
Building conservation: features, requirements, procedures and recommendations

Sometimes it is necessary to maintain the operability of industrial facilities that are not planned to be used in the near future. Or did not have time to completely build a house during the summer season. In this case, the conservation of buildings and structures is necessary.

Introductory information

It doesn't matter what the reason is, either the approaching winter, or the lack of need for buildings. There should always be a project for the conservation of buildings and structures. It is also necessary to clearly understand what goals are being pursued and what tasks are faced by people who are carrying out the process. Let's look at the background information from which we will build on. Let's say that a building is under construction. But there is no way to complete it before the start of the winter period. And according to the technology, construction processes must be carried out at positive temperatures. Therefore, there was a need to postpone the entire range of necessary work until a better time. And for this it is necessary to protect the object from precipitation and temperature changes.

The main goal pursued

building conservation project

The highest priority should be moisture protection. Why? As you know, water, when it turns into ice, increases in volume. If you do not close joints and seams from moisture, then the structural elements after the onset of frost will begin to collapse and deform. To protect themselves from rainfall, temporary simple structures made of inexpensive and affordable materials are erected over unfinished objects. Window and doorways must be closed with roofing material or glassine. You can use plywood panels and, in very rare cases, a plastic film (it is convenient to seal holes of a non-standard shape with it). In order not to solve issues in the process, it is necessary to create an adequate and detailed project for the conservation of the building.

About the foundation

building conservation documents

Let's start with the basics. The foundation and basement of a stone house (as well as concrete and brick) are best left unloaded for a year. This is necessary so that he stands up and ass. Wooden buildings do not need such a time period. After all, they are lighter and create less load on the base. Given that in our latitudes the height of the snow cover regularly exceeds the mark of 0.5, the foundation must be prepared in the most thorough way. The first step is to carefully examine the base. If cracks and leaks are found in which water can leak, they must be repaired. If weather conditions do not allow working with cement mortar, then the foundation walls must be closed. For this, as a rule, roofing material is used. If waterproofing is already provided, then you just need to close its upper part so that rain does not fall on it. You also need to take care that melt water does not accumulate near the foundation tape. To do this, grooves are laid along the perimeter. If the relief does not allow this, then it is necessary to take care of the waterproofing.

About the basement with a basement

In this case, quite serious problems arise. Building conservation requires temporary shelter to be reliable. After all, if water leaks, then it can break the entire structure. In this case, there is one popular way: you need to throw plastic bottles in the basement, which are one-third filled with water. Then, when water freezes, most of the spacer efforts will be taken up by bottles immersed in ice volume and more compliant to compression, and the basement will not suffer.This method allows you to ensure the safety of the structure, but it is desirable that there are 3-4 large tanks per square meter.

Temporary roofing

building conservation act

Construction may stop during the construction of walls and floors. In this case, it is necessary to protect horizontal sections of the structure from precipitation. This is especially true in cases where the walls are made of slotted bricks or are multilayer (for example, stone and concrete blocks are combined). Above the unfinished building you need to put together a grid of boards. From above it is covered with roofing material. This is a temporary roof. You can also build a rafter structure with a crate of uncircumcised boards and cover it with roofing material on top. Outside the walls do not need to be closed. With the front or rough brickwork in the winter, nothing will happen. Water drains from vertical surfaces. And that moisture, which is nevertheless absorbed by the pores, has an insignificant volume. Therefore, it will not cause destruction.

Roof specifics

building conservation work

The easiest way to preserve the building is with wooden log houses. After all, they are built from material that is naturally well adapted to changes in the temperature and humidity conditions. The tree, depending on weather conditions, can both absorb moisture and give it back. Therefore, in the log cabins from a direct hit of precipitation, only the upper crown is closed. If during the winter the house is still damp, then in fact it will hardly suffer. Unless the shrinkage process lasts an additional several years. Not the worst option. For example, the complete insulation of wooden walls thanks to a plastic film only creates the illusion of security. In reality, there is more harm from such “protection”. Indeed, moisture due to the tightness of the film will not be able to evaporate, but will condense on the surface. In the places where the walls and polyethylene come in contact, drops of condensate will be absorbed, preventing the tree from drying out. Therefore, a log house covered with a film rots faster than just an open one. A situation may arise when the roof of the house at the end of the construction season is partially completed. For example, rafters are made and there is a crate, but the roofing material itself is not laid. In this case, it is necessary to make a temporary shelter from above to protect the building from partial destruction. Roofing material is laid over the finished rafters, which is fixed with rails. This is a particularly important rule for frame houses. After all, if they get wet and icy, then their weight will increase significantly. And because of the spacer efforts, an unfinished frame house can collapse.

About bureaucratic moments

conservation of buildings and structures

If a person independently builds a house, then he reports only to himself. But the situation is somewhat different in the company. So, it is necessary to issue an order for the conservation of the building. It should contain information on how to carry out this process. An alternative is a link to a standardized document that contains all the necessary data. After the process has been completed, it is necessary to draw up an act of conservation of the building. It is necessary to indicate in it information about what actions have been taken, where and what is fixed, and similar data, so that if the group of builders changes next year, they can quickly determine the scope of work. Many people think this is a burden. And no need to create and fill out documents. Building conservation is a specific process. Let the papers justify themselves only in some cases, but they are necessary to avoid delays and negative consequences.

Close access

building conservation

It is necessary to protect an unfinished house not only from negative weather influences. You should remember about uninvited guests. General security rules provide that access to the facility must be closed.And this is done not so much because of concern for lovers of easy money and homeless people, but rather of children that can get to the construction site. To do this, it is necessary to score the window and door openings, as well as completely de-energize the object. This is done using rough frames from the boards. Ruberoid, glassine or plywood is pulled on them. It is better not to use a plastic film for this purpose. This is due to the fact that it is easily torn. In extreme cases, it is better to opt for reinforced film. Although if we are talking about chopped houses that need a certain time for shrinkage, it is better to leave them with open window openings. This is necessary so that they are well ventilated. Of course, it is not always possible to do this, but it is better to decide on such things only in the territory under protection. Attention should be paid to the laid communications. So, if there is an autonomous water heating system, then it is necessary to blow it off with a compressor before the onset of winter in order to remove the liquid and contribute to the safety of the pipe. This is not the end of the matter. It is also necessary to drain the liquid from the water supply system. In cases where the structure is preserved for more than one year, it is advisable to qualitatively treat unventilated areas. These are basement ceilings and corners. For them, you need to use antifungal and antibacterial compounds. If building conservation is carried out only for one winter, then there is no need for this - at this time of the year microorganisms practically do not multiply.


building conservation order

Completely finished objects for which at the moment there is no particular need can be left. The list of actions in this case is not much different from the above options for unfinished buildings. It is also necessary to protect yourself from moisture, disinfect, take antifungal and antibacterial measures and do everything possible to prevent unauthorized persons from entering the object.

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