
Collection agency "Caucasus": reviews

A collection agency is an organization that professionally collects debts from borrowers without the help of the judiciary. It is believed that agencies are engaged in commercial activities and exist on agency fees paid by banks for debt collection. In addition, collection agencies can redeem their entire debts in order to independently profit from them.

collection agency Caucasus spb

Unexpected facts about the agency "Caucasus"

The Kavkaz collection agency has been operating since 2009 and has managed to collect a number of interesting comments about itself. People write about numerous violations in the collection process. The company has a clone that does not have a registered legal address. The present address is located in the Chechen Republic, Grozny, ul. Turgenev, 14/16. The company does not travel to other regions, so if you enter a search query like "Caucasus St. Petersburg collection agency", you will not find anything. Under the guise of this organization, some citizens are disguised at the address: Rostov-on-Don, st. Malinovsky, d. 3, of. 16, and its methods are very far from those that can legally be considered legal. Why did these people decide to take such a name? Until 2013, this company was called Pristav LLC, but in 2012 Russian law prohibited the use of names associated with the judiciary, since they are not subdivisions of the federal service. Fines fell on Pristav LLC, and they decided to change the name to Kavkaz Collection Agency LLC.

collection agency Caucasus spb

Principle of operation

Of course, on the Internet, the behavior of fake collectors greatly outraged the public. The most active and courageous citizens, versed in such matters, managed to find out everything about the legal address of the company. The majority wrote and still writes about threats of rape, physical violence, letters with threats and calls in which the debtor is subjected to psychological influence in a rude manner. Experienced lawyers say that large banks, as a rule, do not seek help from this agency, which indicates not only its low efficiency and popularity, but also that it has no legal force. Also in the reviews there are stories about how people try to collect debts that he never had, or that have already been paid. Well, non-existent debts can be invented, but where do scammers get information on old repaid loans? There is a suspicion that some banks themselves provide these people with information of similar content for a fee, since information on loans is stored in these banks themselves.

legal address Caucasus

Crime Agency "Kavkaz" in social networks

Surprisingly, doing criminal work, the employees of this organization were not afraid to create a group in Vkontakte. It openly reports that they have connections in the courts and law enforcement agencies, and therefore are able to repay debts at any stage. An important role is played by the information that the fake agency has been engaged in its activities since 2006, while the present, with the same name, since 2009. You should not even look for any reasons to bring the community’s creator to administrative responsibility at least, because if you can’t be punished for frankly specified false information, then for published community records with threats and insults to the “debtors”, it’s clear that it’s absolutely legal .

Reviews on the collection agency "Caucasus"

On open spaces of the Internet in the public domain posted a lot of negative comments about the organization.People write that after transferring their debt to the agency, a flurry of negative messages on the phone, letters in the mailbox, and threatening calls over them and their children hits them. It is impossible to say for sure whether the scammers know the real address of the person or simply intimidate, because there are different cases, someone reports all the data to the bank, and someone does not. But the fact that absolutely all reviews about the organization are negative cannot but attract attention.

collection agency caucasus reviews

Who is the company intended for?

To lure money from people, criminals use only psychological methods of influence. There is no reason to expect anything from them except threats, because in this case a real precedent could send the entire group of ransomware to prison for a long period of time on several counts at once. It is worth noting that, unfortunately, in our country there is a category of citizens who can easily fall for such tricks - they are potential victims for the Kavkaz collection agency, but it is extremely difficult to do something with them. Very often, older women or single mothers with children are simply afraid and think that it’s easier to pay money than to do something. The amounts are small, the extortionists know that it does not make sense to collect a lot of money - the “victims” do not have them, so a certain amount of debt is selected for each person. With rare exceptions, it reaches several tens of thousands of rubles, and only if the criminals know about the more or less stable financial situation of a citizen.

How to deal with scams

Borrow money

In the confrontation should take into account the weaknesses of the opponent. In this case, we are dealing with psychologically unstable people, not only of a low moral level, but also of social status, therefore, in order to use this disadvantage against themselves, we do not need to be likened to the same behavior, not to mention the manifestation of fear or humiliation of our own dignity. It must be remembered that scammers set themselves the goal of spreading fear. In this case, you need to show restraint, use all your strengths. The ideal option is not to react to provocations in any way, not to respond to messages or calls, if possible, change the number, since the company you are dealing with has already violated all possible rules of law in the field of collecting funds from borrowers.

Also in the future, you should always be on the lookout and keep in mind which organization should borrow money and which does not. So that there are no problems of this kind, you should think about whether you need to borrow money at all and in what amount.

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