
Where to report corruption, and can this be done anonymously? What is bribery and how to deal with it?

Corruption is a detrimental and rather unpleasant crime that can occur in various fields of activity. All countries of the world are trying to fight this crime, which negatively affects the level of improvement of citizens' lives.

What is corruption?

The word "corruption" comes from the ancient words "corrumpere", which means "spoil", and "corruptio", which stands for "corruption". This term denotes a criminal offense based on the excess of their official rights by authorized persons who use their official position in order to obtain personal profit when rendering services that violate the law.

Who can be corrupt?

Do not bribe.

Any official endowed with any authority can engage in corruption:

  • official;
  • law enforcement officer;
  • deputy;
  • politician;
  • judge;
  • lawyer;
  • administrator of any institution;
  • doctor;
  • teacher;
  • examiner etc.

Where does corruption come from?

First of all, corruption refers to human vices. If a person is ready to take or give bribes, which means breaking the law, then this indicates his lack of moral and moral principles. A conscientious person will never allow himself to engage in bribery. Therefore, it is safe to say that corruption originates in childhood, in the wrong moral education in the family.

Types of Corruption

There should not be corruption.

Bribery can affect vast areas of human activity.

Corruption happens:

  1. Individual. This is the smallest type of corruption, which is usually unsystematic in nature and refers to the everyday kind. Most often, such bribery affects small amounts of exchange.
  2. Shallow. This is a small-scale form of corruption that tends to occur on a daily basis. Petty corruption refers to the bureaucratic-social type. Often has an outwardly legal appearance based on ways to circumvent laws. In case of petty bribery, not very large amounts also appear, and the subject of violation of the law is the solution of everyday issues in such places as: hospitals, schools, local tax and law enforcement agencies.
  3. Political. This type of corruption refers to a large or “grandiose” level. Typically, this type of bribery refers to the illegal conversion of state assets into private. One of the parties that violates the law will be a politician. This type of corruption is considered the most harmful for the people and leads to the formation of a kleptocratic government.

Fight against corruption

Criminal liability.

You can deal with bribery in completely different ways:

  • The main one of which is the obligation of citizens to report corruption that they have witnessed.
  • Also, the state can combat bribery by increasing wages to the population.
  • One of the effective methods of combating forgery is strict operational punishment.
  • Overcoming corruption will help simplify bureaucratic procedures.
  • Another way to combat this is to prevent corruption through legal and ethical education of the population.

Who should report corruption?

Bribery, bribery and forgery worsens the welfare and standard of living of not only the country as a whole, but also each citizen individually. Therefore, it is very important to be vigilant and report corruption to authorities. It is worth doing it even at the slightest suspicion of its commission. But where to report corruption?

The fight against corruption is carried out in our country by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation (MVD RF), which is divided into the Main Directorate of Economic Security and Anti-Corruption (GUEBiPK) and the Main Directorate of Own Security (GUSB) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

To report extortion of a bribe by an official or abuse of authority by an official, you should contact the GUEBiPK of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation at the following address: Moscow, st. Novoryazanskaya, d. 8 A, p. 3. You can also contact the regional offices of UEBiPK / OEBiPK (these services work around the clock).

You can always find the contacts of the necessary unit on the official website of the regional ATS.

When a citizen witnesses extortion of a bribe by law enforcement officials (including police officers), he should contact the GUSB of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation and its structural units.

To avoid information leakage when reporting to ATS officers, you should contact your own security unit. Address GUSB MVD RF: Moscow, st. Pionerskaya B., d. 6/8.

How can corruption be reported anonymously?

According to the law, authorized structures are obliged to keep secret the name of the person who reported the fact of violation of the current legislation related to corruption.

Phone booth.

If the witness of bribery insists on the anonymity of the statement due to concerns about his own safety, he may try to use mail services, electronic anonymous services or a public telephone. Regardless of the route of receipt, all applications are taken into account by the relevant services.

You can send an email anonymously.

Directly to the President

Using the services of the Internet, you can directly send a letter to the President of the Russian Federation, an official of the Presidential Administration or to the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation. You can do this on the official website.

Optionally, you can use the help of anti-corruption media.

It is also possible to anonymously contact an interregional public organization. Address: 123007, Moscow, 2nd Khoroshevsky passage, 7/1.

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Reason for complaint
Nelly Moskvin
The head of the regional linear department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs receives large charges from the device for service, collects money from employees in an oral order, dismisses those who try to complain. They wrote to the president, in SK, GP, but he had everything seized and his people everywhere. Even surrounded by the president. What to do and where to go?
Who can I complain about for illegally obtaining a third group of disabilities or for an adequate, repeated medical examination. In our area, all doctors are tied.
the wife is directly subordinate to her husband, the mayor of the Moscow Region, not hesitating to saw money from popular initiatives, she is also a deputy of the Duma, where they approve decisions pleasing to them, dissenters are removed from the Duma or are not invited to meetings. and nevermind!
How can one bring to justice a doctor who otkazyvat two boys from military service and awarded them with fake case histories for the agreed amount. And then he continues to do his dirty work ....?
How can one bring to justice a doctor who otkazyvat two boys from military service and awarded them with fake case histories for the agreed amount.And then he continues to do his dirty work ....?
In which city did these actions take place? We will show you the address and phone numbers of the relevant authorities.


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