
What is the fine for a child seat? New rules for transporting children

According to the rules of the road, the driver and passengers must wear seat belts. This requirement must be followed by children. But due to the complexion of the child, ordinary belts cannot be used. In the car for him there should be a special car seat corresponding to the size and GOST. The device is of several types. The penalty for a child seat is laid in its absence. It is important for motorists to know and follow the rules for transporting children.

The amount of the fine

According to paragraph 22.9 of the rules of the road, children under 12 years of age are required to drive in a car with child restraints. Armchairs are installed on the rear and front seats, the main thing is that the child is comfortable. It is safer to place this product at the back. But if there are no more passengers in the car, then the driver can put the child next to him.

child seat penalty

What was the penalty for driving without a child seat before? Drivers paid only 500 rubles. But over time, the rules change. What is the fine for a child seat now? Today you have to pay 3,000 rubles. This is spelled out in Part 3 of Art. 12.23 Administrative Code of the Russian Federation.

When does the penalty apply?

By law, a fine for carriage without a child seat is assigned in the following situations:

  • The child sits in the arms of an adult.
  • The chair is not suitable in size, for example, the baby grew out of it.
  • Children are in chairs, but not fixed by belts.
  • In one seat there is more than 1 child.
  • There are no standard seat belts in the car. If they are only in the front seats, then the transportation of babies should be carried out there.

When is a fine not awarded?

There are situations when a fine for a child seat cannot be assigned:

  • If the car does not move.
  • Children do not ride in a classic car seat, but fastened with a FEST “booster”, sit in frameless car seats in the back seat, if the trip is safe.

And if there are 2 children in the car?

Material punishment is provided if 1 child is without a child seat. The penalty will be issued alone, even if there are several children in the car. This is one violation, so no one has the right to issue a larger amount. The rule is spelled out in the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

fine for driving without a child seat

Check for violation

A child seat penalty is awarded only after the inspector checks the absence of this product. Many people know the situation when the inspector opens the door of the car to check whether there are seat belts and whether children are in special chairs.

what is the penalty for a child seat

The administrative regulations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs prescribe each procedure for detecting an offense. They have their own order of conduct. Before opening the doors and inspection, the inspector draws up an inspection protocol. The reasons must be spelled out in the document. It is important to have a video recording and an invitation to 2 witnesses. Only such a procedure is considered legal.

Is there an alternative to a chair?

It should be borne in mind that the law does not regulate the use of a chair as the only means for transporting children. For convenient movement of the child, you can use pillows or other devices that are able to lift the child and secure with straps.

But it is better to choose a special chair, as it will be possible to choose it based on the growth and build of the baby. Therefore, he cannot fall or get damaged in it. This is especially true for children under 5 years of age who still cannot determine the danger. If a suitable product is to be used, no one will charge a fine for a child seat.

Types of armchairs

To date, a large selection of chairs is presented.To make it safe, it is chosen based on the height and weight of the baby. The child should not feel constrained in the product, at the same time it should not be free. Please note that the maximum height for using a car seat is 150 cm, and weight - 36 kg. There are 5 groups of car seats for children under 12 years old:

  • 0. Products are needed for babies up to 1 year, up to 10 kg. They can be adjusted according to the inclination of the back, so that the baby will be very comfortable to sit. Designs are presented in the form of a cradle, which can be used as a manual carry or extension for a stroller.
  • 0+ and 1. Products are intended for children 1-4 years old. They withstand up to 18 kg. They have seat belts. Some models have an adjustable back and headrest, so the design is ideal for long trips.
  • 2 and 3. Designs are needed for children under 12 years old. They have orthopedic pillows that support the spine in a comfortable position, which is very important in the formation of bone tissue and posture. Products are convenient and practical, they are fixed with straps.

child without a child seat fine

Universal car seats are also available, suitable for children from 1 year to 12 years. You can find them at almost all manufacturers. Designs are available in different colors. The downside is the high price. But since it concerns the safety of children, the first thing to think about buying a suitable chair.


A fine without a child seat in 2017 is awarded if there is a violation. If it is not possible to purchase this product, then it can be replaced with other restraining devices. Great fit:

  • Universal adapters. They are fixed on a regular belt with a button and hold babies securely.
  • Locking pads on the seat. Fastened with straps and keep children in a sitting position. The product is suitable for children from 6 months to 4 years.
  • Auto booster seats. Designs are presented in the form of an additional seat that lifts the baby.

Although it is better to have a special chair, alternative devices will ensure safety. And then there will be no questions from the inspectors.


When communicating with inspectors, disputes often arise. For example, due to an unreasonable penalty. It is important to know that there are no indications in the rules of the road that children should be transported in the car seat. Clause 22.9 states that children are transported using restraints.

fine without a child seat in 2017

If the child is fixed with a belt, and it is comfortable for him, then the inspector's claims are unfounded. Therefore, a fine will be unlawful. Drivers are not required to bring a baby's birth certificate with them to confirm their age. There are other reasons why a child should not be in a car seat, for example, physiological characteristics.

And if the penalty is still discharged?

The imposition of a fine disciplines drivers to be careful about the safety of their children. If a penalty is nevertheless assigned, it should be paid no later than 60 days after the start of the decision. Entry will be 10 days after the date of removal. If you disagree with the decision, you can go to court.

Rules for transporting children

Children travel in a car based on certain rules. Travel is permitted in the passenger compartment and in the truck cab. Children must not be placed in the back or trailer. The driver must protect the passengers, given the design of the car.

fine for carriage without a child seat

Children under 12 years old must only ride with a restraint. It can be a car seat, a car seat, a booster pillow, a triangle adapter. It is not forbidden to carry children under 12 years of age in front. But there must be a special chair. Only use a booster or triangular adapter is prohibited. Compliance with such rules ensures the safety of children.

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