
Criteria of economic security. Economic Security Service

To ensure strong growth, it is necessary to take care of economic security. What is she like? What aspects of economic security exist? Who is doing this? What are the most significant economic security criteria? The article will examine the situation with the enterprise and the state with an emphasis on the former.

general information

When studying the situation of the economic sector, the fundamental elements are the criteria of economic security. They represent signs or their sum, on the basis of which a conclusion is made about the current situation. Conditionally, one can distinguish such criteria:

  • Organizational. In this case, the integrity, functioning of the main departments, services and units, as well as how their activities correspond to the main goal, are assessed.
  • Legal. In this case, it implies the conformity of economic activity with applicable law. This is expressed in the absence of claims from international regulatory or state law enforcement agencies, as well as counterparties. This includes checking for the absence of losses from transactions with external partners due to violation of their contracts.

economic security criteria

  • Informational. Security is assessed as maintaining a state of restriction and protection of internal confidential information from disclosure or leakage in one form or another.
  • Economic. It is estimated as the presence of stable development or an upward trend in basic financial and economic indicators. This may include the absence of fines and sanctions, as well as losses due to interaction with unscrupulous contractors.

This is how the criteria of economic security look briefly. But in the field of entrepreneurship and public administration, there are many other points that we will talk about.

The economic security of the country: what is it?

A number of bodies and internal units of many public services are working on this. For example, there is an economic security service of the FSB, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and so on. All of them are engaged in identifying threats and eliminating their consequences for the country.

economic security service

The following criteria of economic security are provided for them:

  • the ability of the business sector to work as an expanded production;
  • security of the economy with resources of strategic importance, as well as high efficiency on the part of the state with their circulation;
  • the level of external / internal debt, as well as the timing and possibility of repayment;
  • the dependence of the economy on food imports and important types of products that can be produced in the country at the proper level;
  • the maximum allowable level of poverty, unemployment and property differentiation of the population in terms of socio-economic stability of society
  • rational structure of the assortment of foreign trade;
  • financial system stability;
  • accessibility for the population of medical services, education, culture, housing, utilities, transport and communications;

the economic growth

  • supporting the existing scientific potential, ensuring the efficient operation of critical research facilities and maintaining domestic centers for the association of intellectual workers;
  • ensuring the proper level of state regulation of ongoing economic processes within the framework of the doctrine of the formation of conditions for the quality functioning of a market economy;
  • maintaining a single space and ensuring state interests in order to eliminate possible separatist tendencies.

To summarize the subtotal

Thus, it turns out that the state of the national economy, as well as enterprises, largely depends on the integrity of the structure and the stable or growing basic values ​​of the financial and economic sense. It should be borne in mind that during their activities, they may fall under the influence of various individuals and legal entities that have negative consequences.

economic security of the country

You need to understand that all losses are expressed in an economic plane, therefore, it is necessary not only to declare a certain security regime, but also to adequately assess its level. Indeed, if you do a simple statement, it will create a large number of risks.

About the enterprise

In the case of a commercial structure, it is important to achieve liquidity, breakeven and financial stability. In economic science, there are several approaches to assessing the level of security. When working with critical data, an economic security service can be created, the purpose of which will be to prevent various abuses and disclose commercial (state) secrets. But how to measure the level of security?

economic security indicators

About approaches

We will consider the most popular. And in the first place is the indicator approach. What is its essence? In this case, the level of economic security is determined by indicators. They represent the threshold values ​​of indicators that characterize the activities of the organization within the framework of different functional areas. The assessment is carried out by comparing the actual performance of the enterprise with indicators.

What is used?

The main and component indicators are conventionally distinguished. The first is only three: production, financial and social. They, in turn, are divided into a large number of component indicators. Among the production ones, it should be mentioned such as the dynamics of development, the actual level of utilization, the share of research and development, the rate of renewal of fixed assets, the stability of production processes, the assessment of the competitiveness of products, the age structure and technical resource of machinery and equipment.

economic security assessment

Financial indicators are presented by the volume of orders, the level of innovation activity, the necessary and actual volume of investments, the level of profitability, return on assets, overdue debt, the share of supply of materials, equipment and personnel for creating products. Social include the level of remuneration (relative to the average indicator that is in industry or in the economy as a whole), the amount of debt, loss of working time, personnel potential.

About the state of the enterprise

If you do not look back at industry affiliation, then there are four provisions that conditionally describe the possibilities and situation of a commercial structure:

  • Stable In this case, the indicators are within the norm, and the existing potential is used in accordance with established standards and norms.
  • Pre-crisis. Although one of the indicators does not correspond to its threshold value, the rest are close to the barrier values. In this case, the technical and technological opportunities for improvement through the implementation of preventive measures are not yet lost.

state of the national economy

  • Crisis. For the most part, economic security indicators do not correspond to threshold values, signs of partial loss of potential due to the exhaustion of the technical resource of space and equipment are recorded, personnel are reduced, and an irreversible decline in production is possible.
  • CriticalAll barriers are broken, the potential inevitably and inevitably falls. The economic security assessment in this case is the minimum value.


The level of security is one of the main indicators of investment attractiveness, as well as the reliability of the enterprise. Economic growth, or at least a stable position, speaks of the viability of the structure. This is especially significant in industries that are recognized as problematic or in crisis. Indeed, if an enterprise can show economic growth in a negative environment, then why not invest your money in it? It is likely that he expects success and lasting prosperity.

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