
Compensation of utility costs and overhaul. Overhaul fund

For quite some time now, a new norm of the Housing Code has been in force in the Russian Federation, obliging owners of apartments and rooms in multi-apartment residential buildings to make certain contributions for the overhaul of common property. The innovation caused a lot of controversy. Moreover, until 2016, many citizens even refused to comply with the new conditions of the LCD.

Today the situation is completely different. For untimely payment to the Overhaul Fund, liability is imposed in the form of penalties and fines. Their size increases depending on how many people do not pay off their debt. For example, it is almost impossible to sell an apartment with debts on overhaul payments today.

For many, this innovation has become a very unpleasant blow to the family budget. Therefore, for socially unprotected categories of citizens, a number of amendments to the law were introduced regarding compensation for the costs of housing and communal services and major repairs. What is their size, who is on the list of beneficiaries, how to get into it? This will be discussed later.

Legislative regulation

Provisions for compensation of expenses for housing and communal services and overhaul are concluded in Federal Law No. 399. According to this legislative act, both federal and regional beneficiaries received the right to such material support from the state. Different categories of citizens are supposed to either full or partial refund of money directed to the Overhaul Fund.

amount of compensation for major repairs to pensioners

Who is compensated?

What categories of citizens are entitled to compensation for housing and communal services and major repairs? The following is clear from the legislative act:

  • 80-year-old (and older) pensioners. For a given citizen, payments to the Capital Repair Fund must be fully compensated.
  • 70-year-old pensioners. Partial compensation of funds spent on overhaul. In addition, in order to receive compensation, a citizen must meet a number of conditions (we will present them later).

In addition, the following citizens also belong to the category of beneficiaries who are compensated for the costs of housing and communal services and overhaul:

  • Disabled people of the 1st and 2nd groups.
  • Disabled children (citizens who have received disabilities in childhood).
  • Parents of children with disabilities.

Who is eligible for cost recovery?

We dwell on the characteristics of persons who can receive compensation for the amounts paid by them on a receipt for overhaul:

  • Disabled WWII.
  • Military personnel, employees of units of the Ministry of the Interior, fire service, and the penal system, who received disabilities due to injury / injury / accident during the performance of official duties.
  • Participants of the Second World War, referred to in paragraphs "a" to "g", as well as paragraph "h" (disabled) 1 section of Art. 2 Federal Law "On Veterans".
  • Veterans of the fighting in paragraphs. 1-4 p. 1 Article 3 of the Federal Law "On Veterans".
  • Citizens bearing the sign "Resident of the besieged Leningrad".
  • Family members of a soldier who died in the line of duty.
  • Family members of war invalids who have passed away.
  • Veterans of military units at particular risk.
  • Citizens receiving state support due to the influence of harmful radioactive effects.

Exclusion from this list: the above-mentioned citizens living in apartments with the status of municipal or state.

overhaul of an apartment building

Conditions for Federal Payments

The accrual of benefits for overhaul is complicated by the fact that various conditions are established for joining a group of beneficiaries eligible to apply for such compensation.

So, in order to receive this material support, the federal beneficiary must observe the following conditions:

  • Have a registration (i.e. registration) in an apartment building. The room where the beneficiary is registered must necessarily belong to the residential. In this case, the identity of the owner of the housing (if the beneficiary prescribed in the apartment is not) does not matter for the provision of compensation.
  • Already paid contributions for the overhaul of an apartment building.
  • Lack of arrears regarding payments to the Capital Repair Fund.

Difficulties regarding the regions

How to get compensation for major repairs to regional beneficiaries? Here the situation is somewhat more complicated. The fact is that each of the subjects of the federation can set its own conditions for citizens applying for this benefit. These conditions are not uniform for the entire Russian Federation, depending on the region of residence.

Basically, overhaul privileges are provided in the regions to pensioners who have crossed the 70-year threshold.

overhaul benefits

Conditions for regional payments

In addition to reaching the age of 70, regional beneficiaries must comply with the following standard requirements:

  • To be lonely living. Or living with another person who is also seventy years old.
  • Reside in a room that is recognized as residential. In some regions, the beneficiary must necessarily be the owner of this premises - a room or apartment.
  • A pensioner applying for compensation must be officially unemployed.
  • The beneficiary should not have arrears in contributions for the overhaul of an apartment building.
  • A citizen applying for a benefit must be registered in the living room. Without the fact of registration in the apartment / room, benefits will not be issued.
  • If a pensioner owns several dwellings at once, compensation for contributions for overhaul is due only to one apartment / room - the one where he lives on a permanent basis.
  • Compensation also depends on square meters of living space. So, in relation to a lonely person, this is 54 square meters. meter. For those who live together with another pensioner, - 36 square meters. meters per family member. If the size of the living space exceeds these indicators, then other conditions will apply.

As for the tariffs for overhaul, they are different for each of the subjects of the federation. Accordingly, compensation will be calculated based on the amount of payment specifically for your region.

cost compensation for repair and repair

Important Features

Thus, the pensioner is only entitled to partial compensation for the overhaul in the event that the area of ​​the dwelling in which he is registered exceeds the quadrature mentioned above. If the area of ​​the apartment / room is less than the indicated numbers, then the beneficiary will be returned funds in excess of the spent.

Subsidies Provided

It is impossible to name the exact amount of compensation for overhaul for pensioners for the reason that each region has its own tariffs for contributions to the Capital Repair Fund.

In addition to such compensation, many beneficiaries have every right to apply for a subsidy in respect of payment of utility bills (Article 159 of the LC RF). Detailed rules are approved in the Decree of the Russian Government "On the provision of subsidies" No. 761 (2005).

This legislative act primarily affects low-income citizens. The right to a subsidy is vested in those who spend more than 22% of their family budget on utility bills. If at the same time the entire family income does not exceed the living wage by more than 20%, then the share of these citizens' expenses on the "communal apartment" may decrease by 11% due to the provision of subsidies.

In particular, such material support is designed for the following groups of citizens:

  • Pensioners (receiving old-age pension) - living alone / living together with another pensioner.
  • Large families - with three or more minor children.
  • Single-parent families raising a minor child / children.
how to get compensation for overhaul

How to get on the list of beneficiaries?

These measures of social support are provided automatically to citizens of the Russian Federation, registered with the social protection authorities of the population of their locality. It directly follows from this that in the case when a citizen is registered with an institution, he does not need to go anywhere to get compensation for a major overhaul or subsidy to pay for housing services.

Another case is if a person fits the characteristics of the beneficiary, but so far has not applied for state support anywhere. In this case, he must visit the local department of social protection of citizens. What is important, he must have time to do this before the end of October of this year.

In this situation, compensation for deductions for capital repairs will be paid to him for all previous months of the year. If you stretch out with the registration of your rights to benefits, you will only reimburse payments for the remaining months of the year.

overhaul benefits

How to apply for a benefit?

If you decide to pay a visit to the social protection authorities of Russian citizens, you must have the following with you:

  • ID document.
  • A package of documents confirming the status of the beneficiary. For example, a certificate of a disabled person of the Great Patriotic War, a medical certificate and so on.
  • A document confirming the ownership of the apartment / room or registration in this residential area.

Already on the spot, experts determine what benefits are given to the citizen. Based on this, a statement is made.

If the accrued compensation does not allow you to pay full repair contributions, you can re-apply to social protection. The application must indicate the request or reduce the amount of contributions, or provide the right to repay these installment payments.

It is important to remember that compensation and benefits are provided to those citizens who made payments in good faith to the Capital Repair Fund and do not have debts in this area. Otherwise, the provision of material assistance will be refused.

overhaul fund

Not so long ago, in addition to paying for utilities and housing maintenance, citizens of the Russian Federation began to make payments aimed at forming a major overhaul fund. For many, this has become an additional burden on the family budget. Therefore, the state provides material support to socially vulnerable citizens - compensation for these contributions.

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