
Conceptual framework: efficiency and safety of a company’s business

Finance and accounting are the two foundations of business at any level. The higher the level, the greater the liability and the higher the cost of error. Modern information technologies offer "perfect" software products, and leading companies have reached a state where the choice should, of course, be made in favor of their products.

If a company manages to take a product from a little-known developer and work around the leaders' proposals, the chance to get negative experience is great, but the freedom of business activity will not be limited.

International landmarks

Information is a complex phenomenon, but in the field of finance and accounting, numerous conceptual frameworks are represented by a wide range of overlapping software products. The acronym IFRS is already an indisputable argument, and local regulations that accurately and fully indicate what should be done, how to draw up, how to calculate, etc.

It can be argued that everything has already been decided. There is a mythical committee on international financial reporting standards (IASB), which really exists and works in reality. Since its foundation (1973), the International Accounting Standards Committee Foundation (IASCF) has passed a difficult path of formation, and today more than 100 countries of the world participate in it.

Conceptual framework: international level

The leaders in the field of software (and this is not only the popular "1C Accounting") incorporated standards from the IASB into their products, and this turned the elements of financial reporting into stable, unchanged forms of presentation of information.

This is good: no need to think about how, when, why, why, and what to draw up.

This is bad: a consumer company cannot change anything on its own. The technology of “wholesale” updating, maintenance and support turns any business into a puppet of international standards and technologies for processing financial and accounting information.

Unknown companies and information

Finance is more mobile than bookkeeping. As a rule, competent sources and authoritative specialists designate finance in the spectrum of five main positions:

  • assets;
  • obligations;
  • capital;
  • income;
  • costs.

Elements of financial reporting in accounting are limited to three positions:

  • assets;
  • obligations;
  • capital.

In all cases, the main positions are divided into components and can be a subject for analytics, decision making and obtaining secondary information about the business activity of the company.

An unknown company is always mobile - this is the law of business. The desire to survive and gain a foothold in the market forces us to solve those problems that 1C or Galaxy cannot solve, or Oracle’s prestigious financial asset management program of a large international corporation.

There is no doubt that leaders make great software. This is as true as the fact that Excel tables are used in each of the programs.

Popular Product & Excel Support

The successes in the field of information on finance and accounting are really great, but they do not completely cover all the tasks, they do not ensure the work of the business of any company in full.

The main thing: the leader’s product is known not only to the consumer company, but also to the virus or the attacker.

Essentially: financial and accounting databases are maintained and maintained by third-party companies certified by the manufacturer. This means that business is guaranteed information leakage and a breach in the security circuit.

Effective bookkeeping and mobile finance

It is difficult to refuse "1C": too good, but expensive offer. Not to use Oracle is also not easy, as its products, services and capabilities cover a large number of production, financial and other relationships in the company.

Elements of financial reporting in popular leader programs are available as needed. It is impossible to change anything.

The socio-economic activity of any business is dynamics and dozens of tablets in simple Excel always come to the rescue. What the leader did not think up, it is necessary to think out the company that uses the product of this leader.

In this state of affairs, it makes sense to think over the conceptual foundations of the company. The ideal option is to write your own software product that will fully satisfy an individual business concept, but this is a lot of work, time and financial costs.

Conceptual foundations of the company

A good way out of this situation is a small company that carefully and diligently makes its own version of accounting or works out an analytical program in the field of finance. In this option, you can orient the conceptual foundations of business activity to something that already exists and develop it as necessary.

The way to create your own software for finance and accounting is always preferable, although more complicated. Here it becomes possible to provide not only mobility and dynamics, but also development along the course of the formation of the company itself.

Proprietary software product

The main characteristic of information is a continuous development process. The problems of popular software are connected with this: it is not developing. The developer always guarantees only updates and technical support. But the developer is not able to take an active part in the development of each company that has acquired and uses its software product.

Efficiency and safety

Business is costs, financial analytics allows you to study the dynamics of costs and revenues. The experience of using popular software products is expensive, but it is the knowledge and technical support of the developer.

Dynamic business concept

The conceptual foundations of a business based on their own developments, possibly adapted, but their own, will always be the best choice. Knowledge and skills at all levels of management will not replace an expensive and prestigious software product. Any report can be made in a text editor or spreadsheet, you can write your own program.

Not every company decides on its own path in the information space, but it is a path of independence, maximum efficiency and security.

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