basic requirements for safe use

The act of verifying the rules for the safe handling of weapons implies questions of such a plan. Knowing these requirements is important for yourself:

  1. Weapons, ammunition should be stored in a place that would completely exclude access by unauthorized persons.
  2. Never, in any case, give the device to minors.
  3. It is forbidden to direct both charged and uncharged at a person, animal, vehicle, residential object.
  4. Without grounds permitted by law, you cannot cock a weapon and even hold a smokeless device with an open fuse.
  5. Shooting from it for fun, for entertainment in the air, is also prohibited.
  6. Defective weapons should never be used.
  7. If necessary, do not send the cartridge into the chamber, and do not remove it from there.
  8. And one more rule. If for some reason the cartridge does not fit in the chamber, you can not squeeze it, and even more so boil it up. This threatens to provoke the initiation of a powder charge.
  9. If you use a double-barreled weapon, then do not fire at the same time from 2 barrels. Double recoil could result in serious shoulder injury.
  10. Only one finger is placed on the bracket and triggers. By placing two, you can create a reason for a double shot. And this already threatens a finger injury.
  11. Make sure that there are no foreign objects in the bore. The presence of debris can cause it to burst or swell.
  12. After each use of the weapon, be sure to clean it.
  13. When shooting, always check the number of shots made and the number of spent cartridges.
  14. Check the technical condition of the device, regularly check it for chips, cracks, rust, swelling, etc.
  15. Trust technical conversion of weapons only to specialists.
    passing the rules of safe handling of weapons

About hunting weapons

As for such devices, the permission to wear them gives the owner the right only to catch commercial animals. The use of a hunting rifle implies compliance with not only general, but also its own safety rules:

  • When charging and reloading the barrel is always directed vertically up or down.
  • When meeting with other persons in the hunting ground, it is imperative to remove the charges from the chamber.
  • When traveling on a vehicle, the hunter's rifle must be discharged and disassembled in a case.
    knowledge of the rules for safe handling of weapons
  • The device must be discharged when approaching a settlement more than 200 m.
  • When overcoming natural obstacles (ditches, hedges, streams, etc.), it is also necessary to discharge it at a halt.
  • Do not use the gun while intoxicated.

The rules for the safe use of weapons, as you have seen, are simple and easy to remember. Each owner of such a device should thoroughly study and remember them.


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