
Credit in Sovcombank: user reviews about the bank

On the network you can find reviews about Sovcombank loans of various people. Most of them are positive, but no one can be trusted without any reason. In this article, we consider Sovcombank loans, which are most often reviewed. So, let's start the analysis of the conditions.

What does the bank offer?

This banking organization has many options for loan programs for businessmen and individuals. Cash can be obtained by leaving a pledge of a thing or property, or without it. There is also no need to collect a huge package of documents, because for the preparation of most credit programs, only a passport is enough. Due to the fact that the bank meets its customers, feedback on Sovcombank loans is almost always enthusiastic. But from the fact that the list of documents for obtaining a loan is minimal, the loan amount also becomes smaller.

Borrower Requirements

Borrower Requirements

Like any other bank, Sovcombank puts forward certain requirements for people who want to get a loan.

  • The credited must have permanent citizenship of the Russian Federation. Russian registration is also required.
  • Where the borrower lives, there must be a branch of Sovcombank.
  • A person who wants to get a loan should not be older than eighty-five years old at the time of the last loan payment.
  • The creditor must have a telephone - mobile or landline.

If you read the reviews on Sovcombank loans, you can find out that in this banking organization the concept of "targeting cash flows" plays a big role. The value of the loan interest rate will depend on how a favorable impression a bank employee can make.

After the loan is approved, the money is transferred to a plastic card opened with a loan. The target orientation is satisfied only in the case of cashless transfer of funds. Because of this, feedback on Sovcombank on loans is still not always positive. If you pay more than eighty percent of the loan amount through non-cash systems, you can count on a reduction in interest rates. But if by bank transfer less than eighty percent is spent, then the bank may increase the rate. When a client agrees with the terms of the bank, he must understand that twenty-five days are allotted for the sale of funds.

Cash is not included in the target area, for the use of which the bank has the right to increase the commission.

Consumer loan "twelve percent plus"

Such a loan program focuses on small loans at low interest rates. In order to apply for such a loan, you will need to provide a certificate of income from the official place of work.

Conditions for obtaining a loan:

  • for a reduced rate of twelve percent, it is necessary to sell from eighty percent in a non-cash way;
  • when a smaller percentage of the loan amount is realized, the rate increases to seventeen percent;
  • under this program it is impossible to get a loan of more than one hundred thousand rubles;
  • the maximum debt maturity is one year.

If the borrower cash out cash, the interest rate rises to seventeen percent per year. However, such a difference in percentage does not hit the budget because the loan amount is small.

Secured loan

car secured loan

Feedback on loans about Sovkombank also affected this type of loan, the main positive quality of which is the opportunity to get a loan, having secured a car.

For a vehicle, the conditions are quite loyal:

  • the age of the car must not be more than nineteen years;
  • technical condition - excellent;
  • at the time of filing the application, the car should not be already in the pledge.

If all the requirements are met, the interest rate is reduced to seventeen percent per year. If the lender does not have a vehicle, then the loan fee rises to nineteen percent per year.

So, once again, we repeat the conditions for providing a loan.

  1. With a car, provided as collateral, and funds used by bank transfer, the interest rate is seventeen. When using less than eighty percent, the commission rises to nineteen. If the borrower does not have a pledge, then the rate increases to nineteen - twenty three percent.
  2. The maximum amount of cash is equal to one million rubles, which also increases the number of positive reviews on loans about Sovcombank.
  3. A loan can be issued for a period of one year to five years.

Credit secured by real estate

Loan secured by real estate

Customer reviews on Sovcombank loans differ, but, of course, this lending program is the leader of positive reviews. To apply for this type of loan, a person who wants to receive financial assistance must have his own property. A banking organization is satisfied with almost any type of real estate, starting from an apartment or a private house and ending with its own garage or other outbuildings. There is no need to conduct cashless payments on this loan, because there is no target orientation here. The undoubted advantage that is reflected in the reviews on loans of Sovcombank clients is that cash is issued in cash. But there are also unpleasant moments: for example, the fact that in some cases a banking organization may require the provision of a guarantor.

To summarize the conditions put forward by the bank to obtain a loan:

  • commission for using a loan is charged from fifteen percent per annum;
  • the maximum loan amount that the bank can provide is fifteen million rubles, but the loan amount cannot exceed sixty percent of the value of the collateral structure;
  • the bank provides loans for up to thirty years, with a minimum length of one year.

Quick loan at Sovcombank

cash loan

According to reviews, a loan with bad credit history at Sovcombank can also be obtained. An express plus loan program is perfect for this. To obtain a loan under the program do not need income statements and guarantors. But it is worth remembering that for the use of cash, the interest rate rises.

What if cash is needed? There is a way out: for example, connect automatic payments from other bank cards or put auto payment on transfers to Sovcombank.

What you need to know to get this loan?

  1. When using more than eighty percent of the loan amount for declared purposes, the commission is twenty-four percent per year. With a lower value, the bank commission increases to thirty-four percent.
  2. The maximum loan amount is forty thousand rubles, and the minimum is five thousand.
  3. The loan is provided for a period of six months to eight months.

What does the interest rate depend on?

Reviews on the loan of Sovcombank for pensioners at 12 percent differ from those where the percentage is higher. Why and on what does the interest rate depend? In fact, everything is simple. The main role is played by the size of the payment and the period for which it is issued. Accordingly, the longer the loan term, the more the borrower overpays.

Securing lenders can also reduce the risk for the banking organizations themselves, which is why they lower the interest rate.By collateral, banks understand all the property that the borrower can leave as collateral either with the co-borrower or guarantor. For this reason, credit reviews under 12 percent of Sovcombank, which is called "Family", are mostly positive. The reason is simple - each of the spouses is the co-sponsor of the other.

How many documents a credited person can provide also affects the growth of the interest rate. It is for this reason that the most expensive loans are those that are drawn up according to one document. Reviews of Sovcombank credit at 12 percent are much different from those where the commission goes off scale. Usually, when considering an application, each subsequent document that somehow confirms information about the borrower lowers the interest on the loan.

The most important document for a banking organization is a certificate of income of the borrower or from the place of work, because thanks to them, the creditworthiness of the credited is confirmed.

The term for consideration of the application also affects the amount of interest. For example, feedback on a loan of 12 percent of Sovcombank confirms the information that a whole package of documents is required to arrange this loan. A high interest rate can be observed in those loans that are issued in a minimum amount of time. At the same time, the banking organization does not leave time for a complete check of the borrower, and this involves a certain risk, which lenders block, increasing the commission.

Senior Loan

loan for seniors

Reviews about Sovcombank on loans for pensioners can be found without problems on the Internet at various sites. But it is better to see for yourself the benefits of this program. Sovcombank puts forward very simple requirements for borrowers, and when transferring a pension to this banking organization it also reduces the annual commission. For registration of the application no guarantors, pledges and certificates are required. An important role in choosing a creditor bank is also played by reviews on Sovcombank credit of 12 percent.

Who gets a loan?

Sovcombank gives loans to both pensioners who work and those who are on a well-deserved vacation. The main criterion for issuing a loan is the age of less than eighty years before the end of payments.

No less attention is paid to the registration of the credited. At the time of application, the duration of registration at one place must be at least four months. Also, the borrower must live in the city in which the bank is located. In an extreme case, no more than seventy kilometers from the borders of the village where the current bank branch is located.

Pension Plus Loan

This loan is provided without guarantors, collateral and income statements, but at reduced interest rates. The loan is provided for a period of twelve months to three years, which significantly distinguishes it from loans secured by real estate Sovcombank. Reviews on this program are mostly positive. The loan amount ranges from forty thousand to three hundred thousand rubles. Commission per year starts from the figure of sixteen and a half percent and up to twenty-six and a half. But if the borrower decides to receive a pension or salary at Sovcombank, the interest rate will be reduced by five percent.

Also, Sovcombank has a service for calculating interest up to twelve - you just need to pay attention to the option "Minimum rate".

Loans for individual entrepreneurs

Credit for un

For small businesses, the bank has several programs. These loans allow you to start your business from scratch, and subsequently develop it. Here are the loans offered to individual entrepreneurs.

  1. Credit program "Super Plus". It is under this program that Sovcombank most often issues cash loans. Reviews are mostly positive, despite nineteen percent per annum. The maximum loan amount is one million rubles.
  2. Secured by a vehicle.According to this program, you can get a loan secured by Sovcombank, reviews of which are mixed. True, individual entrepreneurs can get a loan from one hundred and fifty thousand rubles to a million. The interest rate also ranges from seventeen to nineteen percent per year.
  3. A loan secured by real estate. Individual entrepreneurs, as well as individuals, can apply for a loan secured by any structure. The minimum loan amount is two hundred thousand rubles, the maximum limit is thirty million. The interest rate is 18.9 percent per year.

Let us dwell on each credit program separately.

Super Plus Loan

Such a loan will help individual entrepreneurs to start their own business without start-up capital.

Requirements that the borrower must meet.

  1. Be a citizen of the Russian Federation.
  2. To fall into the age interval, which starts from twenty years and is limited to eighty-five years.
  3. A business for which credit is required must already exist.
  4. The business must be registered in the village where the bank's branch is located. Or at a distance of no more than 70 kilometers from the border with the village with an existing banking branch.
  5. The borrower must have a mobile or landline phone number.

To obtain a loan, an individual entrepreneur must provide:

  • your passport;
  • loan application;
  • a certificate confirming the income of the borrower (a 3-NDFL certificate is suitable, either a USN declaration or a bank account statement for a period of at least six months).

A banking organization has the right to request additional documents or information if they do not have enough data.

Vehicle secured loan

It will be a great option for those who need start-up capital.

What is required from the borrower:

  • the credited must be a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • it must correspond to an age gap that starts from twenty years and is limited to eighty-five years at the time of the last payment;
  • the business of an individual entrepreneur must be registered in the territory of the Russian Federation;
  • the borrower must provide an active phone number through which the bank can contact him.

Requirements for a vehicle being pledged:

  • the vehicle must not be older than nineteen years of age at the time of application;
  • its technical condition must be excellent or good;
  • the vehicle should not be pledged at the time of applying for a loan;
  • the vehicle should not be bought through a car loan.

A banking organization may require from the borrower not only a deposit, but also the existence of a guarantor who has a proven income and is suitable for a repayable framework.

To get a loan, you need the following documents:

  • your passport;
  • the right to drive a vehicle or SNILS;
  • vehicle registration certificate;
  • vehicle passport;
  • insurance policy (CASCO or CTP), which is valid at the time of application;
  • documents confirming the income of the borrower.

Loan secured by buildings

Sovcombank logo

Another reliable way to sponsor a small business. The advantage of this loan is that the borrower can get a substantial loan, it does not matter if the building belongs to the housing stock or not.

The Bank will accept as collateral:

  • separate apartment or room;
  • private house with a plot adjacent to it;
  • private house with several apartments, each of which has its own entrance;
  • non-residential premises without a land plot;
  • non-residential building with land.

The borrower is required to:

  • the availability of documents confirming the income of the credited;
  • compliance with the age range of twenty to eighty years;
  • registration in the Russian Federation and accommodation there;
  • phone number by which the bank can contact him.

The bank may put forward additional requirements for co-borrowers if:

  • property that is pledged is not in sole possession;
  • the property left as collateral was donated to the borrower, and the donor was not discharged from the living space.

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