
Juvenile Commission: core business

The Commission on Juvenile Affairs is the body that deals with the protection of children's rights. Also in her competence includes the organization of work to combat neglect.

The activity of the commission on juvenile affairs is to coordinate the work of public organizations and state bodies on these issues, as well as to consider cases of juvenile delinquency.

activities of the juvenile commission

Commission composition

This is a specialized state body, which is aimed at coordinating the work of all public and state organizations that provide procedural, legal, organizational and other guarantees and conditions for social adaptation, formation, and rehabilitation of minor children.

The Commission on Juvenile Affairs is a management structure that has state power to implement executive power within its competence.

The state assigns to such bodies the implementation of measures to ensure freedoms, rights, legality of citizens, the fight against crime, and the protection of property.

The juvenile commission includes:

  • an interagency group dealing with the affairs of young children under the Government of the Russian Federation;
  • commissions at the level of the executive branch of individual constituent entities of the Russian Federation;
  • groups that are formed at the level of self-government of cities, districts, other municipalities

Legal basis

The Commission on Juvenile Affairs operates on the basis of the Constitution of the country, the Federal Law on the Prevention of Neglect, the Code of the Russian Federation on administrative offenses. And also on the basis of other regulatory documents.

The Commission on Juvenile Affairs in the regions works on an ongoing basis, its employees are engaged in the prevention of crime and neglect on the territory of a particular subject.

The following bodies are included in the system of prevention of neglect: education department, social protection of the population, guardianship and trusteeship, youth affairs departments, employment services, and the health care system.

creation of a juvenile commission

Organization Functions

The formation of a commission on juvenile affairs takes place in each subject of the Russian Federation. The functions of this organization include:

  • meeting the different needs of juvenile offenders, protecting their fundamental rights;
  • full satisfaction of the needs of society


What are the most significant juvenile commission activities? KDN operates on the principles of democracy, the rule of law, humanism in dealing with minors. This commission maintains normal relations in the family, is looking for an individual approach to each child with the observance of confidentiality of information.

KPN carries out activities in the following areas:

  • implements measures provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation and regulatory acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation to coordinate the work of bodies and institutions for the prevention of offenses and the neglect of minors;
  • Helps adolescents realize their legitimate interests and rights;
  • organizes control over the peculiarities of training, maintenance, upbringing of minors, as well as their treatment in various organizations of the system for the prevention of delinquency and neglect of minors;
  • takes measures to ensure their protection from mental, physical violence, various types of discrimination, sexual exploitation, involving minors in different types of antisocial behavior;
  • identifies and analyzes the conditions and causes that contribute to neglect, delinquency, homelessness of adolescents, finds options for eliminating such problems

Representatives of the CPN, within their competencies, take part in organizing activities related to the social rehabilitation of those minors who are in a socially dangerous situation.

The reason is the failure of parents (legal representatives) to fulfill their immediate responsibilities regarding upbringing, maintenance, education, as well as protecting the health and life of a minor child. The basis for the work of the juvenile commission is also the abuse of parents by their children.

what does the commission do

Important aspects

The creation of a commission on juvenile affairs is aimed at fulfilling the function of administrative jurisdiction over parents of minor children. Employees of the commission actively cooperate with various public and religious organizations, citizens on any issues related to the prevention of offenses and child neglect, protection of their legitimate interests and rights.

features of the juvenile commission

Coordination of activities

It consists in ensuring coordinated actions of institutions and bodies of the system for the prevention of offenses and neglect of minor citizens of the Russian Federation. The main task of CPN at various levels is to build coordinated work between several departments in the interests of a particular child.

Among the main components of the coordinating role of such commissions are forecasting, analysis, identification of problems, and finding ways to overcome them.

The basis for creating coordinated approaches to work is the inclusion of representatives of various state organizations in the commission.

activities of juvenile commissions

Business principles

CIT in planning uses the principle of interagency. This body has all the required resources and opportunities to create high-quality interaction between different actors of the prevention system in organizing a positive living environment for minors and protecting their legal rights.

In order for the coordinating role of the CPN to be effectively carried out, registers of departments, public and state institutions located in the territory of the Ministry of Defense are created and operate in them, ensure the realization of the rights of minor citizens to work, education, medical care, and housing. This makes it possible, when individually educating, rehabilitating, and socially pedagogical work with children, to use all the possibilities of institutions and bodies of the prevention system.

features of the creation of a commission on minors

To summarize

Speaking about the coordination of the prevention system, we note that CPN works with those entities that are listed in the Federal Law: maternity hospitals, registry offices, psychologists in educational colonies and pre-trial detention centers, and employees in penitentiary facilities.

Among the types of preventive work carried out by representatives of the commission, we note the organization of raids at points of sale of alcoholic beverages. Representatives of CPN provide informational, methodological assistance to school Councils for the prevention of juvenile delinquency, commissions for minors. Such bodies are involved in the development and implementation of targeted integrated interdepartmental programs, interacting with educational departments, cultural institutions, employment centers, and various medical institutions.

CPN conducts lectures for students and their parents, arranges monthly reconciliations of lists of minors, as well as children who are in a dangerous situation.

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