
Who are the auditors and what do they do?

The abundance of professions is surprising in its diversity. Among them there are quite a few of which ordinary inhabitants know little. For example, not everyone knows who the auditors are. These specialists often occupy very attractive vacancies in large companies. The prospects of the profession allow you to obtain a license and engage in private practice.

who are the auditors and what do they do

Who are the auditors?

The profession is at the junction of accounting and financial activities. The day-to-day responsibilities of the auditor in most companies come down to checking reports. It controls both the current financial activities of the enterprise and tax reporting.

Based on the results of evaluating the effectiveness, auditors can give the company management professional recommendations. As well as tips to improve efficiency and eliminate detected deficiencies.

Answering the question of who the auditors are and what they do, it is worth noting that this profession is similar to the post of auditor. Its main task is control.

Often, auditors act as independent experts who check the documentation of various enterprises.

Also useful may be information that representatives of this profession are in demand and can apply for attractive vacancies.

Now you know who the auditors are and what they do.

audit verification

Who is it for?

Of course, few choose a profession, given exclusively personal qualities. However, completely ignoring them is also not worth it. For example, for a potential auditor the following personal characteristics will become advantages:

  • Analytical mind. Allows you to identify patterns in the flow of information.
  • Perseverance. Knowing who these auditors are, it is easy to understand that the representatives of this work have to spend most of their working time with numbers and reports.
  • Sociability and flexibility. Both of these qualities are especially important in those professions that work with people. Despite the fact that for the auditor the main field of activity is figures and reports, he often has to integrate into the team, establish contacts with superiors and clients. That is why sociability will not be superfluous.

Where do they work?

Assessing the potential attractiveness of the profession, you need to evaluate it from the point of view of demand. To do this, it will not be out of place to know not only who the auditors are, but also which companies accept such specialists in their staff.

auditors at work

So there are several options:

  1. Get a job in an audit firm. Such enterprises often collaborate with medium and large businesses, whose representatives are required to submit annual reports to specialized state bodies. It is important for them that the financial and tax documentation does not contain errors. That's why they turn to professionals, ordering an independent audit of auditors.
  2. You can become a full-time specialist. Large companies can often afford an internal auditor who will be familiar with the specifics of its activities. His responsibilities will be to verify the financial documentation and related reports within the same company.
  3. Private practice. Understanding who these auditors are, it is easy to guess that they can be in demand outside the boundaries of a particular enterprise. Usually, experienced professionals who have sufficient knowledge and skills, as well as a well-established reputation and client base prefer to go free swimming. Indeed, for any activity, the most difficult task is to attract potential customers who are ready to pay for the services provided.In order to engage in private practice, any auditor will first of all be required to obtain an appropriate license allowing them to carry out activities legally.
  4. The Auditor of the Accounts Chamber is another career step for representatives of this profession. To get a position you need to have higher education in the chosen direction and have work experience. Who are the Auditors of the Accounts Chamber? These are officials who lead certain areas related to revenues or expenses of the federal budget.
who are the auditors and what do they do


The responsibilities of the auditor include:

  • Audit checks. In this case, the specialist acts as a temporary expert who thoroughly checks the financial documentation of the enterprise. Based on the results, it draws up its own reports and advises clients.
  • Verification of financial and tax documentation. Full-time specialists have to control every document, starting with primary accounting and ending with final tax reports.
  • Assessment of the effectiveness of accounting activities in the enterprise. In case of unsatisfactory results of such an audit, the auditor develops a list of recommendations aimed at improving the functioning of financial processes within the enterprise.
  • A preliminary assessment of upcoming cash income or expenses, or rather, their potential effectiveness and possible risks.
  • Providing advice on financial management in the enterprise. In addition to theoretical advice, the auditor can apply practical actions.

Additional Responsibilities

In addition to the above duties, the auditor may be assigned some more functions:

  • Tracking innovations in legislation that can affect the activities of the enterprise, timely response to them.
  • Assessment of potential financial risks for the company, as well as recommendations to reduce them.
  • There is a company that has branches in different regions, the auditor may get an additional responsibility - to control costs in each of them.
  • Monitor the performance of sales representatives collaborating with the company.


who are the auditors of the accounts chamber

The profession of auditor is not one of the vacancies that anyone can apply for. There is a whole list of formal requirements that a potential candidate must meet. Let's get acquainted with it:

  • Higher economic education.
  • Work experience as an accountant or auditor.
  • Knowledge of 1C and confident PC skills.
  • Knowledge of generally recognized standards regarding the activities of the auditor.

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