
What is the procedure and term for the payment of pensions?

Currently, more than 37 million people receive an old-age insurance pension in Russia. In addition to reaching a certain age, to obtain this type of payment it is necessary to have a minimum length of service, as well as accumulated pension points.

Registration is carried out by contacting the FIU personally or through a representative with the necessary package of documents and a statement. The method of pension delivery may vary. A citizen can choose the most convenient for him. In this case, the terms of payment of the pension and the delivery period should be taken into account. In one case or another, a specific schedule is provided. Thanks to this, pensioners know the approximate terms for the payment of pensions.

Insurance payment

This type of pension is the main type of pension provision in Russia. This is the monthly amount guaranteed by the state and paid due to the loss of the main source of income.

A citizen will be able to retire upon reaching a certain age. In connection with the adoption of the pension reform, gradually (by 2028) men will have to retire from 60 to 65, and women from 55 to 60. In addition, in 2016 changes were made that affected the position of working pensioners. In relation to them, it was decided to suspend the annual indexation. Therefore, the amount of payment of working and non-working pensioners is slightly different.

The accumulated pension points allow you to take into account the rights of citizens in arbitrary units, which depend on the size of the salary, and not in rubles. The coefficient will be converted into money only upon the appointment of a pension. Thus, the amount of payment will become relevant at the moment.


pension conditions

The pension will be paid to the citizen if the established requirements are met, as well as when applying to the FIU at the place of registration. The collateral will begin to be allocated from the moment of accepting the application from the pensioner, but not before he has this right. However, if he applies within a month after leaving work, the terms for payment of the pension for which the calculation is made will begin from the next date after leaving.

An old-age pension is paid every month by the delivery method chosen by the citizen. The transfer of funds is carried out by the department where the application was submitted. The most preferred delivery method is indicated in the application, but you can change it in the future if you wish.

To ensure that the timing of the payment of pensions is uniform and respected, a special schedule is drawn up. Pension delivery times may vary. So, before a holiday or a weekend, payments can be made in an earlier period. For example, for the first month of the next year, employees of the FIU fit into the pension payment schedule in December. It also happens that money is transferred later (in early January), but always within the limits established by law and the organization that delivers it (for example, by mail). If the pension is paid through credit organizations, then the legislation does not provide for any schedule. However, as a rule, money is paid in banks no later than the tenth day of the month.

Old-age pension transfer terms

old-age pension transfer terms

This type of payment is assigned indefinitely, therefore it is transferred throughout the subsequent life of a pensioner from the moment he has the corresponding rights. Sometimes a pension can be suspended for 6 months or completely terminated. But, as a rule, such measures are applied when it is necessary to provide the FIU with certain clarifying documents.At the same time, the pensioner is obliged to notify the FIU of the circumstances in due time, in connection with which the pension is suspended or terminated.

Suspension may be due to:

  • with the expiration of the period provided for a residence permit in Russia;
  • in case of lack of documents confirming the right to payment;
  • upon failure to submit an application for departure to a country with which Russia does not have an international agreement.

To receive a pension again, one should apply to the FIU with a statement and the required papers. The decision to resume payment is made within five days. In some cases, review of documents can be delayed up to three months.

The termination of the pension may be due to the following reasons:

  • By leaving the life of a pensioner or in connection with a court decision recognizing him as missing.
  • 6 months after suspension.
  • When providing incorrect documents or in connection with the onset of circumstances that deprive the right to a pension.
  • If the pensioner is not granted a residence permit six months after the payment of the retirement pension has been suspended.
  • His refusal to receive a pension.
refusal to receive a pension

Transfer at change of residence

When a pensioner moves, payment is made in Russia or abroad, depending on registration. In the first case, the pension is transferred based on the application of the pensioner to the new registration address. In the second case, the payment is transferred in accordance with the rules established by international treaties with states.

Making different pensions

In Russia, a different approach is applied to the pensions of various categories of the population. The payment is assigned for compulsory pension insurance or state security (through insurance or state pension). In relation to employees of law enforcement agencies and their families, a separate type of pension is applied. The timing of paying a military pension also varies. Each of their species has features in relation to:

  • The design.
  • Destination conditions.
  • Quantities.
  • Calculation.

In certain aspects, payments of different types have similar features.

State and insurance pension

In the presence of certain circumstances, employees are entitled to receive an insurance pension. Installation and transfer is carried out in accordance with the law on labor pensions No. 400-ФЗ dated 12.28.2013. Such payments are:

  • By old age.
  • By disability.
  • Due to the loss of the breadwinner.

Old-age insurance payments are assigned to citizens who have reached the appropriate age, as well as if they have the necessary length of service and the number of pension points (or IPC). In some cases, an early exit to a well-deserved rest is possible, for example, when working in dangerous conditions or in the Far North.

state and insurance pension

If a person who has not reached retirement age, but who has experience at work, has become disabled, then he will be assigned the appropriate disability pension. After the death of a person with disabled dependents, the latter shall be granted a survivor's pension.

In the absence of experience, a person cannot receive an insurance pension. In this case, he is assigned only a social payment. The term for social pension payment is similar to the period when the insurance type is transferred.

Not only disabled citizens, but also the following categories of persons are entitled to count on a state pension:

  • Civil servants.
  • Military.
  • Persons with different ranks.
  • Affected by man-made disasters.
  • Cosmonauts and pilots.

Documents for registration

Whatever type of pension is assigned, a citizen needs to perform a similar algorithm of actions, which consists in the following:

  1. Preparation of required documents.
  2. Filing an application with the application documents.
  3. Waiting for the appointment and payment of pensions to come.

To apply for an old-age pension insurance benefit, the following documents will need to be attached to the application:

  • SNILS.
  • Identification.
  • Labor.
  • Documents for non-insurance periods, if any (this is the time of caring for a child, military service, caring for a disabled person or an elderly person from 80 years old).
  • Documents confirming the right to retire early if a citizen is going to do so.

Documents in municipal services in the Pension Fund are not entitled to demand. Thus, if the FIU staff can independently request this or that official paper, the citizen has the right not to submit it.

If there is no experience, then upon reaching retirement age it is possible to receive only a social pension.

If a person worked, but received a disability, then regardless of whether he worked before it occurred or after that, disability insurance benefits are calculated. To do this, provide:

  • SNILS.
  • Identification.
  • Labor.
  • A medical certificate of an established form confirming disability.

Pension for the loss of a breadwinner is accrued to the immediate family of the deceased, who during his life were dependent on him. But this pension is not granted if the breadwinner has died due to the actions of dependents who are illegal. The deadlines for the payment of a survivor's pension in some cases have limitations.

documents for applying for a pension

To make a payment, you should apply to the FIU and prepare the following papers:

  • SNILS.
  • Identification.
  • A document on the death of a breadwinner.
  • His labor.
  • Kinship official papers.

The length of service pension is assigned to civil servants, flight test personnel and astronauts. A special law is in force for the military and law enforcement officers, on the basis of which pensions are assigned and the terms for payment of insurance pensions apply. Depending on the category, the package of documents for processing the payment is different, but in general, the following papers are required:

  • Passport.
  • Official confirmation of involvement in a certain category of persons, for example, military ID.
  • Labor.
  • Information about monetary allowance.
  • Confirmation of dependents if available.

In the event of certain circumstances, the list of necessary securities may be replenished. Therefore, in order not to be mistaken, you must first contact the FIU and find out which papers you need to attach to the application.

Another type of pension for working citizens is the funded part. It will be paid when a citizen takes a well-deserved rest upon reaching retirement age. Formation is carried out on an individual personal account. These funds are not subject to indexation, but if desired, a citizen can transfer them to non-state pension funds. At the same time, he should understand that in many respects the income in this case depends on the NPF. Therefore, with unsuccessful investment of funds and general inflationary processes in the country, losses may occur.

Before transferring such a part of the pension, you need to carefully study the activities of the fund. After selection, organizations enter into an appropriate contract. When a citizen retires upon reaching age, the deadlines for paying the funded part of the pension will come. Then he should file the appropriate application. Money can be received at a time or urgently when a specific period is set by the applicant (but it cannot be less than ten years). Also, the timing of the funded pension may be established by law. In this case, they depend on statistics.

pension payment terms

PFR statement

From the above it follows that for different pensions it is required to fill out and submit an application to the FIU. The document may have a different form depending on the type. To prepare in advance, the applicant can go to the official virtual resource of the FIU, print and fill out the form on their own. The only condition that will be needed for that action is that Microsoft Word is installed on the computer.

The statement prescribes information about yourself, family members and other circumstances, depending on the type of pension. This is important because the timing of the payment of the survivor's pension for children depends on their age. The completed form with the attached documents does not have to be submitted personally to the FIU. This can be done by proxy. In addition, there are other ways of contacting: through mail, the MFC or the Internet on the website of the State Service.

Application Processing Dates

As a general rule, the application is checked within ten days. At the same time, in relation to certain types of pensions, the following features are provided:

  1. When submitting not all documents, a citizen has the right to bring the missing papers within 3 months. Then the accrual will begin from the moment of filing the application. If it is not possible to meet this deadline, then the pension will be considered within ten days from the day the full package was provided.
  2. To receive a lump-sum pension payment, one month is provided.
  3. The terms of payment of the old-age pension may be calculated earlier than the application in the event that a citizen applied to the Pension Fund within a month after dismissal from work. Then the payment will be scheduled from the day after the dismissal (despite the fact that the citizen can receive the payment after about 3 months).

Basically, the payment is made as long as the citizen has the right to it. It is in connection with this that there is no specific period for an old-age pension. This payment is paid to the pensioner every month until the end of his life. The same procedure applies for long-term pension.

Disability benefits are payable for the period in which a citizen is disabled. But the deadline for the payment of the pension of the deceased (by loss of the breadwinner) may be limited depending on who is assigned the payment. For example, children, grandchildren, sisters and brothers of the deceased breadwinner receive a pension until they reach 18 years of age (or 23 years of full-time study at a university or university). If the widow of the soldier marries again, then she will also cease payments for the loss of the breadwinner.

pension termination


Depending on the circumstances, citizens have the right to receive different types of pensions. This is an insurance, military, state payment. There is also a separate part - funded pension, which can be formed independently. Most often this is done through non-state pension funds, where the most favorable conditions are provided. To meet the deadline and start receiving a pension without any problems, it is advisable to contact the FIU at the place of registration before pension rights arise. Then it will be clear where, what papers and for how long should be provided.

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